A truly stunning drawing, but as a professional sailing ship sailor, my heart bleeds at the rather sloppy way her diminished sailing rig has been displayed. The Topsail yard has no topping lift, the topgallant has no sheets and the footropes should be hanging even. As it is, a sailor would have to be seven feet tall to work the mainsail. Also, you're showing unlashed seizings (The vertical brown lines) These really should be either coiled or removed. Also, the footropes really should be drawn dark grey since they would have been serviced, ie wrapped in cotton or manilla fabric, slathered in sheep lard and then tightly wrapped with tarred hemp line and then given a layer of tar for good measure.
I realize that since the Dreadnought didn't carry sails the associated rigging might have been allowed to get into dissaray, but my understanding of SB is that we try to render them as they might look at parade day, ie no rust or fading paint, all equipment properly stowed etc.
Just to be sure, I'm not trying to belittle you or anything, but sailing ships and rigs and what little that remain of the skill and tradition lies very close to my heart.
“Close” only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and tactical nuclear weapons.
That which does not kill me has made a grave tactical error
Source Materiel is always welcome.