Type 32 FC radar

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The Type 32 fire control radar was a naval fire control radar produced by the Imperial Japanese Navy since 1944.


The Japanese Type 32 or Mark 3 Model 2 was a fire control radar for warships. It used lobe switching of a two-horn receiver to achieve directional accuracy. It became available too late to help the surface fleet but was deployed as a fire control radar for coastal artillery. The Type 31 was a much heavier early version (5 tons) using a single parabolic antenna, while the Type 33, which was never produced in quantity, was a lightweight version of Type 32 weighing 1760 pounds (800 kg). None of the variants was considered outstandingly successful.

Used on

This system was not mounted afloat before the war ended, it was used to direct fire for land installations.

Affiliated systems

There are no confirmed affiliated systems at the moment.

Part description

Two variants are drawn, on the left, facing left, a ground installation variant, and on the right facing right a hypothetical shipborne installation.

See also
