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Mitchell van Os
Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 10:11 pm
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I used this before.
And its nice to show a video tutorial.
Especially on youtube, with a link under it
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Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 10:36 pm
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I've just finished recording one on how to do hull shading. I just hope it comes out in enough detail to be useful.

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Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 10:50 pm
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I tried. Quality fail but whatever.

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Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 25th, 2010, 10:59 pm
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what art program is that?

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Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 26th, 2010, 12:07 am
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Hehe nice work Ian, funny to hear your actual voice!

Oh by the way, I'm keeping myself out of this 'mutiny' whatever the hell is going on. I'm just here to enjoy ships.

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Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 26th, 2010, 3:02 am
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Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 Might be a better tool to rerecord. It also might let you take the video at a higher resolution. I posted this on Youtube, but the colors are as follows:

"Fire Engine Red" is FF0000
"Off Red" is EB0000
"Brown" is A04000

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Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 26th, 2010, 6:54 am
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As a newbie I didn't find anything wrong with the instructions how to draw. Its pretty straight forward. Perhaps the problem is many of the new drawers are pre-teens and don't know how to follow instructions? As to the other issues I have no problems with Collosuem and Gollavienan. They have been nothing but supportive.

Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 26th, 2010, 8:35 am
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Ok it's seems that most of the complains are gathered around the shadings which I agree at the moment is bit confusing. The rules (drafted when we started the first forum) states something and some of us (me including) draws those shades little bit differently nowadays. The style has envolved and it's neccerical that we need to think about the shading rules again. We will start working on it among the adm/mod crew.

Once that is Done, I will personally update (or post my "private") equipment chart wich will feature few simple tips on these matters (eq. properly shaded hull and so on and so on...)

And for clearance, those who are administrators here are those who started up this whole thing, or more what is left of them. Asking them to step down is like demanding us to give up what has have been our hobby and enthustiasm for many years now.

As for TimothyC, I thank you for being honest, I always appriciate true face-to-face discussion instead of backlashing and talking BS behind peoples backs. However you forgot very important factor. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to trying to managing this great bucket which after this opening it to the public has been like trying to build a levee to a floding river. I try to keep the quality and integrity of the shipbucket and it has forced me to be harsh on time to time. But I'm just. I may be harsh, but I'm harsh on everyone, even to those I think I could call as friends in here when it comes to shipbucket quality. I expect everyone to honour it like I do. You don't have to like me, you just need to know that when I'm tamed and at ease, then your work is up to the standarts ;)

Also, Psilander's work has been mentioned here, so I would like to re:clarify what I said few weeks ago.
Psilander is one of the leading Alternative Universe Naval creators, who's Imperial Sweden with highly thougth and designed ships have been source of marvel inside the whole naval-freak's community cross the boards.
He used to drawn in his own scale, but once appeared on our old forum and declared that he was now drawing in Shipbucket scale.
Yet he retained his rather akvarellish coloring ideas. Me and MConrads tried to put him straigth, without effort (or even without any conflict)
So we decided to honour his own work and unique style and yet add his work onto the bucket (which was the Photobucket account back then)

Some say that he is give "priviledges", But I say that we also include his work, done in our scale but in his style to be included into the mainsite, But I wouldn't call them Shipbucket drawings as such.

But again, this "opening up" is a good wind up for the whole thing. I just hope you would in the future contact me or Colo way sooner if something is bugging you and not build it up inside you. ´


Shipbucket mainsite, aka "The Archive"
New AU project "Aravala"

Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 26th, 2010, 9:55 am
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If we are going this way, Gollevainen: It is still unclear to me why you banned me a few weeks ago. Was it about the draw of the exploding ship? I also didn't saw your warning because I didn't had much time than and I just scrolled down to the last post.

Doesn't really matter now, but I think that was probably on of your over-reaction times...

“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.”

Post subject: Re: MutinyPosted: September 26th, 2010, 10:00 am
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It was me being harsh. I gave you a clear moderational note and you disregarded it. (eg. posted stuff after my note and not correcting the stuff which I gave the note).
But fair notice is That as many people complained about it, I try to be bit less harsh on next time during such moderational occasion.

Also, I like to address one more of the issues raised up by the mutineers:
The Language.
Thougth its plain simple to demand spanish or other sublanguage forum, you should consider it from this point of view.
In Finland at least there is currently going on talk about legistative change that would make the upholder of any internet site or service provider liable of the criminal content posted in the site. In Forums particulary it would mean that Colloseum and I would be resoponsible if someone of you would like advocate ethnical cleaning of some race, make reasonable threaths against someone(s) or post illegal stuff here.
Now, I don't know wheter other nations (particulary US where this site is "located") legistlative tells about these issues, but We as ADM. still need to be 100% sure what would go on in our boards.
As neither of us speaks or understands fluent spanish, we cannot have forum where someone could post all sort of stuff that would get the site into trouple and we would lack the ability to moderate there.
Its a farfetched reasoning, but in the end, we are responsible of this place, therefore we need to be able to controll and supervise it from all angles.

Thus we remain as english language forum and mainsite.
Now, you all know that Im not native english speaker/speller and sometimes I'm not even particulary good at it.
So Atleast from my part I understand the proplem that someones have over understandability. But the afromentioned concern over foreing language goes by to normal posting in normal forums.

Shipbucket mainsite, aka "The Archive"
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