I have been busy with school lately, so I haven't been drawing much. I have been trying to make this air force as realistic as possible, so I have been thinking about several things.
Since I do plan to field a B-29/B-50 like bomber, do you think I should just make that the Strategic Airlifter? The way I see it, basing the cargo aircraft off of the B-29/B-50 design would have better air lifting capability than something based on the 187. Mainly because of use from unprepared air strips that would at max be about 5500 feet (because that's what most of our outlying islands have anyways), having the smaller aircraft would be an advantage. The problem there is range.
As it is, the Denton Armed Forces is a security contrator for a friend of mine who has created his own AU country. His country is near Great Britain, and mine in the Pacific. Because the DAAF is always trasnaporting goods back and forth, the range is important, so that makes it a valid argument to use the 187 as a cargo transport. What do you think? Should I just field both or go with one or the other?
The B-50esque cargo aircraft would not have the payload capability nor range of the 187esque cargo aircraft, but can take off in significantly less runway (4500-5500 compared to 8500-9500). The range and cargo carrying capability of the 187esque cargo aircraft would be unparalleled, but it can't land on unprepared airstrips or take off in less than 5500 feet. Well, now we can do two things. Add JATO bottles to the back of the aircraft, and add more wheels.
Well the Jato bottle thing is pretty self explanatory, I mean just look up the B-47 or watch Strategic Air Command.
As you know already my first few 187s had a quad bogie design, and you all said it wouldnt work. I just remembered, though, that all 4 bogies are inline, like the aircraft that klagldsf mentioned (A340 which has only 3 but my agrument still stands). Turning should not be a problem. It only becomes a problem when the bogies are offset like on a 747 (2 outsides are forward of the 2 insides). The rear bogies have to turn, otherwise the 747 nose wheel would just skip along the ground. As for the extra weight, I'm already pulling 110000 lb of bombs, 205000 lbs of fuel and the 195000 lb aircraft, so a few extra tons wont be anything, and I'm pretty sure the ground will thank the aircraft for the lower ground pressure.
I'm really looking for someone to prove me wrong, or tell me my logic is straight. I have so much stuff I'm trying to figure out with my country amd all other aspects of the AU that sometimes I get myself confused and forget to double check.
travestytrav25, I think that's what I'll do, although I will go with a double bubble fuselage like on the C-97/377 (lower fuselage 12.5ft, upper fuselage 16.5 or 18.5 feet). On later versions, I will put the hinged tail section, but on ealier aircraft, they will rely on a cargo lift under the front fuselage, and a ramp with clamshell doors in the tail section.
Thanks for your feedback!
_________________ Salide - Denton - The Interrealms
I am not very active on the forums anymore, but work is still being done on my AUs. Visit the Salidan Altiverse Page on the SB Wiki for more information. All current work is being done on Google Docs.
If anyone wishes for their nations to interact with the countries of the Salidan Altiverse, please send me a PM, after which we can further discuss through email.