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Post subject: Interkommunaali Cruisers 1922-1945Posted: August 16th, 2024, 6:16 pm
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Interkommunaali Cruisers 1922-1945

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Post subject: Re: Aravala (Gollyverse) Main threadPosted: August 17th, 2024, 8:28 am
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Joined: July 31st, 2010, 10:07 am
Very impressive cruisers and it's brought to life some of the French never-weres very nicely.

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Post subject: Re: Aravala (Gollyverse) Main threadPosted: August 19th, 2024, 10:01 am
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Traditionally a fantastic entry.

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Post subject: Re: Aravala (Gollyverse) Main threadPosted: September 13th, 2024, 12:46 pm
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Although mustering of Marlannonian forces were noted by Evoans and Interkommunaali since the late 1940, there were really no mutual intelligence sharing nor coordination over the strategic defense in the Far East, as during the rapprochement talks between the nations, the strategic differences were seen far too big for anything concrete to be settled.
Thus when Interkommunaali suddenly occupied Allitsiva islands south of Kerric in early may of 1941, there were only nominal announcements given to Evoans 24h beforehand. This was one of the occasions that only increased the Evoan distrust and uneasiness over Interkommunaali’s plans, as there were even fears that Marlannon would cooperate with the Communists in order to drive the Ellardaëan colonial powers away.
On 22th of June 1941 Powerful Marlannonian aircraft carrier force with overwhelming superiority in Konala against the main Interkommunaali fleet with devastating blows. This attack effectively wiped the Interkommunaali’s naval presence from the surface, and left the small Evoan squadron, Force Vilppula against all of the Marlannonian Navy. Evoan strategic gamble had for long played on Interkommunaalis concentration of forces in Kerric as enough of deterrent to hold Marlannonians back, but now it was no longer a case. In the following day, Marlannonian bombers attacked Krauta Salon, and soon Marlannonian forces blockaded the Evoan port and began a series of attempts of amphibious invasion over the Yrdyr sea islands. As the odds were so against Evoans, mostly because of lack of air power, the Force Vilppula, deprived of its aircraft carrier even before the hostilities started decided to break away from the Besieged fortress, but despite early success of breaking free to the Asmuuri Sea, the Marlannonian recon planes eventually found the Evoan ships and directed devastating air onslaught from Marlannonian carrier and land based aircrafts. Ilmari Ilmarinta, a brand new fast battleship and Lintumieli, an old but rebuilt battlecruiser together with the destroyer escorts, were sunk within hours. This was demoralizing blow to the entire
Commonwealth, but especially so for the Forces in Krauta Salon, and the besieged port soon surrendered.

By the end of 1941, Marlannonians had occupied all the Evoan Far East possessions aside Asmuuri, where the remaining Eastern Forces were mustered for defense. Portion of troops from Krauta Salon retreated into Eastern Rovintael, at Batulamb and this lead to de facto occupation of lot of these former colonial nations by Evoan and Kesämaa’s forces to set up defenses and secure the logistical train from Liidom, which became the main Evoan base in the Far East and Asmuuri Sea. Force Antras was constructed around Vice-Admiral Antras who took command of token fleet of Battleships and Carriers that could be spared from the western fronts and As anticipated, Saanksi joined Marlannon in its “anti-colonial” war and Attacked Asmuuri from Asugnato, but it's obsolete and inneffect army was not able to break through the Evoan Defense lines. Soon after arrival of Force Antras in Liidom, Marlannonian Navy attempted to repeat the Konala attack with its superior carrier force, but Evoan battlefleet managed to evade the raid, though 3 heavy cruisers and old Aircraft Carrier Haukka were lost to air attacks. In December of 1941, Marlannonians attempt a daring raid with their carrier force against Interkommunaali’s main base in the Last Ocean, Helmisatama at the M.T.K but this time the Kommunaalilaivasto was ready and in the resulting battle, 4 Marlannonian carriers were sunk by Interkommunaali’s carrier aircrafts and the momentum in Marlannonian invasions turned around.

1941 Ended with Evoan positions in its most dangerd during the entirety of its Imperial era. The Naval supremacy that had ensured its survival of even the defeat of 1918 was now effectively over, the Nomidaëan submarine menace had managed to revival from its initial losses in earlier of the year, and now as Interkommunaali was in full war against them and reluctant ally to both Evo and Rim Sach, the eastern coast of the New Continent provided easy prey for the Nomidaëans as the local civilian population and Interkommunaali’s military was not prepared to the fact the war could reach their premises. In the following years, Evo actually had to supply coastal escorts for Interkommunaali, as there were no such capacity immediately in hands of the Kommunaalilaivasto, while the slowly awakening Interkommunaali’s industrial might first concentrated on oceanic escorts and replacement mercantile tonnage that was eventually the turning factor of the entire war. Interkommunaali and Evo’s combined shipbuilding rates managed to outproduce whatever tonnage their enemies had sunk and thus the logistical chains were able to transfer millions of men and material from the New Continent to the various battlefronts of the Old World.

This turn of tide did not happen immediately, and as the calendars turned for 1942, Evo still saw itself in the defensive war of its survival. Yhteisesikunta, or Joint Staff was formed in late 1941 between Evo and Interkommunaali to organize the joint military effort and its groundbreaking work to push through the national differences and distrust had an enormous contribution to the eventual deep alliance between the nations. The historical and cultural ties between the nations naturally eased, and as huge numbers of troops and sailors interconnected in the battlefields, the wounds and woes of the last war were steadily healed. In August 1941, Evo and Interkommunaali signed the Marksila Accord and the Keskimeri Declaration that established the principles of their mutual alliance and its goals. It foresaw the liberation of occupied lands and restoration of borders to the 1920 status and ending economical and political rivalry between the nations. It managed to be vague enough about the status of Evoan Commonwealth as a colonial empire, thought Kesämaa and other Evoan major dominions were part of singing the declaration. The Marksila Conference decided how the main strategic goal was to defeat Marlannon first and foremost liberate the Central Archipelago and Near East so that the worldwide shipping towards the East could be secured. Despite Rim Sach objected to these goals, there was still mutual coordination in sending western military aid to Rim Sach so that the land war in Ellardäe could be maintained. In late 1942, In mutual conference between the Rim Sachian, Interkommunaali and Evo, this policy was reversed as into the “West First” strategy.

In February 1942, Evoan Air Forces managed to severely damage one of the two battlecruisers Nomidaë had managed to slip into Raiven, and the ship never completed her repairs.

First Evoan success for many years in the war came when the island chain of Naigla, south-east of Asmuuri was recaptured by small scale commando raids in june of 1942, made possible by the absence of Marlannonian naval units. Meanwhile in the Northern Rovintaël, Nomidaëan expedition forces had allowed Ondoreans push dangerously close to the Nauri Channel, but in July 1942, in the first battle of Jakarinlinna, the Evoan forces managed to stop the Nomidaëan armored force to advance. Vaskists supply lines had grown enormously huge by this point, and despite controlling most of the Northern Rovintaël coast, the joint Ondorean-Nomidaëan naval cooperation tackled to gain advantage of the situation, as the Ondorean fleet dared not to enter open seas after the Sinking of Dukan III, and the remaining Nomidaëan heavy forces were suddenly concentrated on the North to operate against Evoan-Rim Sachian traffic in the Raiven.

As decided in Marksila Conference, the first Allied joint operation was to land in Tesupar in Operation “Soihtu''. this was scheduled for November and was delayed several times as Interkommunaali sought unnecessary diplomatic maneuvers to ensure that Interkommunaali was not invading a sovereign Tesupar government (which had became a puppet tool of the Nomidaëans) but as liberators. When the Interkommunaalis intelligence services failed to ignite national liberation resistance, they reverted to their old methods and managed to flame up the trade unions in more typical communist rebellion, which in otherhad was not welcomed so much by the Evoans, who saw little use for Interkommunaalis masquerades for their own public opinion as the whole purpose was to restore control of the Central Archipelago for Allied military operations, which would necessitate military presence despite what the political situation was.

The Invasion was heralded by the 2nd Battle of Jakarinlinna in the Channel region in where General Siilasvaara’s 8th army broke through the Nomidaëans and begun Evoan Counter attack towards Mikkolanvala. By the end of October, the Vaskists forces were forced to retreat southward from Erusem desert and in early November, Interkommunaali’s forces landed on Tesupar, taking the Nomidaëans by surprise. Most of Vaskist reinforcements and supply had been directed to northern Rovintael in past months as Siilasvaara’s troops had gained the momentum, leaving the larger islands into skeleton manning. Evoan troops in Irutali soon joined to secure the eastern side of Tesupar island. As the Vaskists positions had suddenly come hopeless, Liberation of the Central Archipelago went on rather smoothly as the small-scale naval activity on Nomidaëans and Ondoreans was focused on evacuating those assets that could be without too high risks. Some 100 000 men were captured, and 140 aircrafts destroyed or captured as well.

In Meantime, Interkommunaali had managed to gain small-scale success to invade the Dog Islands in the Far East, close to Saanxi, as the mainland allies of Marlannon had little naval power to oppose these movements. In December 1942, Interkommunaali’s forces also landed at Wembula at equatorial Rovintaël to end the Ondorean pocket of colonial forces that were pestering the northern reaches of Kesämaa. As Siilasvaara’s 8th Army pushed through the Northern Rovintael, a second front in the continent was opened in February 1943, by Evoan Landings in Estipaimensa, and by spring, Mikkolanvala had been liberated and the Ondorean oversea forces defeated. After liberating the Central Archipelago and Northern Rovintaël, the strategic discussion between the allies and Rim Sach took a more heated tone, as the grand goals to defeat the Vaskists seemed to differ depending on the nations involved. For Evo, securing the Coin Mucra was a natural follow on to the success in the Golden Sea, as it would ensure more security to the channel region, which was suffering from Ondorean bombing raids, and huge force of Evoan Air Force had to be concentrated in the region. This also suited Rim Sach, though not without some restraint, as it was obviously clear by this point that wherever the allied liberators landed, those areas were now off-limits to Rim Shacian desires of expanding their zone of influences. Coin Mucra was a historical battleground for Evo and Rim Sach in the 18th and 19th century colonial races, and essential for the security of the Nauri Channel. Interkommunaali was keen on opening new front directly in Nomidaë, reasoning that fighting the Nomidaëan peripheral troops and allies did not ensure swift ending to the war, but were nevertheless reasoned to join Evoan stand, as no material strength yet existed for large scale invasion of Ellardaë. At the same time, reports of large-scale use of slave workers by Nomidaëans began to report as well as mistreatment of various minorities, deemed not fit to serve the Brass-crown.

In Raiven, the presence of Nomidaëan remaining heavy ships causes significant problems against the Evoan and Interkommunaali’s convoys to Rim Sach in war material. In december of 1942 two Evoan Light cruisers and their escorts managed to defeat one of these raids and sinking a Heavy cruiser, which severely hindered Nomidaëan surface fleet, leaving only one modern battleship, one battlecruiser, 2 heavy cruisers and 3 old battleships in commission.

Meanwhile, Interkommunaali continued its own advances island-by-island in the Last Ocean, and these operations came mostly under the Kommunaalilaivasto, as the Actual Interkommunaali’s army was mostly being deployed to either Central Archipelago or in the Evo Home island. In July 1943, Evoan and Interkommunaali’s forces landed at Coin Mucra and by autumn, the Allied forces reached the rivers Mucra and Saughnot where their advances were eventually slowed. In Late august, Rim Sachians are able to start their attack on the Northern part of Coin Mucra. In fears of getting invaded by Rimians, the Coin Mucran collaborationist forces under Ondorean command surrendered and this opened the Allied forces an opportunity to push northward to meet with Rim Sachian troops.

The Golden Sea Fleet carriers were able to track down Retreating Ondorean battle fleet in the middle of Gulf of Ondore in October and after a successful air raid, Konjug, one of the modern fast ones was sunk and others damaged. The survivors limped to the port of Konjug itself and the Ondorean Navy never ventured to the open seas thereafter.

In the Far East, Marlannonians managed to push against Evoans in the Rovintaëls eastern tip, together with conducting daring raids into Kesämaa itself in the late summer and autumn 1943. Despite Prime Minister Räyskäs promises, Evoan contribution to the Far Eastern front remained diminutive, as all resources were concentrated on the oncoming invasion of Ellardaë, that was settled in a conference at Mikkolanvala in November-december 1943 to take place in june of the next year. Small scale Evoan success in the Island hopping campaign came when Kour islands were captured south of Kerric in early 43.

1943 Ended for the Evoan Navy for more success, as the Last Nomidaëan Battlecruiser Vistcatch was located in the Far north, in attempt to intercept a convoy send from Evo to Rim Shack, it was met with Evoan cruisers and a battleship Louhi Tulentekijä, which eventually found the enemy battlecruiser and sunk her together with her small escort force. This ended the Raiven Force, and was a symbolic seal to the restoration of Sea Control for Evo, as Shasike became reluctant to sacrifice anymore of his dwindling surface fleet to vain attempts at raiding. The Fronts in the East had begun moving towards west and most of Nomidaëan attention was placed in ensuring Shasikes grip on Thunordak and Alkurulaë, which would be first in line to face the “Horde” as the Rim Sachian industrial might was pouring tanks after tanks to meet the initial mechanized superiority that the Vaskists Forces had enjoyed in the early years of the war.

Interkommunaalis attack on Aharava, on of the largest Far East Evoan colonial possession begun in early january 1944 and although small Evoan contingent was present, its role remained mostly symbolic, but by this date it had become more and more evident, that Evo was in no position of reclaiming all of its lost colonies, and this burden laid on Interkommunaali. Arrival of Red troops in the island raised hopes in local communist anti-colonial movements whose active undercover role against Marlannonians was effectively exploited by the Interkommunaali’s intelligence, much to Evoan dislike, as some key figures in these movements had for long been on the wanted list of the official Evoan commonwealth authorities. There was however very little that Evo and Räyskä’s government could do about it, a vast majority of Evoan troops not on the frontlines yet, were prepared for a landings in Nomidaë for 2nd front that would hasten the end of the war in Ellardaë.

In Coin Mucra, the winter saw fierce fighting as the Allied forces tried to advance further northward, but the Nomidaëan and Ondorean forces managed to hold their ground much more firmly as they did previous year in the Central Archipelago and Rovintaël. Ondorean positions have become rather weak, as the internal political turmoil is suppressed violently by Nomidaëan and local Vaskist loyalists. The Rim Sachian push from the steppes, and in January 1944, the Evoan-Interkommunaali’s operation “Lumivyöry'' finaly saw a breaktrough against the last remaining bastions. Rim Sachians are able to exploit this success by pushing further westwards past the Coin Mucra-Ondorean border into the valleys of tea-mountains, effectively blocking Western allies the road against Ondore.

Most of the Coin Mucra front troops were eventually shipped back to Evo or into the Far East in preparation of the Operation ”Yliherra”, which was now finally set to be aimed at taking first the Palkkisaaret islands, north of Nomidaë, as the supply of any sort of beach head was deemed unattainable, if Nomidaë could use the islands as support base for their guerilla naval tactics against the Allied shipping. Meanwhile, the Rim Sachians were advancing westwards and reached the Thunordakian and Alkurulaëan borders by spring. Finaly in early June, Evoan and Interkommunaali’s ships embarked from Evo, supported by over a 1,000 aircraft bombings in Northern Nomidaë. Interkommunaalis forces push towards the western islands, and Evoan fleet took almost 1:1 course with their famous decoy operation some 28 years before, but this time the invasion fleet saw its journey through. over 150 000 troops landed at Palkkisaaret, which were quickly captured. This success proved out to be premature, a Shasike was able to muster almost 1 million men of somewhat fighting quality and every possible spare gunbarrel to defend the mainland beaches. The following Operation “Kauppapuutarha”, a major attempt to land at Nomidaë eventually ended up as an allied disaster, and specially in Interkommunaali, the attention was by now switched to exploit the successes in the island-hopping campaign and in Conferess at Irutali. Allied leaders reluctantly agreed to abandon the initial landings at Ellardaë and focus on defeating Marlannon first.

After hitting hard against the Last remaining modern Nomidaëan battleship and sinking it into Wambrec’s harbor in autumn 1944, the Bulk of Evoan Navy, including its modern carriers and battleships were gathered at Liidom to form the Evoan Far Eastern Fleet. The successes in the Rovitael in the summer had made capture of Krauta Salon feasible by autumn, and this was set as prime objective for the Evoan participation in the Far Eastern War. Together with Interkommunaalis breakthrough to the Yrdyr Sea, Krauta Salon was liberated in september, But despite strong Evoan Naval presence, most of Evoan Land forces are kept in Ellardaë as Rim Sachian advances trough Alkurulaë and Ondore had caused alarm in Saraste and after some infighting over strategic goals, Interkommunaali allowed Evo to send small scale expeditions in Ellardaë to secure Evo’s strategical intresses.

Simultaneously with the capture of Krauta Salon, Evoan forces launched two Operations, “Korkkiruuvi'' in the Golden Sea’s Helmisaaret islands towards Ondore and Southern Ellardaë, and most importantly the “Jauheliha'', across the strait of Kouru, down to Sulraiven, as allowing Rim Sach to control the entrance to Raiven was unacceptable for Evoans. The operations were successful as Shasike’s troops were still stationed in Nomidaëan proper, and the northern flank of the Army in Alkurulaë were not prepared for such a raid. Despite the initial landing forces were small, the vast resources secured for the “Yliherra” allowed Evo to quickly reinforce these beacheads and form supply trains that the shattered Nomidaëan naval forces in the North could no longer challenge. Evoans were able to advance eastward to liberate Mitchedaë by the winter, and set up defensive lines across the Surosmores, effectively restoring the positions of the 1939 Evoan Expedition Force in Ellardaë. As 1944 was ending near, the Ondorean backbone was finally broken in the autumn fighting when Rim Sachian armies entered the Ondorean heartlands, and Ondore surrendered in December of 1944. Same fate had fallen for Alkurulaë, although its Vaskists government still pushed for fighting while retreating among the Nomidaëan army, leaving most of the land under Rimian occupation. In the Far East, after fierce fights in land, sea and air, the Yrbeligo island was captured, which was then set to be the major staging area for the Interkommunaali’s attack on mainland Marlannon.

Despite their dire position, Marlannonians refused to surrender, and while their navy was by now mostly destroyed and Allied enjoyed strong air superiority, they could still field up to 40 divisions and thousands of aircrafts and the Vaskist fanatics were ready for suicide missions, and these type of attacks by planes was becoming a major nuisance to allied naval operations in the region. The operation “Perikato” was launched in January 1945, and despite initial heavy resistance, the landings were successful, and the mistakes taken in “Kauppapuutarha” in previous summer were largely avoided. Evoan contingent was small, only 2 divisions, but Kesämaa and Alamaa, together with a motley collection of former Ellardaëan colonial volunteers counted for 9 divisions. The operation was another mark set by Interkommunaali over its global power and future leadership in democratic nations in the Far East, and in some sense, Even the Evoan commonwealth nations were more dependable of Interkommunaali’s vast resources, compared to drain Evoan needs placed on their local economies as hars opposition.

As Operation “Perikato” slowly pushed through Marlannonian proper, so did Rimian “Horde” trough central and eastern Ellardaë, and there was little that Evo nor Interkommunaali could do, than check in dubious promises of Rimians to honor Elladaëan nations desire for freedom and democracy. As a surprise move, and direct violation to what had been agreed in joint Allied conferences (still held at the pretext of the ruins of old Internationaali), Rim Sach brokered an armistice with Saanksi and its vassal Asugnato. While Evoan army in Asmur had made some advances, these events left the Evoan command in confusion. To further strain the relationships between Rim and the western Allies, Rimian “ceasefire inspectors' ' under supposed allied mandate began to appear in southern Asugnato, their presence had only a single message, to mark the Far Eastern continental lands under Rim Sachian sphere.

After these events, Evo and Interkommunaali became more aware that the possible postwar world would mean rivalry against Rim Sach, whose ambitions to expand its control over all of the Old world would be main goals in its war against Nomidaë. Thus the remaining war would become race of securing Western interests as much as possible, and in these circumstances, Interkommunaali was willing to assist Evoan Operation “Korkkiruuvi” in the South with more men and Planes, so that by February, Antoquë was liberated and Evoans begun to plan invasion to Balc peninsula. Marlannon finally surrendered in May of 1945, when Interkommunaali’s troops were already fighting at the gates of its capital Ana Chatt.

Immediately after the surrender and cease of hostilities, large contingent of Interkommunaalis troops were sent to land on Kerric, where remaining Asugnatoan and Marlannonian occupation garrisons gave up arms soon after the landings, much of Rim Sachian displeasure, and the Great Khan fiercely condemned these acts of “neo-colonialism” but any other outcome would have ment open hostilities between the supposed allies. In their traditional manner, the Interkommunaali immediately restored it's covert operations to boost up communist insurgency movements in Asugnato and Saanksi, and the Far Eastern continental region remained violent and unstable long after hostilities ended elsewhere.

While the war ended in the Far East, it was still not over in Ellardaë. Nomidaëans held desperate defenses across their wartime gains, and governments of Alkurulaë and Thunordak succumbed into Rimian control. The prewar annexations of the old Ellarchall began to rumble under Shasike’s hands, as the nationalists underground movements began to operate more openly and bolder, as Evoan secret services provided clandestine support and Evoan Armies approached from south. Evo and Interkommunaali began to gather more troops and material for 2nd attempt at landings on Nomidaë, as the plan was now to secure much of postwar Ellardaë to be free of Rimians.

In April 1945, Evoan Air Force raid into Niwes Hawre, the last remaining Nomidaëan old Battleships were sunk and theoretical naval opposition for landings in Nomidaë proper were now basically off the table. In June, The Allied nations and Rim Sach held their last wartime Conference, its aim is to determine the postwar world, and although the Great Khans presentative, Chancellor Mattubarda signed the accord to honor Ellardaëan nations sovereignty and held free elections, It had became apparent that such would not likely be case. In Evo, General elections to be held in June are postponed until the surrender of Nomidaë, or to take place in December at latest.

By this date, both Evo and Interkommunaali were exhausted from the war. Interkommunaali especially, though possessing unparalleled industrial capacity, still held a rather peaceful population that had not been so accustomed to wars after wars, as generations in Ellardaë had and was soon closing the limits of its trained military manpowers. If the casualty rates in the planned reattempt of Ellardaëan landings would be as high as they had been during the “Perikato”, Interkommunaali would simply not be able to sustain them, even if Evoans would bear the chief burden of the troops available.

Evo and Interkommunaali had exchanged their individual researches of Nuclear weapon technology already in 1941, after singing the Keskimeri Accord, and while Evoan theoretic part had been lot more advanced, Interkommunaali possessed the resources to actually produce workable weapons from these theories and in 1943, as the nuclear program had matured enough, Evo and Interkommunaali signed an accord which would require permission from both governments to use of nuclear weapons.

Interkommunaali decided to use nuclear bombs against Nomidaë in July 1945, and after consulting and typical debate over target priorities, set targets for the bombings. In late July, In a conference held at Aranchu, near Ana Chatt at occupied Marlannon, Evo and Interkommunaali gave final ultimatum for Shasike for unconditional surrender, or to face utter destruction instead. As expected, Shasike and his government ignored these declarations.

On 6th of August 1945, an Interkommunaali’s Bomber section with accompanying test and survey aircraft took off from Northern Tesupar, and flew over Manorech, dropping a single atomic bomb that almost completely destroyed the city. By this time, the Rim Sachian army had reached the westernmost branch of Daekor river, and the Nomidaëan fronts were all but a few days away from collapsing. As there was no initial response from Nomidaëans to these attacks, Interkommunaali decided to launch a second attack on 9th of August, originally aimed at the city of Venintche, but as weather conditions interfered, a secondary target at Daser Du was chosen instead. As in history’s great mysteries, the bomb's effect was expanded by a firestorm occuring after the initial blast waves ignition accumulated into severe fire that destroyed almost 95% of the urban areas adjacent. Some 1000 years ago, Evoan Varpamies king Taisto II Tulenloimu’s Great raid resulted Burning and sacking of Daser Du, after the Ancient Ellarchall’s armies were defeated. In even older myths from the dark ages preceding, Evoan Jorma Hiidensilmä fought and slained the Mythical Shasike (who had turned into a dragon) over Daser Du, and burned the ancient city.

It is said that Shasike II was in the near vicinity of the city and witnessed its nuclear detonation (though debatable) and definitely saw its firestorm. He then headed back to his bunker and shot himself the following night. Always superstitious, Shasike II had used the old myths entangled in his own political agenda and ideology, and at the verge of defeat could see the omens clearly. After his death, the Ellarchallian command soon entered chaos. Evoans and Interkommunaali landed on Niwes Hawre and Too Facle on 10th of August and both cities surrendered without resistance. In the following days, Some sort of emergency provisional government of Nomidaë emerged and on 15ht of August it accepted the Aranchu Declaration and unconditional surrender. The surrender was originally intended for the Western Allies, but Evoans and Interkommunaali insisted that the new government lay down arms at the eastern Front as well. This took place on the 16th of August, and it is regarded as the official date that the 2nd Class War finally ended. Evoan and Interkommunaalis troops began to enter Nomidaë for its occupation.

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Post subject: Re: Aravala (Gollyverse) Main threadPosted: September 14th, 2024, 8:48 am
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Very nice, it develops very well.

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