to counter the B36-idea: yes well, you can counter a floating monster with a flying one. You remember the 'Wasserfall'-missile? The mother of all SAMs. Give her a booster and a combined radar/infrared-targeting system plus a magnetic field detector (and yes all those thingis were available!) and you have the projected production missile with 48km range and ecm-hardening. Goodbye B-36.
Wasserfall sucks. You quote a 48 km range, but what would the range be at 15 km up and in an ECM heavy environment. I assure you it isn't 48 km, and it could even by 0 km, as the missiles stand a chance of not being able to reach the altitudes that the bombers fly at.
The other point is, it may be easier to just blow this thing up in port before it sorties.
Your comment that Wasserfall was the "mother of all SAMs" is typical
German propaganda. The US was working on SAM systems to counter the growing kamikaze threat in 1945, and while our preferred method was still to blow the plane up on the ground or to shoot them down in air to air combat, we were working on the systems that became Talos.
It is unquestionable, that a thing of that size can't be missed. And of course, laying in a harbor, it will take anything from anywhere. That is one reason for such much oversized ships beeing built. But that is not the point.
I don't want recall dumb propaganda info. But it is fact, the 'Wasserfall' was the first selfguiding SAM that worked. Sure, just a few prototypes were built. Hastily, with nearly no resources left. But it worked. And it was only to be the first of long line of descendants. So please, do not make the prototype bad. Or is anybody able to dance a musical with 6 month?