I have one some more on here, so now she looks even better.... I hope!
Now I have to to the upgraded version. What I have some idea to do is:
- One big funnel forward and one small funnel aft.
- new bridge layout. a-la Queen Elizabeth Class
- Give here some simple gun directors.for both main and second battery.
- increase of early AA battery and changing third armament to 3" guns.
- main gun upgrade, improved versions. And perhaps new guns.
If she is laid down around 1910-15, this is an upgrade she could have around 1920-25 than a final one at 1930 very similar to Queen Elizabeth Class (while the Queen Elizabeth Class keep going to far into the 40's, main while ends it's day in the 30's. The arguments is that she is to old, and here seed of just 20 knots is to slow for a ship of this type, and the cost of having here running. cheaper to build a new one.)