Really nice executed drawing David! I cant tell anything about the specifications or if you did something wrong, i leave that to others.
However as told before, a purple block between the barrels of the secondairies on the top view are viewable on both sides PS/SB
Also some white pixel dots can be found around the seaplane. I guess this is ms paints fault (got it a lot to when i copy stuff from a different saved file in the other)
Cant wait to see more of your work!
Fryssian AU with Lt.Maverick 114
Embarked on: HNLMS Karel Doorman A833
To do list:
-Zeven Provincien class cruiser
-Joint support ship all sides
-F124 Sachsen class frigate
-F125 Baden-Württemberg class frigate
-Clemencau class aircraft carrier
-Zeven provincien class frigate
-Poolster class AOR
-Amsterdam class AOR
-Minas Gerais aircraft carrier