This ship was designed to withstand tallboy boms. Like 3 torpedo hits on exact same spot. Shells from 20 inch. And also its own ammo explotion.
This ship would be indestructable...
Exept if you trow a bom in the funnel so it cant move. Then attack its rudders. Sail with 4 iowa battleships +more to it. And fire the crap out of it.
Fryssian AU with Lt.Maverick 114
Embarked on: HNLMS Karel Doorman A833
To do list:
-Zeven Provincien class cruiser
-Joint support ship all sides
-F124 Sachsen class frigate
-F125 Baden-Württemberg class frigate
-Clemencau class aircraft carrier
-Zeven provincien class frigate
-Poolster class AOR
-Amsterdam class AOR
-Minas Gerais aircraft carrier