I can see where you're going Mitch. I have, myself made a thorough upgrade on the Tromp, in all the class' shapes and appearances, for myself. Now, if Miho would consent, I could go ahead and post them here. BTW, I absolutely LOVE your prop! Exactly what I've been looking for and trying to create, without much success! Say, may I use it too??
Oh, and as a curiosity FYI: I made two AU-versions, one of the de Ruyter (then renamed Eendracht) with APAR etc, and one of Tromp if sold to Chile (as the Heemskercks were), then renamed CNS Covadonga.
Oh, and I did an edit on the existing Standard frigate with (as usual for me!) both starbord and port elevation. I can send it to you, if you think it'd help you! Free of charge!