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Post subject: AU PrussiaPosted: March 26th, 2019, 5:37 am
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This was an idea running in my mind for many months, what if after World War One, "East Prussia" became an independent nation. Here's my AU's point of divergence:

The Allies impose a "harsher" version of the Treaty of Versailles against the Germans. The victorious Allies had forcibly severed East Prussia from Germany in 1919, and made it an independent nation state, like they did with Austria. The new state would simply be called 'Prussia'. The new Prussian Republic is to remain explicitly separated from the German State perpetually nor can it establish a customs union. Only an agreement of the Council of the League of Nations can approve a political, military or economical union. As a compensation to the restrictions as an independent state, it has a membership to the League of Nations. Prussia is the preferred place of emigration and resettlement for Baltic Germans when the newly independent states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania expropriated their properties. The city of Danzig would be a free city as it was in OTL. A brief war with Poland due to border disputes could also be possible in the early-1920s.

Like what happened to Austria, Prussia would be forcibly annexed by the Germans somehow in 1938-39. After the Second World War, Prussia would become a Soviet satellite state and a member of the Warsaw Pact, and again returning to democracy in 1990. It would be joining NATO in 1999 and the European Union. Geographically it would be the considered the fourth of the Baltic States.

[ img ]

[ img ]
Flag of the Prussian Republic

[ img ]
Coat of Arms of Prussia

Country Information
Prussian Republic (German: Preußischen Republik)
Capital and Largest City: Konigsberg
Official Language: German
Demonym: Prussian
Area ( 36,993 km²
Population (2018 Est.):5,703,206

Type of Government: unitary semi-presidential parliamentary republic
Head of State: President
Head of Government: Chancellor
Legislature: Landtag
Judiciary: Supreme Court

GDP (2018 Est.): $94.7 billion
Per Capita GDP:$16,604.69

Economy and Communications:
Agriculture is the main economical activity, however land property is concentrated in large holdings that are property of the junkers. This has not stopped the development of and important industry of food processing and farm equipment manufacturing. Fishing is one of the important national industries, with big fishing ports in Königsberg and Neukuhren and lesser ones in Zimmerbude and Rossitten. On the coast around Königsberg are the world's leading source of amber.

The main port and airport are in Königsberg. The main airline is Preussischen Flug (PF). The Seedienst Preussen or Sea Service Prussia is a ferry connection between the German provinces of Pomerania and, later, Schleswig-Holstein and Danzig. The railroad network (Preußische Ostbahn) serves mainly between Danzig and Königsberg. The secret naval rearmament of Germany facilitated the improvement and expansion of Prussian shipyards. Ostmarken Rundfunk AG (ORAG) is the public broadcaster.

With help of experts from the League of Nations, in 1922 it was established the Preußischen Nationalbank has the central bank of Prussia.

Government and Politics:
The legislature is vested in the Prussian Landtag, elected every 4 years. The Executive power is divided between the President and State Chancellor. The President, who is the Head of State, is elected by a joint assembly of the Landtag and delegates of Government Districts (German: Regierungsbezirk) for a mandate of six years. The State Chancellor is the Head of the Government. He is appointed by the President and names the Ministerial Council. The State Chancellor and Ministerial Council are politically responsible before the Landtag and can be dismissed by a vote of no confidence. The Supreme Court is in charge of the judiciary and administration of lower courts.

The main political parties are: Preußischer Kommunistische Partei (PKP, communist), Preußischer Sozialdemokratische Partei (PSDP, social democracy), Christliche Volkspartei (CVP, socialchristian), Preußischer Volkspartei (PVP, liberal), Preußischer Konservative Volkspartei (PKVP, conservative) Preußischer Nationale Volkspartei (PNVP, conservative and nationalist) and Preußischen Bauernpartei (PBP, agrarian).

The Polish minority is represented by the Polnische Nationaldemokratische Partei (PNDP, Polish National Democratic Party), a section of the Polish party of the same name), later renamed Polnische Volkspartei (PVP, Polish People's Party).

However the Masurians, considered a Polish group but strongly Germanized, in their majority voted to remain as part of East Prussia in the plebiscite organized in the regions Warmia (Ermland), Masuria (Mazury, Masuren) and Powiśle.

Military Force:
The signing of the Armistice in 1920 produce a full retreat to East Prussia and Germany of what was left of the Imperial Army (Reichsheer). The retreat involved fighting with Polish forces that tried to seize all the territory they could in order to establish de facto Polish lands. Reichsheer was also fleeing from the Red Army that moved towards Warsaw. A large portion of manpower stayed in East Prussia checking on the advance of Polish forces.

The establishment of the Prussian Republic by the LoN and the arrival of British, French and Italian forces marked the dissolution of the Reichsheer in the East. The previous Prussian State Police, railway, customs, and municipal police forces were organized in a central and military disciplined Prussian Police (Preußischen Polizei) and Prussian Criminal Police (Preußischen Kriminalpolizei).

In 1921, Prussian decreed the creation of the Prussian Land Forces (Preußischen Landstreitkräfte). The following year mandatory conscription is established and the Prussian Armed Forces (Preußischen Streitkräfte) is organized. It is complemented with the creation of the Prussian Air Force (Preußischen Luftstreitkräfte) and Prussian Maritime Force (Preußischen Seestreitkraft). Currently it has 25,000 active personnel and 30,000 reservists, which makes it as the largest military in of all the Baltic States.

Other Images:
[ img ]
Konigsberg, the capital of the Prussian Republic

List of Ships of the Prussian Maritime Force

Whiskey class diesel electric attack submarines (1967-1999)
Seewolf class coastal submarines (1936-1944)


SPR Konigsberg
Konigsberg class corvette as planned
Braunsburg class corvette (1989-2016)

Fast Attack Crafts
Patrol Vessels
Minewarfare Ships
Amphibious Assault Ships

Last edited by admiral_snow on March 27th, 2019, 3:51 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: AU PrussiaPosted: March 26th, 2019, 5:59 am
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And for the ships, of course, this would be the first:

Upon joining NATO, the Navy identified the need to acquire new NATO compatible ships, as its fleet was still composed of Soviet era warships. The Navy investigated the possibilities of acquiring second hand assets, such as the Finnish Helsinki class missile boats and the Swedish Goteborg class corvettes, but negotiations with both the Swedish and Finnish governments never materialized any sale. In 2004, the Navy decided to pursue the construction of new ships instead. Dubbed as the "Küstenkorvet 2000", local shipyards received significant technical assistance from the US, Sweden, and Germany.

This was the Konigsberg as she was planned in 2010:
[ img ]

Due to post-Cold War budgetary cuts, the program was repeatedly delayed, and was actually endangered to be scrapped in 2010 due to an economic recession. Unlike multirole combat aircraft acquisition financed separate of National Defence budget, the program wasn't a priority for the Armed Forces and suffered from insufficient funding. It was slashed from an original of four new units to only one approved in 2011. In 2012, the Navy announced the cancellation of the entire project after the shipyards which was contracted to build the ships declared bankruptcy, and the incomplete hull, which was still under construction at Schichau-Werke's shipyards in Elbing, would be completed as an offshore patrol vessel. The sole ship entered service in 2017, and was the current flagship of the Navy.

As completed:
[ img ]

General Specifications
Builder(s): Schichau-Werke, Elbing
Active:1 [Schiff der Preußischen Republik/SPR Konigsberg (P125)
Displacement:1,600 tons standard load
Propulsion Systems:2 x MTU 12V diesel engines
Speed:28 knots maximum, 18 knots cruising
Range:3,500 nmi @ 18 knots
Sensors and Processing Systems: Saab 9LV CMS, Saab Sea GIRAFFE AMB 3D air/surface search radar, 1 x S-band surface search/navigation radar, 1 x I-band navigation radar, 1 x Saab CEROS 200 fire control radar, and 1 x Saab EOS-500 electro-optical tracking system.
ECM/ESM and Decoys: Elisra NS9300A ECM/ESM, 2 x Rheinmetall Multi-Ammunition Softkill System (TKWA/MASS)
Armaments:1 x Leonardo 76mm Super Rapid stealth naval gun, 2 x Mauser MLG-27 27mm remote weapon systems.
Aviation Facilities:helipad only
Aircraft Carried:1 x Leonardo AW109M multirole helicopter

Last edited by admiral_snow on March 27th, 2019, 3:52 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Ro-Po Max
Post subject: Re: AU PrussiaPosted: March 26th, 2019, 7:31 am
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I've been waiting for this for so long ... It's just great :o High-quality drawing and hot design :D

More here:viewtopic.php?f=14&t=8292

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Post subject: Re: AU PrussiaPosted: March 26th, 2019, 10:43 am
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admiral_snow wrote: *
The victorious Allies had forcibly severed East Prussia from Germany in 1919, and made it an independent nation state, like they did with Austria
You seem to suggest that the allies forced austria to became an independent state from germany. This would be totally wrong. the allies stripped the former austrian empire (called austro-hungarian only since 1867) from most of it's territory (inhabited majorly by non-germanic people)to became the modern austria as we know it. they also prevented this reduced Austria to join the new german republic of Weimar. Austria was part of germany only between the nazi annexion of the country in 1938 (anshluss) to the end of world war two in 1945.

"You can rape history, if you give her a child"
Alexandre Dumas


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Post subject: Re: AU PrussiaPosted: March 26th, 2019, 11:07 am
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Ro-Po Max wrote: *
I've been waiting for this for so long ... It's just great :o High-quality drawing and hot design :D
Thank you Sir! :D
waritem wrote: *
admiral_snow wrote: *
The victorious Allies had forcibly severed East Prussia from Germany in 1919, and made it an independent nation state, like they did with Austria
You seem to suggest that the allies forced austria to became an independent state from germany. This would be totally wrong. the allies stripped the former austrian empire (called austro-hungarian only since 1867) from most of it's territory (inhabited majorly by non-germanic people)to became the modern austria as we know it. they also prevented this reduced Austria to join the new german republic of Weimar. Austria was part of germany only between the nazi annexion of the country in 1938 (anshluss) to the end of world war two in 1945.
Sorry for the misinterpretation on that one. Formation of a Prussian Republic was meant to further weaken and hopefully divide the Germans, thus preventing them from starting another war.

Just a question, how would be an independent Prussian Republic play in Eastern European geopolitics? :D

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Post subject: Re: AU PrussiaPosted: March 26th, 2019, 12:59 pm
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I like it. The only things I'd really change are the highlight between the hull and upper-works to a single dark grey, a newer RHIB drawing and perhaps the prop colour.

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Post subject: Re: AU PrussiaPosted: March 26th, 2019, 1:57 pm
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Maybe he could also change the old A109 drawing. Personaly I think well done ship drawings often loose a smal part of their quality by using older aircraft drawings.
The A109 was updated sometime ago. I have one (not done by me) on the sheet below. ... 1553608490

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Post subject: Re: AU PrussiaPosted: March 26th, 2019, 3:36 pm
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Blackbuck wrote: *
I like it. The only things I'd really change are the highlight between the hull and upper-works to a single dark grey, a newer RHIB drawing and perhaps the prop colour.
Thank you Sir, just updated the ship according to your suggestions. Thank you! :D
Cascadia wrote: *
Maybe he could also change the old A109 drawing. Personaly I think well done ship drawings often loose a smal part of their quality by using older aircraft drawings.
The A109 was updated sometime ago. I have one (not done by me) on the sheet below. ... 1553608490
Thank you Sir, just replaced the A-109 with an updated one. Thank you! :D

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Post subject: Re: AU PrussiaPosted: March 27th, 2019, 3:49 am
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Updated the Konigsberg class :)

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Post subject: Re: AU PrussiaPosted: August 14th, 2019, 12:59 am
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I really like the idea of this AU. Looking forward to seeing more.

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