Your camo pattern on the Quinn Bay Class CVE looks awesome.
And your submarine doesn't look too bad to me. LOL, a lot of early submarines from that period did look like "glorified cigar tubes", so you're design is not too far off the mark. The only thing I might say is most subs had smaller conning towers back then, and 6 bow torpedo tubes might be a little bit too optimistic. Most subs back then had no more than 4 bow tubes, but 6 is not impossible. Other than that, the hull shape and features looks pretty spot on for the period to me.
Its actually based on the
British L Class, Group 3, which had the large con and 6 x 21" bow tubes. Its just that mine looks, well, bare ... to me, and I'm not sure how to proceed. I don't want to over-shade it, that would look silly, but just having a single line doesn't quite cut it either. I probably ought add some sort of deck gun, I'm sure of that at least.