Patiño/Amsterdam/A150 Class
A three nation wide design, and later on in service at 4 nations.
Collaboration between the three nations started at the end of the 80's was intended to bring a new replenishment oiler.
A ship that was versatile between any mission that the three navy's could ask for.
They where designed to be cheap, easy to build and have a more background operation task.
However the Benelux and Fryssian navy's equiped their ships with CIWS for self defence.
In the Fryssian navy they sought 3 units so there was always one active. Any of these would be the 2nd line oiler in the navy.
The A140 class fleet replenishment oilers and the A135 Class Fleet Oilers where the first line for the CBG's and task forces.
The A150 class replaced the aged A130 replishment oilers. These where around the same size and capacity of the A150 Class.
This way they fit perfectly in the already ongoing needs and specifications requirements.
In 2015 the navy sought to replace the aging A140 Class with 2 new units.
The navy selected the A150 Class to do so, however not as the original A150 Class.
The new units would be longer, more advanced and have more capabilities and self defence systems.
Better radars and speed plus range was also required.
The ships are far greater at length and heavier.
These ships will be shown later in this AU.
Spanish Ships: (Patiño Class)
-1995-A14, Patiño
Improved Patiño Class
-2010-A15, Cantabria
Benelux Ship: (Amsterdam Class)
-1995-A836, Amsterdam
Fryssian ships: (A150 Class)
-1995-A432, Fristaden
-1995-A433, Wilholmshavn
-1997-A434, Khiel
Improved A150 Class
-****-A435, To be ordered
-****-A436, To be ordered
Australian ships: (Supply Class)
-2021-A195, Supply
-2022-A304, Stalwart
Fryssian AU with Lt.Maverick 114
Embarked on: HNLMS Karel Doorman A833
To do list:
-Zeven Provincien class cruiser
-Joint support ship all sides
-F124 Sachsen class frigate
-F125 Baden-Württemberg class frigate
-Clemencau class aircraft carrier
-Zeven provincien class frigate
-Poolster class AOR
-Amsterdam class AOR
-Minas Gerais aircraft carrier