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Post subject: Re: US ARMY OrganizationPosted: February 21st, 2018, 4:20 am
Posts: 182
Joined: March 29th, 2013, 6:10 pm
FANTASTIC work Caddaric, great to see you back to doing these amazing drawings.

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Post subject: Re: US ARMY OrganizationPosted: February 21st, 2018, 7:05 am
Posts: 965
Joined: February 18th, 2011, 6:46 am
Thank you!

"knowledge is like jam, the less you have the more you spread it"

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Post subject: Re: US ARMY OrganizationPosted: February 22nd, 2018, 3:26 am
Posts: 182
Joined: March 29th, 2013, 6:10 pm
Would love to see your take one some of the Army's newer formations and equipment.

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Post subject: Re: US ARMY OrganizationPosted: February 22nd, 2018, 5:52 am
Posts: 965
Joined: February 18th, 2011, 6:46 am
Calis wrote: *
Would love to see your take one some of the Army's newer formations and equipment.
Yeah? Which one?

"knowledge is like jam, the less you have the more you spread it"

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Post subject: Re: US ARMY OrganizationPosted: February 24th, 2018, 12:53 pm
Posts: 965
Joined: February 18th, 2011, 6:46 am
This battalion is both an administrative and tactical unit. It has supply, evacuation, and maintenance facilities for a limited period of action.
It consists of a headquarters and Headquarters Company, three medium tank companies, a light tank company, a service company, and a medical detachment.

Characteristics and Missions
(1) The chief characteristics of the tank battalion are mobility, armor-protected fire power and shock action.
It is particularly suited for rapid concentration of fire power and shock action upon enemy personnel, equipment, and installations.
(2) Continued operation is dependent upon adequate resupply of fuel, lubricants, spare parts, and ammunition.

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Battalion Headquarters:
The headquarters of the tank battalion includes a headquarters section, containing the necessary command, staff, and communications personnel and equipment for the control of the battalion, and a tank section.
In divisional tank battalions this section has two medium tanks. In separate battalions it has three, the extra tank being for the use of artillery forward observers.
Reconnaissance Platoon:
The battalion reconnaissance platoon is capable of route, site, and battle reconnaissance missions. It may be used also as a billeting party, for route marking, and to establish and man observation posts. None of these duties, however, can be allowed to interfere with its primary mission.
Because of its composition and the limited range of the radios, the platoon cannot operate far from the battalion headquarters unless relay stations are established.
Mortar Platoon:
The mortar platoon is equipped with three 81-mm mortars mounted in half-track vehicles.
The mortar may be fired either from the vehicle or the ground.
The platoon operates usually as a unit rather than by individual squads.
The mission of the mortar platoon is to give close fire support to tank units with particular reference to destroying or neutralizing antitank guns. It operates directly under control of the battalion commander.
As many of its missions will be screening, a preponderance of smoke ammunition is carried. Smoke is used as directed by the battalion commander and must not be allowed to interfere with the movement of the battalion or adjacent troops.
The platoon normally moves with the battalion reserve and where it is readily available to the battalion commander.
Assault Gun Platoon:
The assault gun platoon is equipped with three 105-mm tanks. It may be augmented with three 105-mm tanks from the medium tank companies.
The mission of the assault gun platoon is close fire support of the tanks with particular reference to antitank guns. It usually employs indirect fire methods for the initial attack and thereafter direct fire. It operates directly under control of the battalion commander.

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The tank company, both light and medium, consists of a company headquarters and three tank platoons of five tanks each.
Company headquarters is composed of:
Headquarters section
During combat the company commander rides in one of the tanks of company headquarters.
Maintenance section
The maintenance section is organized and equipped to perform second echelon maintenance for the company.
During the march it follows at the tail of the company and makes such repairs to vehicles as it can.
Administrative mess and supply section
On the march when combat is imminent and when the company is in combat the administrative, mess and supply section are with the battalion or higher unit trains.

The medium tank is a heavily armed and armored vehicle. Its weapons are suitable for close support of other tanks and ground troops.
It is slower than the light tank and more sensitive to unfavorable terrain. Its primary mission is to close with and destroy the enemy. It may be used:
(1) To lead the attack.
(2) To support by fire the advance of the light tanks, other medium tanks, and ground troops. This support is usually by direct fire.
(3) To feel out the enemy and develop weak spots. This use is exceptional.
(4) As a reserve for exploiting a success or breaking up a counterattack against the supported unit.
(5) To accompany the infantry and assist the advance by destroying or neutralizing hostile automatic weapons and pillboxes holding up the advance.
(6) When necessary, against enemy tanks.
(7) When necessary, as dug-in pillboxes (exceptional).
(8) To reinforce artillery fires.

The medium tank armed with the 76-mm gun may be used:
(1) In the leading elements of the assault echelon, either in the maneuvering force or in a direct attack, against fortified enemy positions.
(2) In the supporting elements of the assault echelon, or in the support echelon, in the absence of known enemy fortifications.
In such situations the 75-mm gun tanks are used in leading elements of the assault echelon, while the 76-mm gun tank, taking full advantage of the greater range and penetrating power of its gun, delivers supporting fire from hull defiladed positions.
(3) To reinforce the antitank defense of a supported infantry unit.

The light tank is faster than the medium tank but has lighter armor and some models have lighter armament.
The light tanks may be used-
(1) On reconnaissance and security missions.
(2) To feel out the enemy and develop weak spots in the enemy position for an attack by the medium tanks.
(3) To screen the advance of other tank units when enemy resistance is light or when the situation is vague.
(4) As a fast maneuvering force to attack the enemy flank or rear, or to exploit a success.
(5) To draw enemy armor into a trap.
(6) On terrain impassable for medium tanks.
(7) To protect the flanks of the medium tanks during the attack.
(8) When medium tanks are not available, to accompany infantry and assist its advance by destroying enemy positions. (9) To assist the infantry in mopping up.

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This attached unit is organized and equipped to provide close medical support for the tank battalion.

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a. The service company has the necessary equipment and personnel for the administration, maintenance, and supply of the battalion for a limited period of action.
It is composed of the company headquarters, the battalion administrative and personnel section, the supply and transportation platoon, and the maintenance platoon.
As directed by the S-4, it procures and distributes the ammunition, fuel and lubricants, rations, and water for the companies within the battalion.

b. When the battalion moves into combat, service company headquarters usually remains in the assembly area or Service Park, and the supply and maintenance platoons usually move forward at night to service the battalion.
The supply platoon then spends the next day reloading at higher unit supply points.
It is then prepared to resupply the battalion, that same night.

c. If the battalion operates separately, the service company sets up gasoline, ration, and ammunition dumps in areas where the battalion is located. It draws its supplies from the unit to which it is attached or from the next higher unit.

d. The work of the battalion maintenance platoon and that of the company maintenance sections are closely coordinated.

e. When the battalion moves forward into combat, the company maintenance sections follow their respective units.
The larger part of the battalion maintenance platoon remains in the assembly area or service park, though its tank recovery vehicles usually move directly behind the attack to recover disabled vehicles.

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Post subject: Re: US ARMY OrganizationPosted: February 24th, 2018, 10:14 pm
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Posts: 163
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Wonderful work as always!!

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Post subject: Re: US ARMY OrganizationPosted: February 24th, 2018, 10:34 pm
Posts: 283
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Great job! Thanks a lot.

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Post subject: Re: US ARMY OrganizationPosted: February 25th, 2018, 10:37 am
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Post subject: Re: US ARMY OrganizationPosted: February 25th, 2018, 11:31 am
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BRILLIANT work Caddaric :!:

Can't WAIT to see more old chap :D

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Post subject: Re: US ARMY OrganizationPosted: February 25th, 2018, 5:06 pm
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Very well done Caddaric, very well done indeed!!

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