The SAMPSON array is, sorry to say it, wrong. From the side the radar faces and their covers are straight, not curved. The lower array, incidentally, being the correct size.
And we have standard parts for the cannons, the harpoon and the S1850M radar for a reason...
If you wish to submit new parts, then do so, but please don't be special just because you can. That's literally not what shipbucket is about.
Hood wrote: * | December 5th, 2018, 8:52 am |
Wonderful work Ro-Po.
I know these have been drawn many times now, but this is perhaps artistically the most advanced drawings we've had.
Well yes. And it was pointed out earlier this year that perhaps it would be better
if people didn't do that. Literally earlier this year Waterwings redrew the whole thing.
"Just because it looks nice" shouldn't be sufficient reason to redo perfectly good drawings time and time again.