Yes, Russia. Their WWII naval assets are still seriously lacking, and they have countless auxiliaries and second-line ships
Well if you count "ships" and not include auxillaries, the only one's lacking are the Pr.30/pr.30K class destroyers and Vladimir Poluchin class large minesweepers.... rest of the missing stuff is small gunboats and semi-auxillary sloop nature vessels dating from the Tsarist era. The afromentioned destroyers and sweepers are on my worklist, and all Tsarist Baltic fleet is on mine and Bezobrasov's worklist.
What russia actually lacks is indeed the Tsarist era ships, expecially in the Black Sea fleet and the Pacific Squardon.
What we lack IMO most are the USN destroyers from Farragouth to Bagleys and the Bensons (a proper rendition) to Bristol... the Fletchers and onwards are well presented but the early 30´s destroyers miss.
Also, France, france, france, france...
the still most important fleet to miss most of its major warhips is the French fleet.
Also, I can declare the Kriegsmarine's Panzer shciffe's that ive drewn open for renewing, but Ill retain my claim to do so to the Cruisers and destroyers Ive done for them. The K-class ligth cruisers still misses though and I cannot foresaw myself doing them in anytime near