I think the loss of the arm launcher looks awesome to be honest. Plus the whole 'all weapons forward' thing gives it a very aggressive look that really suits it for some reason. If you need more capabilities, you could think about maybe improving your heli facilities? Just a thought rather than a suggestion...
Thanks! I'm rather content with the "1980s Nelson"-idea myself.
Any suggestion for improved copter facility? I'll check out some RL ships with copter hangar and all myself, but are there anything specific that you would suggest?
watch out for the deck penetration. I do not know which missiles you have on board in those bow VLS, but if they are kirov sized you might have an limit in how far forward you are going to be able to put them. if the bow is curved like your bilge keels suggest it does, you are not going to be able to fit any VLS in there, btw.
I'd say that's due to me not properly thinking through the placing of the bilge keel... I'll rearrange the placing of the different VLSs though. Having the biggest missiles the furthest forward wasn't exactly a master stroke...
the 4 CIWS would best be replaced by 2 in that position and 1/2 on the bow and/or stern. I also suggest CIWS units that pack more of an punch, as these have, judging by size and deck pen, an very small magazine or an very small caliber.
also, why is the helideck still a deck higher?
How much deck penetration would be required for it to have a sensible ammo amount? They're 25mm.
According to advice from Barnest2 I'm buffing up/redoing the copter facility.
all in all, this ship looks like a lot wasted space, and could be build a lot cheaper and better.
Ok, how to properly use said wasted space?