looks great, but I would shorten the take-off ramp a bit. that way you can make preparations for launching more then one aircraft at the time (first the front one, then the one behind it and so on). look at the american ships, they work this way.
Those 3 F-35's behind the one on the "run way" are being prepared for launch. I don't think that with the F-35 you can put a plane right behind the other one, with the afterburner and all... With the Harrier this is much less of a problem, much less powerful and no afterburner.
that's why there are jet blast deflectors on carriers. also, on even half this runway I suppose you don't need your afterburners to take off on an jsf, if you need it will take a lot of fuel....
EDIT: the lhd's have no jet blast deflector, I think because of the downwards pointed engine exhausts.....