Oh, I just love when some guy comes out of nowhere, wouldn't even introduce oneself (not even write "Hi!"), not mentioning some sort of contribution to the Shipbucket (in form of drawings), and starts with "I want this, and that, and that...".
And that's great too:
Note: Aircraft will be done with 2 in each pic except...
And if they (assuming that anyone would agree to fulfill that request)
will not be done that way, then what?
Or to put it differently: if
You will draw them, then they
will be done in any way You want.
Links to the completed ones please...
People put significant effort into drawing things here. It wouldn't hurt You if You put minimum effort into browsing FD-scale threads.
Also there is an FD thread in the old forum, but having an account there is needed to access it:
Especially needed are...
Needed for what and where (and why should anyone of us be concerned btw.)?
@Everyone else (except for Brian2759)
Sorry for these unpleasant remarks above, but even though it's a request thread, for me it's one thing when active SB members do requests (with implicit: "today I will draw something on your request, tomorrow you will draw something on my request"), and completely another when somebody enters and makes
demands up front, like it was sort of entitlement.