Probably my smallest and quickest made set of drawings (only a mere hour) this plucky little ship has a rather sad story, Namyoung Ho (nameplate just red "Nam-Yeong") was a 362 ton, 43 meter long 1967 built South Korean Passenger ferry that capsized and sank due to poor distribution of cargo and passenger overloading on the night of December 15th 1970 with between 323 and 326 going down with the ship, an eerie prelude to the much Later Sewol-Ho Tradgedy of 2014
colors are still speculation as no color photos exist of her, but a later fleetmate (admittedly after re-branding in 1971 due to the disaster) was found and she was a greenish color on the hull with beige-brown/sand colored masts and ventilators
1967 (As Built)
1970 (as of Sinking)