One question: If the turret is in the center of the vehicle, and considering that i'm drawing one of it's sides... Then, should the turret be coloured as if it was shadowed?
today's little tip:
1. take the cup you are drinking your Vodka from and place it in the middle of a table.
2. turn off all light so it is totally dark in the room.
3. take a flashlight or a small lamp that doesn't give so much light and place it in one end of the table.
4. now watch how the light hit the cup, where is it light where is it dark (the dark part is the shade)
5. move the light around and see hove the shade behave when the light source comes from different angles.
This "a-play" to absolutely everything we see around in the world.
try to do it with two light source and see what happens then.