Hello there, my name is Salcanceacy or Sal for short. I'm a long time fan/forum stalker of shipbucket. My fondness of shipbucket predates my nation states account, something that has lead my drive to create and mangle other peoples designs, into something I throw into BBCode to make it look nice next to some flavor text. I've been on NS for three years cultivating in a haphazard display of what my nation is and represents, amongst the sea of many others. Whilst Salcanceacy wouldn't of been my first choice of a name, thus it stuck out of sheer laziness to make a new nation and subject myself to the whim of the ramdom name generator. And from my laziness I decided to Larp as yet another South Africa, only just my South Africa would be a kingdom, not have apartheid, somehow glide unscaved through history and get to the modern day as a regional superpower on the African continent, whilst also somehow enveloping half of the continent. God bless the lazy lore writer, as I somehow have some early unfinished lore that makes some sense. Since becoming a Kingdom of South Africa larper some years ago, I have engaged in several acts of depravity fueled by my lack of understanding of how military equipment works, as well as knowledge that everything needs more
dakka!, thus I have mangled many images and components from this forum and beyond to make things that coerce to my sudden bouts of ingenuity. It is only now however that I will leave my unnamed discord for they are many to present to you all the few designs and concepts I clobber together on a whim.
Thus I present my take on a futuristic Olifant tank for my own nation, aptly named the Olifant 3A1.
A descale/redesign of another tank I had put together using components from elsewhere, to flex upon my fellows. I'm a fan of unusual concepts and technology, hence the shape of the barrel which represents an theoretical Electrothermal-chemical cannon that is used by my armed forces on its latest generation of main battle tanks.