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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: October 23rd, 2020, 12:28 am
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Prince Eisen I class man-o'-war

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Prince Eisen I was originally a war galleon of the Leovarran Armada, San Gabriella, captured in 1097 at the start of the Antara-Leovarra War. San Gabriella, an armed troop transport bound for Puerto Isabella (modern day Eisenburg), was intercepted by a squadron of three lighter Antaran brigs and sloops: Carida, Viper and Monarila. Surprisingly outgunned by the faster and smaller Antaran vessels, San Gabriella was repeatedly fired on, leaving her holed and her most crew and passengers cut down by wood shrapnel and cannon shot. Viper and Carida boarded the vessel to a surrendered and demoralized crew. San Gabriella was slowed sailed to a friendly port with escorts, however she was in such a horrid state the vessel nearly sank on several occassions due to flooding and had to be patched up along the voyage.

San Gabriella was put into drydock in Port Victoria, partially rebuilt and relaunched under the name of the current heir to the throne, in 1399. The same year as Prince Eisen I's relaunching, two galleons of the same design began construction. Up until then the Antarans hadn't had the vessel the size of the common galleon that the Aemoric powers fielded. The Prince Eisen Is, being a copy of a rebuilt version of an old ship, where of questionable value. These comparatively low-end man-o'-wars were no match for a battle line of the Armada. The fledgling Antaran navy was entirely outmatched and resorted to raiding transports and merchantmen as opposed to warships.

Prince Eisen I, pursuing a Leovarran convoy of four ships, was boarded and recaptured by an escort and once again renamed, this time to Nuestro Maestro Torio. Eisen's half-sister ships, Jacinto and St Katherine, would engage in battle with one-another in 1105, with St Katherine going down with all hands. The 1st Antaran Civil War shook the nation apart right after the end of the last war with the Leovarrans, and right as the other Aemoric powers decided they wanted a piece of the Antaran pie. Jacinto was captured by the Wesmeres the same year and renamed Undaunting. Undaunting's fate is unknown.

Ships in class

Prince Eisen I - Captured, 1100
Jacinto - Captured, 1105
St Katherine - Sunk in action, 1105

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: November 18th, 2020, 8:37 pm
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Gremary-class light frigate

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Last edited by Shigure on July 11th, 2022, 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: November 26th, 2020, 3:08 pm
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Destroyer preliminary designs

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DD-13F was the logical progression of the Chiaki class destroyers built during the Great War. The F design continued the trend of large torpedo armaments, albeit using triple launchers instead of twins. To offset the increased weight, it may have been launched without torpedo reloads unlike Chiaki. F also showed twin 127mm mounts, which the Antarans did not make until the late 20s.

DD-13F was inspired by a very, very old drawing of mine. Far from 1:1 copy for sure.
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The TB-8 series of proposals was a revival of early ocean-going torpedo ships more specialized towards anti-capital ship combat than what destroyers had become at the time. TB-8 made its appearance shortly before the World War as a stop-gap solution to the lack of ships the navy had to combat Siegmaria. No designs went through, instead the budget went towards the Gremary class frigates.

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One of many proposals for the Shannon class destroyers. The B design was a softer transition from the Heidi/Nightly class than what Shannon eventually became. The B proposal in particular focused on torpedo armament, trading one main battery turret for another torpedo launcher, however outwardly Shannon simply copied Heidi's armament but with a superior flush-deck hull.

DD-21B was inspired by another very old drawing of mine. This one is a lot more faithful to the original, but still fits my current design language a lot more.
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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: December 14th, 2020, 8:02 pm
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Shaw class destroyer

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The Shaws were a twelve ship class of destroyers meant to compliment the Erin class leaders. Like other post-World War destroyers, the Shaws were fundamentally carrier escort ships, providing both air-defense and ASW protection to the fleet. However during the construction of the vessels, the yet to enter mass production of the RGM-1 anti-ship cruise missile had created a divide in the navy, one which threatened the doctrine of carrier supremacy. The missile, as many had argued, was believed to render the aircraft carrier obsolete as an anti-ship force. This sentiment was not only found among admirals in the Freyatic Fleet, whose experience from the World War had taught them the trouble the carrier had in operating in the Freyatic theater. Half the admiralty, and a great deal many politicians wanted the navy to outright phase out the use of large and extremely expensive carriers in favor of anti-ship missile armed destroyers, cruisers, and some had even argued, capital ships.

The Shaws, now under construction, became the subject of political squabble. The Scyllic Fleet wanted their carrier escort ships, while the Freyatic Fleet wanted them armed with cruise missiles. As the class was already going to be split 50/50 between both fleets, a compromise was met. The Scyllic Fleet got their destroyers as designed, why the remaining six vessels that went to the other navy sat in the yards longer to outfit with the then experimental MkG1 launchers, capable of firing RGM-1s. The Freyatic Shaws, often called the Stark-class destroyers, traded their aft 127mm mounts for the launcher, maintaining at least most of the original armament of the as designed Shaws.

The MkG3 cruise missile tube system replaced the space hungry and clunky MkG1 in the 60s. The Stark group thus had their MkG1 replaced with a MkS1 AAM launcher and later the MkS3, a feature shared with the destroyers from the other fleet. The MgG3 tubes were placed forward behind the #1 gun turret, and later replacing it outright. The cruise missiles were always meant to compliment the firepower of a cruiser or battlecruiser through saturation fire.

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Haishang Conflict/War

The Haishang Conflict of 1364 saw the Republic of Qingzhou contest the Antaran occupied islands in the Haishang Sea, who the Qings claimed ownership of following their loss to Osora in the World War. The Antarans refused to surrender the islands, stating the Qings no longer had any claim (given the constant change of hands throughout the years and that the original owners no longer existed.

Years of overly aggressive naval maneuvers, shows of force, and political squabbling finally boiled over when the Qingzhou attempted for forcefully wrestle the Antarans over the territory. Qingzhou, the initiator of the conflict, was supported by many who wished to see Antara's dominance challenged after the World War. The Qings received a great deal many equipment, training and men from foreign nations - as well as early missile defense systems in case of a nuclear response. As the Antarans, and by extension the rest of the world, had no idea as to the after effects of nuclear explosions - they did make use of some forms of nuclear weaponry.

The conflict lasted three weeks and only one actual land invasion that went on for five days. Most of the war was fought at sea, and despite the massive numbers of warships and vessels present on both sides, 'only' six warships were sunk. The Antarans lost the destroyer Sayo to a ship launched cruise missile. The loss of Sayo and the damaging of the carrier Umbara caused mass panic the fleet, creating doubts into the effectiveness of their air defense - with systems like the MkT and Mk76 CIWS being a direct result of this panic.

Nuclear weaponry would be a highlight for many. The Antaran destroyer Navarro, in pursuit of Qing submarines No.45 and No.46, fired a RUR-2 torpedo from her MkU2, of which was armed with a nuclear warhead. It's not known which submarine was struck by the torpedo, but the resulting detonation had eliminated both vessels one way or the other. Several cruisers and two battleships were present throughout the conflict had some stock of nuclear ammunition for their artillery, however friendly fire concerns meant they were never used for shore bombardment - regular artillery rounds were used instead. The heavy cruiser Shiloh fired her nuclear rounds at the Qing destroyer Shenzhou at a range of 28 kilometers - none struck - but Shenzhou retired thereafter. Most vessel destructions came as a result of air-launched missiles or submarine torpedoes.

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Tonnage - 3000 tonnes standard
Speed - 32 knots
Range - 8000 tonnes at 14 knots
Main battery - 2xII 127mm/52 Mk51 (as launched)
Torpedoes - 2xII 324mm Mk56 (as launched)

Ships in class

Shaw - scrapped, 1393
Johnson - sunk as target ship, 1392
Singleton - scrapped, 1391
Gray - scrapped, 1391
Navarro - scrapped, 1393
Burnett - scrapped, 1392
Stark - sold to Bahtia, 1387
Slatesword - scrapped, 1390
Jennings - sold to Bahtia, 1387
McDowell - scrapped, 1390
Costa - sunk as reef ship, 1392
Pierce - sunk as target ship, 1387

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Last edited by Shigure on August 19th, 2023, 12:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: December 21st, 2020, 1:40 am
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Mandorf-class light cruiser

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The Mandorf class used by the Siegsmarine were built for trade protection and colonial security. Their thin armor, slow speed, and small main battery meant they were not suitable to form part of the battle fleet - this was instead handed over to heavy cruisers and faster, nimble light cruisers.

At the start of the World War, and given Friedeland's close proximity to Antara, the Mandorfs and similiar trade protection cruisers were the first to engage in action against Siegmaria's overseas enemy. Cruisers Senebach and Schonberg are credited with sinking the Wesmeric cruiser Wispess in 1343, operating out of Antaran ports. Senebach is also noted for being scuttled in the harbour entrance of Port Petarane, Carst Bay, which denied the Allies a staging area for their fleet for several weeks. This delayed the invasion of Aemore by Antara for three months as constant harassments by the Sieg fleet and airforce disrupted efforts to clear away the sunken vessel as well as secure the town and port itself.

As with many Sieg vessels, the Mandorfs were stuck in port in the remaining years of the war due the navy having their fuel supply lines severed after the loss of the Friedeland colony.

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Blank -


Displacement - 6800 tonnes standard
Speed - 32 knots
Range - 10,000nm at 14 knots
Main battery - 4xII 150mm/60
Secondary battery - 3xII 88mm (as built), 3xII 127mm/45 (1339+)
Torpedoes - 4xIII 533mm (as designed), 2xII (as finished)
Armor - 88mm belt, 50mm decks, 25mm gun houses
Compliment - 400-500 men

Ships in class

Mandorf - surrendered to Antara, 1348, sunk in testing, 1355
Senebach - scuttled, 1345
Ruesdorf - sunk by aircraft, 1342
Afenberg - surrendered to Desnia, 1348, scrapped 1351
Schonberg - surrendered to Antara, 1348, sunk in testing, 1352
Trokenstadt - torpedoed by submarine, 1346

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: December 21st, 2020, 10:05 am
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Such a beauty.

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: December 21st, 2020, 10:27 am
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Great looking additions, very nicely drawn.

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: December 21st, 2020, 11:52 am
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Credit to Imperialist with the last class of course :D

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: January 18th, 2021, 10:13 pm
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King Eisen I-class battleship

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The King Eisens were the second group of full-iron battleships built by the Antarans in their attempt to keep up with the Aemoric navies. King Eisen I ditched the three gun deck set up that was the mainstay of previous generation ship-of-the-lines and settled with a single deck with a heavy battery. Her citadel was armoured with 178mm iron plates while her extended belt was at most 152mm. While Antara's industry was growing rapidly, the quality of its product was subpar for its time, particularly with the strength of its iron, which would not reach Aemoric standards for another 20 years.

King Eisen I and Duchess of Cascadia were both launched several months before Antara's war with Saliam began in 1178 and saw action against the empire. The Duchess won an unsurprising victory against the Salian wooden-hulled battleship Dévastateur in February 1179, however celebrations were short as the Antaran vessel suffered a structural failure which caused massive flooding. The Duchess capsized to her starboard, creating a maritime hazard in the port of Angel Bay for 13 years due to the difficulty of removing her wreckage.

King Eisen I took part in the Battle of Cabot Landing in October 1179 without her sistership. The battleship was rammed by the ironclad frigate Devoir after an unsuccessful broadside attack from both parties, with the latter overcome by flooding. Later throughout the battle another frigate, the L'exécuteur boarded the King Eisen-I which had run adrift due to a boiler failure and was captured. The Salian crew too were unable to solve the boiler problem and had to be towed to the still Salian held town of Ferguson. Eisen was renamed to Repenti and entirely re-engined. Repenti was scrapped several years after the war in 1194.

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Ships in class

King Eisen I - captured, 1179, scrapped, 1194
Duchess of Cascadia - capsized, 1179


Tonnage - 4800 tonnes standard
Speed - 13 knots under steam power
Range - 1400nm at 10 knots
Armament - 4xI 305mm/13, 4xI 203mm/15, 16xI 127mm, all muzzle-loaded shell guns
Armor - 178mm citadel, 152mm extended belt, 25mm decks, 203mm conning tower

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Post subject: Re: Antara 2.5Posted: January 19th, 2021, 7:31 pm
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Type 1331-class destroyer

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The Type 1331s were a gradual improvement on the T1329s, mounting an additional main battery gun in order to keep it line with rival destroyers. In order to accomplish this, her torpedo launchers were reduced from three to two. In all other aspects, the T1331s were a near copy of the last line of destroyers.

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Blank version -

Displacement - 1500 tonnes standard
Speed - 36 knots
Range - 6000 nm at 14 knots
Main battery - 5xI 128mm/45
Torpedoes - 2xIV 533mm with 2 reloads

Ships in class

Z72 - seized in 1347, sunk as target ship, 1353
Z73 - seized in 1347, scrapped, 1357
Z74 - seized in 1347, scrapped 1355
Z75 - torpedoed, 1342
Z76 - scuttled, 1346
Z77 - sunk by aircraft, 1345
Z78 - sunk in surface action, 1343
Z79 - rammed and sunk, 1343
Z80 - seized in 1347, scrapped 1350
Z81 - seized in 1347, sunk as target ship, 1349
Z82 - sunk by aircraft, 1347
Z83 - sunk in surface action, 1345

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