M_I_Reilly-Collette wrote: |
AG Weser
That European ferries is bad, that's something new for me, perhaps because they was bought from the wrong company. I can promise you that if they bought a Norwegian build ferries, they would get a very good tool. We have had some accident's with ferries here in Norway to of course (bad weather and thing like that, or just an engine failure), but the most common thing with the Norwegian ferries is that when they have had an accident they just need a tug to get them off and a inspection and repairs (depends on the damage) then they are back in traffic. We had once a ferries that was going in to dock when there was a hydraulic failure and the ferry drove directly in to the dock (Couple of meters in to the concrete!). She just backed out and got back in to service after a fast repair on the bow.
the main reason we have a semi closed or totally closed bow is that these ferries have a tendency to never stop running because of bad weather. I remember to travel with one in weather so bad that we had waves hitting the lounge deck (about 8-10 metes up, depends on wave) but the car deck was safe on no water there to be seen.
Many Norwegian ferries that is to old to be used, becomes special operation vessels. some as a crane ship, some a ship for building docks, some as a heavy transport ship.
If USA want a European ferry in the future, go to Norway!:
this one was back in service the two day after (Needed new propeller and ruder, and a repair to those old engine some are running on their last song)
http://www.bt.no/migration_catalog/arti ... w380/ferge
This one was back in service an hour later (a diver had to control her since she had drove up on some rocks and was a siting duck)
http://g.api.no/obscura/API/image/r1/es ... 43672a.jpg
This one wanted to test the local beach (Ruder and propeller repair was needed, still in service)
http://www.bt.no/migration_catalog/arti ... tferge.jpg
this one is Normal here in Norway whit those old direct drive ferries (this is also a reason why we in Norway are using pods now (Pictures was taken in, were taken on a stormy day, when the ferry was about to leave the port.)
http://www.nettavisen.no/imagecache/par ... 6416x9.jpg
So yeah European ferries are shit, that I know. But we in Norway we know hove a ferry need to be build. If you want something that works, get it from Norway. Ferries in the old days up to today had to be strong build, because there are almost no places where they can beach a ferry in case of emergency.
BTW, we in Norway have very bad experience with US made offshore vessel. As one said to me... If you like to live dangerous, take one of this out on a bad day! I find that a bit weird...
Edit: Here in Norway we get weary rarely news about what is happening in USA, but what I have seen is that US ferries have more accidents than we here in Norway. But that can also come of that there are more ferries in USA than In Norway, even when we have almost bad weather every day here...