I'm not so sure about it. The helmet seems to restrict vision and provide less protection than a standard one.
The cheek-pads doesn't make much sense to me either. I doubt they'll help much if you're hit and the way they interlock with the collar suggests to me that they'll interfere with head movement. Reminds me of a stock really.
About restrict vision, you right. Helmet is design to integrated with some kind of facial armor. But maybe if we cut some material from sides we achieve better field of vision. Overall this helmet may be some kind of evolved Stahlhelm modification. Cheek-pads would be useful in harsh weather or winter. Helmet and cheek-pads are not connected with collar.
Similarly, unless the upper arm protector is a lot more flexible than it looks the it's going to interfere with arm movement. In fact, I doubt he'll be able to raise his arms out to the sides.
Yes, they are a pretty flexible. Soldier will not be able to rise his arms open above head, new meaning to Never Surrender!
The vest itself looks okay, but I question what looks like ammo pouches on the shoulders.
Frankly speaking I have no idea what is that thing. Maybe some kind of pouches but I'm sure not for ammo.
The hiking shoes are cute, but I would prefer boots. They protect your ankles and lets you squelch around in mud without getting your feet wet.
Yeah, they are PMC with adidas on their feet.
You right, good military grade boots are priceless.
Also I was thinking abut some kind of shin protection.
Anyway, thank you Thiel for this evaluation, I appreciate your opinion.