This reminds me. I found this project a couple of years ago.
In 1983-84 a 406 mm smooth-bore gun-launcher was proposed to (and rejected by) the VMF as a universal launcher for guided missiles, rockets and artillery shells against land/surface targets, for ships displacing at least 2000 t. Respective ranges were 250 km with an unspecified missile, 42 km with a 110 kg rocket and 10 km with a 120 kg shell. Rate of fire was 15 to 20 rounds/min with shells and 10 rounds/min with rockets. Total installation weight was 60 t, turret diameter 4 m, crew of 6. Barrel length was 6500 mm (16 calibres). Elevation from 30 to 90 degrees. The turret could rotate over 340 degrees.
From Оружие отечественного флота. 1945-2000, by Aleksandr Borisovich Shirokorad, Minsk, 2001 (also on some Russian websites lile /
And in SB scale if anyone's interested.
“Close” only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and tactical nuclear weapons.
That which does not kill me has made a grave tactical error
Source Materiel is always welcome.