Very nice.
But backstory of you ships start to remind a low budget karate film. Bang! one battleship sunk. Bang! second battleship sunk. Bang! Bang! Bang! whole battleships fleet sunk. BANG! whole continent sunk! There is no tragic end, only happy end for every ship with come back to port like hero and dead enemy ship bodies all over the place.
But then she was a giant, with giant guns....
yeah! but i tried to give her something. Let us read this in a movie promotion voice: "One ship, 6 X 16.5" guns, a couple of old Chines Battleships... one the screen in April 1. 2014!)
... But she started with ranging in on them with around 60 shot, and when she first hit she was lucky, shot from her forward gun hit just bellow the forward main gun of one Chines ship. Here number two main gun, hit the second battleships in the superstructure, while the aft main gun managed to hit the last ship in the engine compartment, but that just after 60 shots to range in (10 Salvos * 6 gun barrels = 60 shot, even the British would laugh of that!)
if that is to much...