Funny you should think about the Mk VI because I've finally gotten around to it!
It was slightly too big, only a few pixels in it. In some photos the rail around the mid-section seems to slope upwards but I think its an optical illusion due to the sloping roof. I've changed the optical viewfinder as there are no side-windows. The bottom inspection panels do look like that but the earliest turrets aboard the Darings seem to have a slightly different layout but not enough to warrant changes at this scale. I've adjusted the below-deck width but touched nothing else there.
I agree on the Ikara, it is too big. Not sure by how much but its obvious when you compare to photos etc.
I've done some work on the GWS-25 light Sea Wolf and boxed Sea Dart and a Boxed Ikara (which might be too big). Once we get the Ikara sorted I'll post a new parts sheet.