Denton, officially the Federal Republic of Denton, is a semi-presidential constitutional republic located on an island group in the Indian ocean, about 400 miles Southwest of Australia. It comprises of 4 City-States, 12 States, 3 Territories, and a Special Autonomous Territory covering an area more than 230,000 square miles and home to nearly 38 million people. Its capital city is St. Catherine and the largest city is Lock Haven, with nearly 4 million people in the combined metro area.
Denton is a founding member of RAZDDA and the South Pacific Space Program
The Federal Republic of Denton is a "snapshot" of the year 2013. Further dates and events may be/will be added, but statistics and information are only provided for 2013.
Denton was created by Ethan Goin and is a part of Austellus Hemisphaeria.