This is thread about Yugoslav People's Army units organization, mostly companies and some platoons.
I took all data from @bojank's thread on My City Military forum, so special thanks to him ... u-JNA.html
Update: english translation
komandir čete - company commander
zamenik komandira čete - deputy company commander
četni starešina - company logistic
komandir voda - platoon commander
zamenik komandira voda - deputy company commander
bolničar - medic
komandir odeljenja - squad commander
automatičar - submachinegunner
strelac - rifleman
puškomitraljezac - light machinegunner
pomoćnik - assistant
mitraljezac - machinegunner
radiofonista - radioman
sanjperista - sniper
izviđač - scout
nišandžija - gunner
komandir - commander (armored vehicle)
vozač - driver
poslužilac - weapon operator
komandir radarske grupe - radar group commander
operator radara - radar operator
tromblonista - rifle grenadier
punilac - loader
dodavač/doturač/donosilac municije - ammo feeder
kurir- courer
nišandžija MB - mortar gunner
operator POLK - anti-tank missile gunner
izviđač ABHO - NBC scout
vodič konja - horseman
tempirač - fuse operator