I do know, they use the same waterjets as norwegian navy does, for their Type 022. So that cant be rubbish then, doesnt it?
That depends entirely on wheere it's build.
For example, me and one of my class mates both sailed on tankers as part of our education. I sailed on a ship with a Eoropean produced engine and he sailed on a ship with a Chinese build one.
The engines were the exact same model and build within three months of each other, but where I had to fix something once on our engine (Worn out exhaust valve) he had to work pretty much non-stop just to get it to start.
It's not unusual that Chinese build ships can't leave their docks because the engine wont start.
The Chinese have some serious quality control issues both in the civilian sector and the military sector, and at the same time their military has expanded far beyond what their infrastructure was designed to handle. On top of that they're pretty much making up their Blue Ocean operations manual as they go along.
“Close” only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and tactical nuclear weapons.
That which does not kill me has made a grave tactical error
Source Materiel is always welcome.