Merry Christmas All
A bit late, being Boxing Day, and Lady Portsmouth and I went in the portsmobile to spend Christmas day with Young Portsmouth at his place; as we don't watch t.v. we got to see the Dr.Who Christmas special, and we both agreed Matt Smith has to be the best Doctor ever, with Tom Baker a close second.
Presents, amongst others:
Babylon 5, first series on DVD (to begin watching again)
Set of metric kitchen weights
Ark Royal, by Mike Rossiter (book)
How Firm A Foundation, by David Weber (book)
War Horse, dvd.
Parker fountain pen
Eddie Bauer folding knife (from our Kentucky friends, with orders not carry it in my pocket when we visist!)
Tin of Coopers (Aussie) beer making concentrate
We've been out walking with our Springer Spaniel, and our village is gradually becoming surrounded by floods - we are having really heavy rain in the U.K. so fingers crossed, that we don't have to begin sand bagging!