Hood made Moskva orginally back in years ago...during the days when the style and skill of all of us who drew soviet ships weren't that well devolped.
I've since asked about possibility of redrawing the pr.1123 to the same level as the other big Soviet ships, and got green ligth to do it myself... This was also "years" ago, and its only now when I've finally managed to produce the renewed drawing.
Drawing her was bit tricky, as even the Russian sources had given sligthly different linedrawings to go on with (which neither fully correspond to each others 100 %). Also, for some peculiar reason all the good close up Pics for Moskva are taken from the port side rather than starboard, so I have to use Leningrad for closer reference instead. According to my knowledge these sisters are indentical (aside the starboard and portside's are not, in portside the AK-257 is far close to the bridge instead of beeing near the funnel as shown in this drawing)
Also this is the seccond one of my three major redrawing projects for this year. After the last one, I retire for the pleasent Christmass and new year celebrations and return with some major AU rewinding for 2011. Overally this has been great year for the Shipbucket. Happy holidays for everyone