Garlic, seeing your outstanding rendition of this class, makes me realize that you, not I, should draw the next class, the Suffrens. All I'm asking is that you draw all four; Suffren herself, Colbert, Dupleix and Foch, and that you present them as built, during their late 1930(preferably with the tricolor neutrality bands!) and, if your source material allows that, the Suffren as of Alexandria in 1940, and the three other sisters as of 1942.
Can you do this, yee Master of All-French designs? It really would please me, if you'd honor me thus!
Edit: @Brockpaine: yes, I've got the intention, still collecting material, but seeing garlicdesign's drawing, c'mon, how can I compete? Would it even be worthwhile? He knows his stuff and is darn good at what he does, so: All Hail to our new Empereur!