First of all I reccomend white (light grey) and not blueish light grey: Italian navy used this color from 1920 till ww2.
About aft and bow small gun: the turret should be black(dark grey) like the rest of the hull.
About torpedo net: on my opinion ships started to use few years later (let say around 1900). By the way do not use a single pixel line...
About mast: why you changed the prevoius ones?
TT.TT ok I will remove the torp nets, I wasn't sure about them as well, and somebody said use them....
the previous mast were just placeholders, they were lenthened versions of the ones from my dante. I will make similar ones, but not exactly like those (because the platforms were exactly in the smoke from the funnels, they have to be placed a bit lower)
I will fix the colours.....
EDIT: done the above