Except the design shows and identifies them as 4.7" BD mounts, had they not been dropped they are what would have been shipped, so they are perfectly correct. Next time, perhaps do a little more research Mike before calling someone out.
@Blackbuck, I don't agree with
except if you give much more accurate details
1) BD => ???, these turrets mounts look like a
4,5"(114mm)/45 QF Mk I or Ml III mount
2) Historical facts, guys, 4,5"/45 QF Mk I or Ml III mount first installed onboard :
- Valiant & Queen Elizabteh : 11/1939 to 12/1940, Renown : 09/1939, early Illustrious class 1940-1941...
- Ark-Royal (4,5"/45 QF Mk I HA ("open-mount")) : fall 1938
Blackbuck, young guys,
do not confuse the 4.7" (120mm) and 4.5" (114mm)