Dear acelanceloet
It's not a good deal - to comparer "...Krakens to Jellyfish..." ... emenyek/en
About Thionville I have just several objections:
1. No liveboat near conning tower.
2. The bridge is based only on a conning tower - there no any other rooms at the deck.
3. 1 Searchlight on the bridge (forward) is not on his proper place.
4. 2 There an execive rooms on the bridge.
5. Gun shields are not proper to the ship (may be French exchanged them for others?)
6. The square headed ventilator cowls near stucks are missing.
7. The rear TT is directly on the stern.
But these are insignificant details that do not spoil the whole imression of the work. I would recomend to the author just to remove excessive room colours at the fore superstructure - that's all.
In the whole - the ship of Lazer_one is very pretty.