Chile1, forgive me to barge in like this, but I get the feeling you didn't get how crediting works here in SB.
If you draw a ship all by yourself (or by using only common pats like guns or boats) then your name is the only thing that goers into the credits.
If you use subsantial parts from somone else drawing, it usually means you add his name to the credil line. Example: (Chile1, Enrr)
If you modify an existing drawing, the original autho name goes first, and you name comes second. if you then use more parts from another drawing as well that name goes into the credit line as well, after yours. Example (Enrr, Chile1) for the first case, (Enrr, Chile1, Garlicdesign) for the second case.
Now, all your battleships seem to me to be modified from Enrr original littorio class:
Your carrier seems to use the hull from the same Littorio class, with the addittion of Enrr Aquila island
and a lot of pieces from Garlicdesign AU aircraft carrier Sardegna which he drew for the carrier challenge ... planes.png
I didn't look into that deeply into the cruisers, but I can see elements from some of Enrr works as well:
Inm short, you should fix the credit line on your drawings to correctly reflect it.