In march 1916 commander Erik Hägg (CO of HSwMS Oscar II) posted a suggestion for a light scout cruiser for the RSWN in the Royal Swedish Naval Society Gazette (Tidskrift i Sjöväsende). The article can be found here on page 222 (57).
But I'm afraid that rudder and screws have been accidentialy cut off, and there are stray pixels between antenna wires and near the caption.
Posts:7510 Joined: July 28th, 2010, 12:25 pm
Location: the netherlands
Where's the propulsion though?
_________________ Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
I ask of you to prove me wrong. Not say I am wrong, but prove it, because then I will have learned something new. Shipbucket Wiki admin
The placement of the skeg is odd, it may be to get the props deeper for more efficiency, but personally I think it's on the centerline and there to protect the rudder from grounding. That seems more likely that pushing the props down for a country that operates in treacherously shallow waters. Prop shafts probably aren't shown, for some reason or another.
_________________ Drawings signed both (Miklania) and (M.Morris)