Nice work Asheburton, you captured the familiar-at-first glance, yet odd when you take a closer look geometry of the Atvomat really nicely. Always good to have more interesting WW1 firearms in gunbucket.
Johson M1941 Light Machine Gun
Reising Model 50 Submachine Gun
Reising Model 55 Submachine Gun
I'm going to dedicate this post to the USMC in the Pacific, since by a slight coincidence I ended up doing three guns that were almost exclusively used by the Marines in WW2. All of which were used in some part or another because the Marines couldn't get the equivalent guns the army was using. In the case of the Johnson MG, I'd say they definitely got the better end of the deal than those guys stuck with BARs. With the Reising? Eh. Not so much. I already did an earlier drawing of the Reising, but I've known it was scaled incorrectly for a while and had been meaning to redraw it. So now I have.