It's cerainly a huge improvement, but there seems to be some issues. One, purely formal, is that the template is lacking shipbucket.com watermark in bottom right corner.
The superstructure seems to lack overhang shading (cast by walkways), and I'm concerned that canvas coverings of railings seem to have random texture (or these are artifacts?
Also, there seems to be an issue with hull shading. It's certainly closer to what is meant to be, than previous versions, but it looks to me "too thin" on bow, and too thick (and with randomly applied shades) on the stern.
I have no idea of actual shape of the hull at the stern, but I imagine, that the shading would look more like below (yellow is highlight, meaning that it's facing upwards or forwards and light - at least in theory - falls on it; orange is base, red is shade, maroon is deep shade and purple are breaks in surface that don't warrant use of black as it's not a 90-degrees break or outer contour).
I've included there a samples of what I imagine as cross-section of hull there (remember - it's only my guess and they are NOT to scale, merely a crude, hand-made sketches, to help You grasp the concept).