eswube wrote: * | December 5th, 2021, 10:07 am |
These Cessnas look great, but are You aware there is an "edit" button and You didn't had to post each of these files in separate post (don't know if this rule is still enforced, but back in the day doubleposting - even more: quintupleposting - was not preferred)?
I am well aware of the existence of the edit button. However, after reviewing the forum rules, I've found no mention of the rule you speak of barring such a thing. Moreover, in my 3+ years as a member of the Bucket I've done this same thing multiple times and it has never been an issue. If a member of the Board staff states that it is some unspoken rule or something similar, I will be happy to refrain from doing so in the future. I posted these drawings as I completed them, rather than all at once, because I wasn't sure when or if the later drawings would be completed and thus withholding from posting the earlier drawings would have delayed them for an unknown amount of time.
Again, I've never heard of such a rule but if I'm informed that it does indeed exist by a member of staff I will be happy to follow it in future.