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HSA DA-08.png


The final radar of the DA series, the DA-08 was an S band set targeting radar derived from the LW-08 search radar. The DA-08 shared it's power figures but used it at a smaller beamwidth for more accuracy while sacrificing range. The range was still larger then that of earlier DA sets.

Interestingly, the DA-08 saw most of it's usage as the primary air search radar. This was done for example on the German Hamburg class and later the Bremen class. The radar was also used as targeting radar on the Dutch Heemskerck class, where it was replaced after a few years by the new HSA SMART-S radar. One of the antenna's that was removed from the Heemskerck class was reused as primary air search radar on the amphibious transport ship Rotterdam until it was replaced by a new Thales NS-100 radar.

Used on

Affiliated systems

Part description

2 different antenna's are drawn. The right antenna seems to have been the one used on the Dutch ships.

See also