JPDLD wrote: * | January 21st, 2019, 8:15 pm |
Greetings everyone,
I am very sad to see to what extent this discussion drifted away from drawings... Just wanted to tell you this :
I have saved all of Ro-Po's drawings in both FD and SB scale, classifed them by categories, etc.
I know I am not too much supposed to do it, but as Ro-Po is my friend and since I knew that day would probably come, I decided to save all of this. Now, with Ro-Po's permission, I can share those drawings to whoever expresses their desire to see them.
And by the way, I did the same for other significant SB/FD artists, if they ever disappeared just DM me.
Cheers, JPDLD (sorry for my grammar, I'm French)
Great idea !
(Depuis quand on s'excuse d'être Français ? "Haut les têtes, la mitraille c'est pas de la merde !".)