It was posted on discord, but to aid in the voting process Kiwi Imperialist has been including the entries into the google poll
I would have preferred if all entries would be in the thread though, which has happened in a similar situation in the past (kiwi imperialist posted it as someone had trouble entering the forum then) which I think should be done again in the future, but I don't think there is any real issue with the voting or anything that requires strong dislike for the fact that it wasn't on the forum.
Btw, I really do consider the main site, discord, wiki and forum all cornerstones of the SB community. Not everyone is using all of them, and that isn't wrong, but there are also people on the discord who aren't on the forum who parttake in what happens in the community. So let's not grumble too much about one getting tiny advantages over the other every now and then, or we wouldn't be able to stop
Two things, if You allow:
1) If I - or any other person that does not use Discord - wanted to vote, then it shouldn't be my duty to find where the "missing" entry is and guess where else it could be. It's not
here, period - so why should I (or any other...) be bothered to give it more points than round ZERO? (well, it seems logical - I haven't seen it, therefore I can't know if it deserves any more) So forgive me, but I think that clarity in that matter is also in the best interest of "only-Discord-using participants".
2) Well, regardless of my possible character flaws that could make me more keen to "grumble" in general, and regardless of how many "cornerstones" SB community would have, IMHO there should be one that's "officialy" "more equal" than others - and IMHO it should be one that where any discussions -
and most importantly in this context: entries, statements, decisions regarding rules, policies or standards etc. matters affecting whole community - could be accessed (at the very least for mere "seeing it") most easily - without registering anywhere having to use any logins and passwords (yes, you need it to write here, but not to merely read), install any apps or whatever else - and that place seems to be
this forum.
In other words: if I haven't seen something here, then (in the context of SB) I consider it non-existent and not feel bound by it.
(which also means, that if someone would make a most amazing drawing of some ship, which would get from other Shipbucketeers the biggest praise ever, but posted it only on Discord, then I would not upload it to the Archive - simply because I would have no slightest idea of it's existence and to me it could be equally well posted on the forum for Mongolian enthusiasts of goldfish)
@Rainmaker, Hood
Although I'm not a frequent participant in these, so don't really "have a horse in this race", I agree completely that the challenge themes are often just too vague - either - like here - regarding 'technical' requirements, or regarding 'chronological requirements' (Nuclear Attack Submarine or Interwar Fighter come to mind first).