I have scrutinized my drawings further and taken some of the well meant advice including the "kind" one from TimothyC, and I found a few irritable errors which now should be corrected. Therefore I've decided to repost the drawings here, in a bulk, rather than put them in the different sub topics pertaining this particular ships' class.
First we have the Battleaxe:
Next the Brilliant:
Then the Brazilian variants of these ships:
1) Rademaker:
2) Dodsworth:
After this we have the Batch 2 sofar finished:
1) London:
2) Sheffield:
and lastly
3) Coventry:
And now their Chilean and Rumanian variants:
Almirante Williams as delivered in 2002:
The same ship as of 2010:
Coventry as Regele Ferdinand:
I hope you forgive me for this bulk posting. If the administrators deem it desirable, you may delete the previous images, in order to save upload space. As for the AU-variants, they will be posted in that forum.