Joined: July 27th, 2010, 12:56 am
Posts: 20 In all seriousness, I do not believe that Gollevainen has a personality that is suitable for holding positions of authority.
Well he must have registered, so (as per ususual with these peanuts), he can't even talk straight. Praetonia, You're not being 'polite', your being disruptive and wanting to bring this forum down; so why not skulk back to Nationstates, and take some of the other hawser rats with you.
Not the forum, just Gollevainen. Colo was a good admin and should remain admin.
Praetonia, seriously you say it yourself that you aren't real member to this community. Then why on earth do you bother? Quit your rant now or I will exersice my powers and yeas with guys like you I really do enjoy it;)
Like this. Colo didn't go on badly spelt power-trip rants when he was criticised.
Now as a compromise, if you really do care about the community: put who should be the head admin to a vote.