Hi all -
We have revived the Shipbucket Patreon and added new membership tiers! If you are interested in contributing, check it out here:
Our goal with reopening the Patreon is first and foremost to cover server hosting and domain renewal costs, but we also would like to make some improvements to the site -- most importantly, resolving the open issue with the "
admin@shipbucket.com" email address which is required for board activation. We are also planning some other improvements to the archive, such as reworking/refining FD Scale searching. All of this requires paid development work.
The Patreon is set up to allow monthly contributions of $3, $5, or $10 depending on preference. The $5 and $10 tiers receive a custom Discord role. $10 tier receives access to the "Admiral's Club" forum group for those inclined.
Donations here over the years have made the revamped/searchable Shipbucket site possible. Our thanks go to all who choose to donate!