Personally, I'd want something a tad more capable than an I-mast. Indeed, electronic wise it seem rather under equipped. Aside from the aforementioned I-mast, you have only a very basic com suite, no ECM or decoys that I can see and I serieously doubt if you have enough guidance channels to keep all your weapons in action at once. Given the likely cost of this ship, I'd find space for a ManPAD launcher or two as emergency air defence in case the ship looses power.
IMO, the I-mast is capable enough. as far as I know, but for the guidance channels..... I will do some research on that, never thought of it. you are right about the manpad launcher and the com suite, decoy launchers are reworked in the hull (the tripple tubes you see on some places on my ships.) ECM is placed in the I-mast, but if you think it is needed, I can put some extra stuff on top of the bridge and upper structure. what systems are possible? also, how can I draw an manpad? I have an good position for them, but don't know how to draw them.
You anchor would be suitable for a patrol boat 1/4th the size, your fairleads needs some work, the recess with the aft MG in it needs shading, your hangar is somewhat on the small side, the aft 76mm interferes with the stern bay, you'll need a flight control booth, the rudder is a tad on the big side, the lights above the crane serves no purpose aside from annoying the rating who have to replace the tubes (Hint: Ladders + rolling boat = bad things) and as per usual, the nav radar can't look backwards.
the anchor was also on the drawing of the dutch lcf, and this ship is not that much larger..... but ok, I will add an better anchor. about the recess and the flight control you are right, the hangar is only for 1 heli, and is large enough for that, the stern bay will be removed, and the rudder is just as large as the one from the lcf.... and you are really right about the nav radar and the lights, I will add an nav radar on the stern as well, and move the lights to an better position.
and thanks for the comments
I want to make this ship as good as it gets, so the help was welcome