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Post subject: Re: List of Ships in FictionPosted: January 3rd, 2017, 8:30 am
Posts: 7232
Joined: July 31st, 2010, 10:07 am
Part III: Fictional Warships 1945-2020
Section USSR/Russia - Vietnam

Notes: [please see notes for Part II on p.5 of this thread]
For more details on fictional aircraft, please see Appendix I. For more details on fictional weapons, please see Appendix II. For more details on fictional electronic systems and radars, please see Appendix III.

Soviet Union/Russia
Aviation Ships/ Aircraft Carriers
Pr.1123 Moskva Class
Moskva: real ship, helicopter assault ship refit early 1980s
Gorki: 1972
Kharkov: fitted with fictional 'Ultra-sonar' system, 1976
Pr.1143 Kiev Class
Komsomolec: 1979
Kharkov (Pr.1143.3 sub-class): 1985; misidentified Pr.1143.4 Baku
Fictional Pr.1143 Variants
Minsk: modified with high-energy beam-particle gun on hangar deck, 182m long structure with an elevator to aim the firing nozzle, ?x Yak-38, 35kt, 1989
Kiev, Minsk (Kuril Class): 40,000 tons, 281 x 60.9m (including flightdeck), 2x SA-N-3, 3x SA-N-4, 1x SUW-N-1, 14x2 57-30mm, 2x RBU-6000, Kiev has a portable laser system (stowed in hangar, deployed on deck), 25x Yak-36M & 25x Ka-25, 30kt; misidentified Kiev Class
Pr.1143.5 Class
Tbilisi (ex-Riga, ex-Leonid Brezhnev): real ship completed 1990
Fictional Classes
Togliatti, Allende: amphibious force carriers, 1980-85
Kreml: CVN, 75,000 tons, 335 x 40m (flightdeck 90m), 20x SS-N-19, 2x SN-N-14, 12x6 SA-N-6, 2x2 76mm (or 2x1 100mm), 9x 30mm CIWS, 1x RBU-6000, 70x Su-27 & ?x Ka-27, CONAS powerplant, 30-32kt, 5,000 crew & 1,500 Marines, 1985-89
Tbilisi: CVN, 70,000 tons, launched 1985; name clash real Pr.1143.5 Class carrier
Novgorod: CVN, ?x fictional Yak-56 strike fighters & Antonovs for naval infantry, 1990
Sergei G. Gorshkov: CVN, 90,000 tons, ?x EMP cannon, ?x ‘Teardrop’ SAMs, airgroup includes fictional MiG-33B fighters, 1995
Dzerzhinsky, Andropov: 1998
Beria, Yezhov, Zinoviev: helicopter carriers, 1998
Ul'Yanovsk (Pr.1143.7 Class): 60,000 tons, 324.6 x 75.5 x 10.8m, 12x SS-N-19, 4x SA-9 VLS, 8x CADS-N-1, 6x 30mm AK-630, 2x RPK-5 ASW, 30x fictional Su-37R Flanker & 10x Su-25 & 10x Ka-27PL & 5x Ka-25RT, ‘Strut Pair’ & ‘Top Plate’ radars, 32kt, 2004
Vladimir Putin: CVN, 2012

Fictional Classes
Reninsky, Komsomol, Krasnoy, Pioneer: 78,000 tons, 4x2 18in L/50m 32kt, 1950s
Lenin Class: ?x 20in guns
Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevski, Vasily Chuikov , Nikolai Vatsuchin , Konstantin Rokofusuki: 218,000 tons, 3x3 25in L/58
Strana Sovetov, Sovetskaya Belorossyia, Krasnaya Bessarabiya, Krasnaya Sibir', Sovietskaya Konstitutsia, Lenin, Sovetskiy Soyuz (K-1000 Class): 36,000-56,000 tons, 2x SS-N-1 launchers, 2x3 (or 3x3) 16in, 10x2 130mm, 5x10 57mm, 10x4 45mm, 16x2 37mm, 25-33kt, 1953

Gun Cruisers
Dmitri Donskoi (Pr.65): 4x3 180mm, 6x2 100mm, 12x2 37mm, 8x2 25mm, 2x5 533mm TT, 36kt, 1951
Moskva (Pr.66): 3x3 220mm, 4x2 130mm, 6x4 45mm, 6x4 25mm, 2x5 533mm TT, 34.5kt, 1953; name clash Pr.23 battlecruiser
Novograd, Leningrad (Pr.68 Chapayev or Pr.68bis Sverdlov Class)
Dimitri Lazarev (Pr.68bis Sverdlov Class)

Missile Cruisers
Pr.1134 Kresta I Class
Kresta: modified with 2x4 SS-N-3 ‘Shaddock’ SSMs & 2x Ka-25 ‘Hormone’
Pr.1134A Kresta II Class
Admiral Arbatov
Pr.1134B Kara Class
Pr.1164 Slava Class
Asov, Izentzi: 1990; names don’t fit class
Pr.1144 Kirov Class
Kirov: fictional 2010-2025 refit, 3x2 152mm (1 fwd, 2 aft), 1x 100mm (fwd), 20x fictional SS-N-29 SSMs, 10x fictional MOS-III SSM/ASW, 10x fictional SS-N-27B SSMs, SA-N-9 SAMs, 1x UDAV ASW mortar, 4x Khastan CIWS, 2x5 533mm TT, 4x phased array radar, 1x Fregat 3-D radar, 1x fictional Voshhod-2 ‘Dawn’ long-range radar, 3x Klinok SAM fire-control radars, 4x Kamov Ka-40
Kuznetzov: 2005; name clash Pr.1143.5 aircraft carrier
Unidentified Classes
Gordyi, Revolutsia: 1977
Fictional Classes
4x unnamed (Admiral Gorshkov Class): 1980-85
Riga: 4x Mil Mi-24 ‘Hind-A’, 1982
Karl Marx: 76,000 tons, 1998

Type 7 Class
Razyarenny: extant 1956
Pr.61 Kashin Class
Pr.1156 Sovremennyy Class
Pr.1155 Udaloy Class
2x unnamed: SA-N-9 replaced by fictional SA-N-10 ABM, 1986
Vice-Admiral Sulakov: 1992
Borozdin: 1996
Admiral Kalnikov (fictional Pr.1155.? Udaloy III Class): 2x1 152mm (fwd & aft), ?x RBU-6000, 2x heli, has fictional Bell Crown torpedo decoy system, 2016
Unidentified Classes
Dostoyny: 1976
Otlitnyi, Slavny: 1977
Dskari, Svetlivyiare: 1979-83
Fictional Classes
Guevara, Allende, Juan Bosch (Guevara Class): DDGN, ?x SSMs (retractable launchers), ?x SAMs, ?x 40mm, nuclear power, 50kt, 1974-80; unlikely names
Chenin Class: 1x gun (fwd), 16x fictional SS-N-100 ‘Skimmer Pole’ SLCMs, ?x VLS for fictional SA-N-60 SAM/SSMs ?x ADGM-series CIWS, 2x heli or Yak-236 ‘Fanner’ VTOL fighters & ‘Fat Fly’ RPVs with ‘Hanging Basket’ AEW radar, ‘Bugeye Pair’ air-search radar, 200 crew, 1986+
12x unnamed (Kura Class): 1998

Shakal (Pr.50 Riga Class): 1989 refit, 3x1 100mm, 2x2 37mm, 1x25mm, 1x RBU-2500, 4x DCT, 1x DCR
Dostoiny, Razytelny (Pr.1135.1 Krivak III Class): 1979
Grisha III, Mirka (Pr.1124MP Grisha III Class): 1987; unlikely names
Unidentified Classes
Grozyyashchiy: 2000s
Fictional Classes
Krakvilsk, Kulmanov (Kurov Class): 1965-75
Unnamed (621): 2x4 SS-N-3 SSMs or SS-N-14 ASW, 1x2 SA-N-3 SAMs, 2x2 76mm, 1975

Patrol Ships
Barsuk: 2000s

Eugen Onegin: WW2-era sub extant 1982
Unnamed (Dekabrist (Series I) Class): converted to transport 1950s
Ex-German Type XXI Class
5x unnamed: completed at Danzig for USSR, 1945-46
Pr.613 Whiskey Class
Svetlanosk: commissioned 1963, converted for marine research 1977 with divers ports & minisub, transferred to Argentina 1978
Slavianka (Pr.640 Whiskey Canvas Bag): fitted for ELINT, extant 1980s
Pr.641 Foxtrot Class
Mech Rodiny (Sword of the Motherland)
2x unnamed: modified with IR-guided SAMs, 1977
Pr.641B Tango Class
Krasnaya Zarya (Red Dawn): modified with experimental Magnetohydrodynamic drive in addition to normal diesel powerplant in 1990
Pr.940 India Class
Odessa: modified design, 2x16in ASW TT (4 reloads), 1991; Pacific-based
Pr.877 Kilo Class
Riga: modified with racks to carry caterpillar-tracked mini-sub, 1991
Unidentified Classes
Octopus: 1966
Fictional Classes
Chernikov Class: 25kt (sub), 24hr snorkel endurance, nuclear-tipped torps, 1950s
Krela, Kallinik (Krela Class): 1x nuclear mine, upperworks resemble NW Pacific fishing vessels, wooden hull sheath, built 1978

Unnamed (R-2 Mala Class): modified for 3-man crew, 1993
Unnamed: 6.1m long, 2 crew, 20kt (sub), 200 miles, sold by 1994

2x unnamed (Pr.651 Juliet Class): modified with SA-N-5 SAMs, 1978; Black Sea Fleet
Fictional Classes
K-377: 1x100mm (aft), 1x rocket launcher (fwd), 1953
Unnamed: 3,000 ton, ?x TT, hangar & catapult for 4x SLCM or 2x a/c or 1x landing craft, 1956

Pr.670M Charlie II Class
Unnamed: modified design, 8x 533mm TT, 30kt (sub), 1980
Pr.949A Oscar Class
Aleskey Krylov, Kulyenchikov: names don’t fit class
Mezen: modified with anti-aircraft laser weapons and fictional SS-N-34 SLBM, 1999
Fictional Classes
Krasnogvardeets (K-488) +3 unnamed (fictional Pr.949 Oscar Class): 12,000 tons, 151m long, ?x TT (torps & mines), 6x SS-N-19, 130 crew, 1985
Kaliningrad (fictional Pr.985 Omega Class): 600,000 tons (sub), 200m long, at least 6x 533mm TT, ?x 1000mm TT for Magnum 60kt nuclear-tipped torps, ?x SS-NX-27 SLCMs, 3,000MW nuclear power, polymer-injection stealth system, double-hulled with titanium inner hull, 2000

Pr.629 Golf Class
Doneska: 1963
Pr.629A Golf II Class
Krasnyy Molot (Red Hammer)

Pr.658 Hotel Class
Dzerzhinsky: 1968
Pr.667B Delta I Class
Unnamed (K-343): 1971
Potemkin: 1977
Pr.667BD Delta II Class
Podorny: fictional first sub in class
Pr.667BDR Delta III Class
Puskin, Rokossovskiy, Vladivostok (K-517)
Vulkan: modified design, 13,250 tons, fictional AA-12 (R-77) SAMs, 36kt (sub)
Pr.667BDRM Delta IV Class
E. R. Sabir: 1989
Kharkov: carries fictional Zimorodok anti-carrier SSM
Natalia (K-524): by 2014 armed with 12x fictional Scorpion SLCM with MIRV; name doesn’t fit class
Pr.941 Typhoon Class
Baikal (TK-19)
Kougar (TK-51): name doesn’t fit class
Fictional P.941 Variants
Red October (Krasnyi Oktyabr) (TK-436): 30,000 tons, 183.5 (198m?) x 26.6 x 13m, 26x SS-N-20, 4x 650mm TT & 2x 533mm TT, magnetohydrodynamic ‘caterpillar’ drive, 1984; by date would be 7th sub in class
Saratov (TK-?): 5-round TT reload system, high automation for small crew, improved acoustic stealth, 2007
Arkhangelsk (TK-17): real sub modified with a hold/salvage claw for covert intelligence salvage operations replacing missile compartment, retains TTs, 2017
Vladivostok (ST-8): 171.6 x 24.7m, 26kt, 2,000ft diving depth, 155 crew & 500 troops, modified for troop insertion, 2032
Fictional Classes
Z Class: ?x TT, 1x SLBM, 1962
Zolóto (14-2967) (Zolóto Class): 6,000+ tons (sub), 8x SLBM, ? x TT, 1974
Zhukov, Timoshenko (+16 planned) (fictional Delta II Class): 16x fictional SS-N-9 (Mk II) MIRV SLBM, 20x solid-fuelled Mach 4 SSM/SAM cruise missiles, 2x drone minisubs (nuclear warhead), first two launched 1974
Rozhko (Yankee III Class): converted for remote-control operation, 1990
6x unnamed (Delta V Class): 300m long, 48x SS-N-28 & SLCM, ?x TT, SAMs, 2x UAVs, 2x minisubs, 3x sodium-cooled reactors, crush depth 1,800m, 1991
Semenoff: 1975-80
Unnamed: 24x SLBM, 1979
Unnamed: 330m, ?x guns, 60x SLBM, 1996

Pr.645 November Class
Novosibirski Komosomol: fitted with a device to stop torpedo electric motors, 1961
K-235, Arkangel, Leningrad, Murmansk, Odessa: 1962-68
Pr.671RT Victor II Class
Riga: refitted with experimental sonar system by 1992
K-329: modified design, +2,000 tons (sub), extra TT (8-10x total), 34kt (sub)
Pr.671RTM Victor III Class
Amur, Doneska, Kirov, Ladny, Romanov, Tambov, Vitebsk, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronetz, Zhukov (K-331): Romanov unlikely name
Pr.705 Alfa Class
Novgorod, V.K. Konovalov, Leninskii Komsomol, Magadan, Petroverdets, E.S. Politovsky, Poltava, Red Scorpion, Ryazan, Saratov, Smolensk, Troikiska: real Alfa’s unnamed, Politovsky stated as 3rd in class
Potemkin: has experimental Acoustical Reproduction Device Number Seven acoustic camouflage system, new class prototype, 1968
Krasnaia Zvezda: converted with articulated arms forward for dismantling sonobuoys, hydrophones or for eavesdropping on SOSUS
Pr.658S/Pr.658U Modified Hotel Class
Rus: 1970s SSN conversion
Pr.945 Sierra I Class
Ametyst: 1989
Lenin: 1992
K-239, K-240: transferred to Iran 2004
Neva (Modified Sierra Class): fictional steel-hulled variant, 48kt (sub), 1989
Pr.971 Akula I Class
Orel: 1987
Pr.971U Akula II Class
Gepard (K-475): 2012; name clash 1991 Gepard (K-335)
Drakon, Volga, Zhukov
Wolff (SA-19): 109.7 x 14m, 40kt, 2,200ft diving depth, 140 crew & 350 troops, modified design, extant 2032; unlikely name & pennant
Pr.885M Yasen Class
Kazan (K-561): real sub modified for fictional SA-21 SAM variant, 2017
Snow Leopard: 2018
Unidentified Classes
Kronstadt: ?x TT, 2x nuclear-tipped torps, 1964
Gorgi Stalin: 1965-75
Suslov: 1988
K-387: 1999, capable of carrying minisub
Tavda: 2003
Rostov: 2006
Fictional Classes
Kit (Whale) (K-2): prototype SSN, ?x TT (bow & stern), 1956
K-617: 12x 533mm TT (bow), 1x SLCM, 1962
Ilya Podogin: 6,500 tons (surf), 8,000+ tons (sub), 109.7m x 12.8m x 9.9m, 6x 533mm TT (12x torps, inc nuclear-tipped), 31kt (sub)/26kt (surf), nuclear powered 40,000shp, 300m max diving depth, 80 crew & 9 Spetsnaz troops, equipment includes ELINT, laser communications system, collapsible satellite dish, floodlight and radar, pre-1977 design
15 Avgusta +5 unnamed (X-Ray II Class): ?x TT, ?x SLCM (nuclear), 1991
Kondor (K-427): at least 4x TT, refitted with experimental ‘Aria’ sonar system, safe depth 300m, crush depth 350m, 79 crew, 1999

Other Submarines
Unnamed: 12,000 tons, 140+m long, carries 2x 20+m long Bathyscaphes, 1970

Fleet Oilers
Boris Chilikin (Pr. 1559V): real ship with modified armament, 2x1 100mm, 1x AK-630 30mm, 1x SS-N-2 launcher for fictional SS-NX-12, 1986
Submarine Tenders
Novosibirsk: covert submarine support vessel, 1964
Cuboc: SWATH yacht, modified to carry minisub, operated by Cuban front company, 1993
Submarine Rescue Ships
Volga (Nepa Class): 1974
Kronstadt: 1975
Karpaty: 1981
Karpaty II: 1989
Salvage Vessels
Sang A: salvage ship/AGI, Kashin class hull with modified upperworks, 1x2 KPV 14.5mm (concealed mount near bows), 18kt, 1974; owned by bogus South Korean company
Salvage Tugs
3x unnamed (fictional Oktober Class): 1974
AGI Ships
Deflektor: trawler/AGI, 1968
Kirov: trawler/AGI, 1968
Evgeny Plyanskov: trawler/AGI, 1969
Volga: trawler/AGI: 1970s
Gidrograf (fictional Pr.2030 Pamir Class): 1973; predates real Pr.1452 Pamir salvage tug
Revolyutsiya: research ship/AGI, 16,000 tons, diesel engines, 1972
Reduktor: 1973
Maxim Gorky: freighter/AGI, 17,000 tons, ?x MGs, fitted for ELINT, 1977
Antonov, Sokolov + 4 unnamed +18 planned (fictional Simeonov Class bulk carriers): 32,000 tons (deadweight), 24x nuclear mines (4x concealed bow ports), ‘Vee Cone', long range comms, 'Don 2' nav radar, 'High Pole' IFF, 'Side Globe' ECM, inertial nav system & electronic positioning system, 7 holds (1 refrigerated/weapons hold, 6 general cargo), 17kt, 15,000nm, 89 crew, 1979
Okean Glaz (Ocean Eye): trawler/AGI, fitted for ELINT, 1982
Unnamed (fictional Maya Class): 1983
Mikhail Kurkov: research ship/AGI, 1988
Research Ships
Akademik Knipovich: converted fishing vessel, 300ft long, carries minisub Vanya, 1977
Petr Vavilov (fictional Vostok Class): 1977
Andrei Vyborg: 1983
Academic Vladislav Volkov: 1999
Survey Ships
Zaytiv: 17,000 tons, 137 crew & 71 scientists, 1977

Bolshevik: 25m long, ?x TT, 40+kt, wooden hull, 1956

Snezhana (A-90 Orlyonok Class) (S-?): assault transport WIG craft, 1983

Fictional Classes
KvP-92 Class: 11 tons, 1x 30mm cannon & coaxial 7.92mm PKT MG (in turret), 1 ton payload, 3 crew & 8 troops, bow ramp, 1996
KvP-92v Class: 11.2 tons, 1x 82mm Vasilyek automatic mortar (in turret), 4 crew, 1996
KvP-92z Class: 11.5 tons, 1x 30mm 3-barrel cannon & 2x 12.7mm NSV MGs (in cupola), 1x 7.92mm 14.5mm KPV MG (bow), 2x 107mm B-11 RCLs (fixed fwd), 5 crew, 1996
KvP-121 Class: 86 tons, 2x1 12.7mm NSV MG remote-turrets, radar & sonar, 225 ton payload, 8 crew & 150 troops, bow & stern ramps, 1996

Fictional Soviet Seventeenth Fleet (1998): Karl Marx battlecruiser; Beria, Yezhov, Zinoviev helicopter carriers; Dzerzhinsky, Andropov aircraft carriers, 16 missile cruisers, 12 Kura Class destroyers, 1 communications ship, 2 fleet tankers, 2 minesweepers, 1 amphibious support ship, 3 attack submarines and 4 supply ships
Ice Station Grendel: research facility and submarine dock built into ice island, operated 1937-48
Soviet Arctic Free Missile Base: four missile silos (R-13?) sunk into a hole in the icecap with an associated support facility, defences consist of torps, DCs and AA guns, 1961
Polaris Array: 6x nuclear weapons under Arctic icecap, late 1990s

Santa Maria Class: FFG, fictional 2020s refit, 1x24 Mk 41 VLS (96x RIM-162 ESSM) (replacing Mk 13 launcher), SeaRam (replacing Meroka), 2x4 Harpoon SSMs, Smart-S radar

Jammal: minisub (submarine hijack/attack), twin-hull, anechoic coating, 2009

National ship prefix: ROCS
Ex-USS Hibiscus (PC-1647): transferred 1966
Hung La: frigate, 2007
Tai Chiang (Tuo Chiang Class?): corvette, 1x 76mm, Hsiung Feng III SSMs (not fitted), 6x TT (fixed), first boat in class, 2005
Kin Men (fictional Kuang Hua III Class): frigate, 1x 40mm, 2x 20mm Phalanx (fwd & aft), 1x36 VLS (12x Harpoon, 10x ASROC, 14x Standard SAM), 1x8 Sea Sparrow, ?x 0.5in Browning, 4x (21in?) TT, 1-2x S-70C(M)-1/2 Blackhawk, stealthy French design
Hai Lang (Agosta 90B Class): intended 4th sub for Pakistan but sold to Taiwan, 2007
Hai Ming (Scorpène Class): built in Taiwan under licence, 2013

National ship prefix: HTMS
Bangpakong (ex-PNS Tughril, ex-USS Oliver C Gaddis) (Knox Class): [see Pakistan entry]

Erdemit: cruiser/destroyer, 1986
Sardis: cruiser/destroyer, 1986

United States of America
National ship prefix: USS
Iowa Class [see also 1920-1945 Section]
Minnesota (BB-65), Montana (BB-68)
Kansas (BB-?): 9x16in (fires 1,900lb Mk.144 Improved Conventional Munition with 666 shaped-charge bomblets), ?x recon RPVs, 1991
Abraham Lincoln (BB-?): extant 2007
Fictional Classes
United States, South Dakota, Massachusetts, Montana (BB-?) (United States Class): 102,000 tons, 4x3 20in L/50, 31kt, 1950s; name clashes CVA-58, BB-57, BB-59 & BB-67

Fictional Classes
Husband E. Kimmel (BBN-?): 124,500 tons, 3x5 20in L/60
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John. F. Kennedy, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight .D. Eisenhower +1 unnamed (BBN-?) (President Class): 1152,000 tons, 350m long, 3x3 22in L/60; name clashes SSBN-598, SSBN-602, CV-67, SSBN-600 & CVN-69
John F. Kennedy (President Class – 2nd use): 16,500 tons, CONAG, 45kt (nuclear only), 85+kt (nuclear & gas turbines, uses hydrofoils 65kt+), all-missile armament including Polaris & ASROC
John F. Kennedy (President Class – 3rd use): 16,500 tons, 700ft long, multiple engines on 2x shafts, 80 crew, all-missile armament, 1969
Protector (NMSS-1?), Consolidator (NMSS-2?), Vindicator (NMSS-3), Defender (NMSS-4), Peacemaker (NMSS-5) + 1 unnamed (Nemesis Class): 56,000 tons, 280 x 35 x 10m, (all weapons fictional) 2x1 155mm Mk.56, 4x 20mm Skyfire CIWS, ?x Arrowflash PDMS, 4x4 Seastrike area defence (air/sea), ?x Rayflex-2 ABMs, 2x4 BGM-119 Fire Lance cruise missiles (400x missiles), ?x4 Mk.72 ASW torps, Surface and Air Defence Integrated System (SADIS) & Naval Mobile-Response Strategic System for Fire Lance, 10x F-28 Skycat VTOL fighters, 12x Wolfmarine ASW heli, ?x Skyhook radar recon drones, twin reactors, four-shafts, 35kt, 414 crew, flightdeck on aft superstructure with 2x lifts, 1986+; note fictional NMSS nuclear-powered strategic missile battleship designation

Oregon City Class
Morgan (CLC-?): command cruiser conversion, 1950s
Des Moines Class
Providence (CAG-141): guided-missile conversion, 1950s [see 1945-2020 section]
Leahy Class
Aubrey (DLG-?/CG-?)
Belknap Class
John Bell Hood (DLG-?/CG-?): 1969; name clash Gearing Class USS John Hood (DD-655)
McCulloch (DLG-?/CG-?)
Ticonderoga Class
Manassas (CG-74): 1983-94
Chattanooga (CG-85)
Sacagawea (CG-?): 1988-89
Hawaii (CG-?): 1992; name clash Virginia Class SSN-776
Bradley, Fort Klock, Harvey, Stones River (CG-?): 1990-96
Guildford Courthouse (CG-?): missiles include 8x SM-2 Tactical Aegis Lightweight ExoAtmospheric Projectile/ RIM-161 SM-3 ABMs, 1999; name doesn’t fit class
Monocacy, Savo Island (CG-?): has prototype Ballistic Missile Defence software for AEGIS & SM-2 Block 4A by 2003
Unidentified Classes
North Dakota (CA-?/CL-?/CAG-?): 1963
Wakefield (CG-?/CGN?): 1979
Phoenix (CG-?/CGN-?): name clash Los Angeles Class SSN-702
Robert J. Messia (CG-?): 2010
Essex (CG-?): 38kt, 2010
Concord (CG-?/CGN-?): helipad aft, 2012; name clash Mars Class Stores Ship USNS Concord (T-AFS-5)
Fictional Classes
Jackson (CG-?) (President Class – 4th use): ?x SAM, Harpoon, Mk 48 torps, 20x fictional Mk.8 Nuclear Depth Charges (5kT), ?x fictional 402 Armed Drone, 1x heli, OTH radar, 28+kt, 1997.
Cunningham (CLA-79, ex-DDG-79) (Cruiser Littoral Attack) (modified Arleigh Burke Class): DDG pennant clash USS Oscar Austin
Cunningham (CG-?): 18,000 tons, 580ft long, 2x1 76mm OTO Melara Super Rapid, ?x Advanced Phalanx (1x4 25mm & 2x quad RAM), ?x TT, 1x VLS (36x Harpoon 2, 12x Standard HARM, 12x Sea SLAM, 12x Strategic Cruise Missiles, 36x VL ASROC, 4x Aquahawks (ASW Tomahawk), 148x LORAIN, 28x4 ESSM (total 112), 1x Zenith anti-satellite round; 4x BRAVE 2000 drones & 2x SAH-66 Sea Commanche, AN/SPY-2A Augmented AEGIS, gas turbines driving 2x 45,000hp electric motors in podded propulsors, 30-42kt, stealth design with clipper bow and well deck
Clarence E. Walsh (CG-80): 1x 5in, 4x? VLS, 2x Phalanx, ?x heli, 2007
Peregrine, Gyre, Aplomado, Merlin (CG-?) (Falcon Class): 2x1 5in, ?x ‘enhanced’ Harpoon SSMs, 2x Shrike Class minisubs, AEGIS radar, 400 crew, 2017
USS Leyte Gulf (CG-?) (Nemesis Class): stealth cruiser, DDX-21 (Zumwalt Class) variant, 2021

Long Beach Class
Long Beach (CGN-9): fictional 1998 rebuilding, 1x 8in Mk71, 4x64 Mk 41 (32x Tomahawk, 256x SM-2/ASROC, 320x SM-2), 4x4 Harpoon, 3x Mk 49 RAM, 2x Phalanx, 2x3 12.75in TT, 4x heli, SPY-1D & SPS-49 radar & SQS-53C sonar
Stormy Beach (CGN-?): dubious name
Virginia Class
Madison (CGN-?): refitted 1993 with fictional AN/SPG-60A & 6x AN/SPG-51EE missile control radars, to receive '2nd Generation Aegis' during 1994; name clash USS James Madison (SSBN-627) and doesn’t fit class
Black River (CGN-?): refitted 1988 for operations support role, helicopter facilities upgraded for SH-3 Sea Kings; name doesn’t fit class
Unidentified Classes
Chesapeake (CGN-?): late 1960s
Montana (CGN-42): pennant from cancelled Aegis CGN program
Juneau (CGN-?): 1x 8in Mk 71, 1988; name clash with LPD-10
Hué City (CGN-?): has AEGIS, 2009; name clash Ticonderoga Class CG-66
Whisper (CG-86): gun & missile armament (?x RIM-67 Standard), twin reactors, 38+kt, has an electromagnetic cloaking device, resembles WW2 cruiser, 2010; correct pennant should be CGN-86

Essex Class
Reprisal (CV-35): completed rather than scrapped in 1949
Forrestal Class
Langley (CV-?): 1955
Langley (CVBG-?): modified design, unknown modifications, 1993
Kitty Hawk Class
Halsey (CV-?): name clash Leahy Class cruiser USS Halsey (CG-23)
Unidentified Classes
USS Concord (CVA-58) (United States/ Forrestal Class?): extant 1972; name clash Mars Class Stores Ship USNS Concord (T-AFS-5) & pennant clash cancelled USS United States
Rio Grande, Springfield (CV-?): 1966; names don’t fit carriers
Beecher's Island (CV-?): 1970-1988; possibly a CVS, unlikely name
Euwtaw Springs (CV-?): airgroup includes F-19 stealth fighters, 1983; unlikely name
Sarasota (CV-?): 1996; unlikely name
Toledo (CV-?/CVN-?): possibly a CVS, airgroup of recon aircraft & F-14s, aging by 2007; name clash Los Angeles Class SSN-769
Fictional Classes
Cranshaw (CVA-?/CVN-?): 1970; name doesn’t fit carriers
Galveston (CV-?): 80,800 tons, 1,020ft long, airgroup includes A-7E Corsairs & F-4N Phantoms, 4,493 crew, 1977; name doesn’t fit carriers

Enterprise Class
Seahawk (CVN-65): pennant clash USS Enterprise, name doesn’t fit carriers
Columbia, Venture (CVN-?)
Nimitz Class
Benjamin Franklin (CVN-44): pennant widely out of sequence & name clash Benjamin Franklin Class SSBN-640
Andersonville (CVN-68): pennant clash USS Nimitz; unlikely name
Patrick Henry (CVN-74): 1995; pennant clash USS John C. Stennis
Constitution (CVN-77): pennant clash USS George W. Bush & name clash historic ship
Thomas Jefferson (CVN-77): modified flight deck & island, 4x8 Mk 41 VLS (64x ESSM), 4x RAM, SPY-3A radar; pennant clash USS George W. Bush
Douglas MacArthur (CVN-85): 1999; pennant widely out of sequence
Saratoga (CVN-88): 2014; pennant widely out of sequence
Johnson, McCluskey (CVN-?): 1978
Georgetown (CVN-?): 1988
United States (CVN-?): 1988-93; original name of USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75)
Carl Jackson (CVN-?): 1993
Thomas Jefferson (CVN-?): 1994
Andrew Jackson (CVN-?): 1996
James Madison (CVN-?): 1996; name clash James Madison Class SSBN-627
Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVN-?): 1999; name clash Arleigh Burke Class USS Roosevelt (DDG-80)
Daniel Webster (CVN-?): name clash Lafayette Class SSBN
Defiant, Titan, Valley Forge, Vincent (CVN-?): names don’t fit class; Defiant name clash harbour tug (YT-804)
Gerald R. Ford Class
Bennington (CVN-78): name & pennant clash USS Gerald R. Ford
Benjamin Harrison (CVN-79): name & pennant clash USS John F. Kennedy
Hillary Clinton (CVN-80): 2021; name clash USS Enterprise
Liberator (CVN-81): 2022-27, name doesn’t fit carriers
Van Buren (CVN-81 or CVN-82): 2030; name doesn’t fit carriers
Midway (CVN-82): 2014 or 2025
Connolly (CVN-84): 2045; name doesn’t fit carriers
Wilmington (CVN-85): name doesn’t fit carriers
Daniel Webster (CVN-86)
Barack Obama (CVN-08): pennant doesn’t match current system
William J. Clinton (CVN-?): 2018
Unidentified Classes
Endeavour (CVN-?): larger than USS Enterprise, 1965
Valiant (CVN-?): 1,200ft long (main flight deck 1,080ft, angled deck 800ft), 49kt, launched 1978; name doesn’t fit carriers
Rodgers T. Humphrey (CVN-?): 1992
Universal Conquest (CVN-?): 2016; dubious name
Fictional Classes
Daedalus (CVN-88), Olympia (CVN-?): airgroup includes 20x F-22, stealth design
Coral Sea (CVN-78), Midway (CVN-79), Leyte Gulf (CVN-80), Reprisal (CVN-81) (Coral Sea Class): 78,243 tons, 340.1 x 76.5 x 11.9m, 2x8 Mk 41 VLS (ESSM), 2x RAM, 4x Phalanx, 78x a/c, 34kt 2,710 crew, 2013-30; pennant clashes USS Gerald R. Ford, John F. Kennedy & Enterprise
Freedom (CVN-83): 337 x 105m, ?x8 Mk21 Centurion (ESSM SAMs), ?x21 Mk49 (RIM-116 RAM SAMs), ?x 20mm Praetorian 1C CIWS, airgroup of F/A-181 Black Wasp II fighters, Sentinel UCAVs, UH-80 Ghost Hawk & V-44X Blackfish VTOL, 2030s

Fletcher Class [see also 1905-1945 section]
Percival (DDE-452): 1950s DDE conversion with Hedgehog, pennant out of sequence & from cancelled 1945 experimental DD
McCann (DD-?): extant 1965/66
Gearing Class [see also 1905-1945 section]
Hagan (DD-350)
Lansdale (DD-766): ELINT conversion (post-FRAM), 2x2 5in, ASROC, Sea Sparrow; real ship fictionally extant 1991
Reynolds Ryan (DD-768): 1960s FRAM upgrade, 1970s AN/SQS-35 VDS trial; pennant clash uncompleted USS Hoel
Robert B. Sprague (DD-884)
Hawke (DD-894): FRAM upgrade
Duarte (DD-901)
Allen M. Sumner Class [see also 1905-1945 section]
Eugene Ebersole (DD-722): 1960s FRAM upgrade; pennant clash USS Barton
Charles F. Adams Class
Latner (DD-952): pennant originally assigned USS Charles F. Adams before change to DDG-2
Dauntless (DDG-25): pennant assigned to hull of HMAS Perth
Spruance Class
Rubicon (DD-964): pennant clash USS Paul F. Foster
Hartung (DD-998): 1983
Wade (DD-999)
Dallas (DD-?): 1971; pre-dates first Spruance class ship, name clash 1981 Los Angeles Class SSN-700
Thomas W. Horn (DD-?): refitted with VLS
Stinson (DD-?): refitted with extra ELINT gear
John P. Melward (DD-?): extant 1996
Jack Clay, Moran (DD-?)
Unidentified Classes
Bartlet (DD-?) (Gearing or Allen M. Sumner Class): extant 1950s
Newark (DD-?) (Gearing or Allen M. Sumner Class): extant 1968
Yorktown (DD-?): 1950s; name clash Essex Class CV-10
Bainesworth (DD-? /DDG-?): 1968
Badger (DD-? /DDG-?): 1968; name clash Fletcher Class USS Charles J. Badger (DD-657) & Knox Class FFG-1071 launched 1970
Raynor (DD-?/DDG-?): 1971
Barton, Foster, Kuntz, Talbot, Wainright, Wilhelm (DD-? /DDG-?): Talbot name clash Brooke Class FFG-4
Fictional Classes
Abel, Farnley (DD-?) (Abel Class): 3,500 tons, 390 x 40ft, 3x2 5in, 1960s FRAM upgrade; similar to Gearing Class [see 1920-45 section]
Melville (DD-998): 1x 5in, Mk 41 VLS (SM-2 & VL ASROC), Phalanx, 2x3 12.75in TT (some torps nuclear-armed), modified Arleigh Burke?, 1999; pennant clash with Spruance series

Farragut Class
Bedford (DLG-113): 1963; pennant doesn’t fit DLG classes
Forrest Sherman Class
Skerrett (EDDG-31): later experimental use; pennant clash USS Decatur
Abel (DD-907): pennant of cancelled Gearing Class ship, should be DDG
Carlyle (DD-949): pennant clash USS Parsons (later DDG-33)
Somerset, Dale, Coghlan, Able, Farnley (DDG-?): Dale name clash Leahy Class CG-19
Kidd Class
Spruance (DDG-997): name clash Spruance Class DDG-963 and pennant clash USS Hayler
Barrett (DDG-998): has fictional ACDADS (Automated Combat Decision and Direction System) (aka 'Elmo'), 1980 [see DD-998 Spruance entry above]
Sheppard (DDG-998): possibly a mis-designated Spruance
Arleigh Burke Flight I Class
Cayuga (DDG-51), Chattanooga (DDG-51): pennant clash USS Arleigh Burke
Potter, Gates (DDG-?): 1992
Stephen Decatur (DDG-?): 1996; name clash DDG-73
Arleigh Burke Flight II Class
Daniel Boone (DDG-72): 1998; pennant clash USS Mahan
Arleigh Burke Flight IIA Class
Thomas Lyons (DDG-98): 2006; pennant clash USS Forrest Sherman
John Cooper (DDG-99): 2006; pennant clash USS Farragut
Vance (DDG-101): 2007, pennant clash USS Gridley
Bainbridge (DDG-107): pennant clash USS Gravely & name clash DDG-96
Patrick Lawrence (DDG-112): 2012; pennant clash USS Michael Murphy
Mulinux (DDG-112): pennant clash USS Michael Murphy
Wilkerson (DDG-114): pennant clash USS Ralph Johnson
Gillcrist (DDG-114): 1998, pennant clash USS Ralph Johnson, pennant out of sequence by date
O'Callahan (DDG-119): pennant clash USS Delbert D. Black
Nathan Jones (DDG-151): 2014; pennant widely out of sequence
Hayward (DDG-157): 2014; pennant widely out of sequence
Foster (DDG-?): 2003; name clash Spruance Class Paul F. Foster
Larsen, Neilson (DDG-?): 2004
Ingram (DDG-?): 2012
Shackleton, Frank W Fenno (DDG-?): 2014
Carolina, Oregon (DDG-?): 2020-27; names don’t fit class
Arleigh Burke Uncertain Sub-Class
James Greer (DDG-102): pennant clash USS Sampson
Walter W. Winterburn (DDG-132)
Borealis, Brandywine, Cobie Kasson, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Kidd, MacIntyre, McLane, Niagara, Richard Ward (DDG-?): Eisenhower name clash Nimitz Class CVN-69
Fictional Arleigh Burke Variants
Red Cloud (DDG-?) (Flight I Class): fitted with fictional experimental Scimitar gamma-ray laser system with an aft dome replacing aft VLS & heli pad and a triple-rail Highwire missile launcher on stbd prow, 1990; unlikely name
William S Sims (DDG-113) (Flight IIIB Class): 9,250 tons, 550.5 ft x 66.9ft, 1x127mm Mk 45, 1x64 & 1x 32 Mk 41 VLS, SPY-1D radar, 34kt; pennant clash Flight IIA USS John Finn
Towers (DDG-103), Albert D. Kaplan, Donald Gerrard +1 (DDG-?) (Flight III Class): 529ft x 66.5ft, Kaplan has fictional Sea Shrike UAVs, 2007-18; DDG-103 pennant clash USS Truxtun
Bowie (DDG-141) (Flight IV Class): 1x 200kW laser, ?x UAVs, 2014
Zumwalt Class
Fletcher (DDG-1005): 2015; pennant implies two other additional ships
Sentinel (DDG-?): equipped with Aegis and SM-3 Standard, 2011-12
Unidentified Classes
James T. Doig (DDG-?): extant 1971
Schaufelberger (DD-7): 1970+; wrong pennant for DDG & out of sequence
Kentucky (DDG-?): 1985; name clash Ohio Class SSBN-726 & doesn’t fit destroyers
Bollinger, Fort Pulaski, Prospect (DDG-?): 2007-18
Hopper: 2010
Fictional Classes
Adair (EDDG-?): modified Farragut/Charles F. Adams design, fwd 5in replaced by experimental laser cannon powered by a solar boiler with a parabolic mirror mounted behind the fire control position and ahead of the stack, helipad, 40kt, 250 crew, 1978
Nathan James (DDGN-80), Cantwell (DDGN-?) (Nathan James Class): 466ft x 59ft x 27ft, 2x61 Mk 41 VLS (56x 200kT Tomahawk TALM), nuclear-powered, 38kt, 1988; DDG pennant clash Arleigh Burke Class USS Roosevelt
2x Bush Class (DDG-?): 2007
Amanda Garrett (DDG-?) (James H. Cobb Class): air warfare DDX-21 (Zumwalt Class) variant, 14,564 tons, 600 x 79.1 x 27.6ft, 20x Mk 57 VLS (80x ESSM/Tactical Tomahawk Block IX/SM-2 Block VI/VL ASROC), 2x1 155mm AGS, 2x1 57mm Mk 110, 2x1 40mm Metal Storm CIWS, AN/SPY-3 MFR and Volume Search Radar, 2x SH-60 LAMPS or 1x MH-60R & 3x MQ-8 Fire Scout, 2x Rolls-Royce Trent-30 gas turbines, 30.3kt, 140 crew, 2021

John J. Stevens (DE-?/DER-?) (Edsall Class): radar picket conversion by 1956
Ardent (DE-?): represented by HMCS Mackenzie (DDE-261)

Glover (FF-1098) (Garcia Class): converted for NSA for missile tracking and communications interception by 1992, 1x 5in Mk 30, helipad & hangar aft
Louis Strong (FF-1099), Fermenger, Oliver C. Gaddis, Prospect (FFG-?) (Knox Class)
Oliver Hazard Perry Class
Ellyson (FFG-19), Stanley Dace (FFG-19): 1981; pennant clash USS John A. Moore
Stockdale (FFG-62): 1989
Alvin L. Bowman (FFG-62): 1991
Monroe Smith (FFG-63), Bancroft (FFG-63): 1989
Hennessey (FFG-65): 1989
Turner Van Zandt (FFG-91): 1990; pennant widely out of sequence
Lawrence (FFG-?): name clash Charles F. Adams Class DDG-4
Bulkeley, Esek Hopkins, James Crowe, Stevens (FFG-?)
Unidentified Classes
Bradford (FFG-?): 1986
Manchester (FFG-?): 1985+
Jackson Baldwin (FFG-?): 2000
Trippler, Wallingford (FFG-?): 2007-18
Wasp (FFG-?): 2010
Fictional Classes
Bradford (FF-?): 1,200 tons, 1x propeller, research ship by 1986; modified Claud Jones design?
Monitor (FFG-?): ?x fictional Hyperion SLCM, 1983
Boise (FFG-218): 2x Mk 13 launchers (RIM-66, RIM-24 & Mk13B IR-guided anti-missile missiles), 4x4 Harpoon, 1x Phalanx, 1x SH-60 Seahawk, 35kt, 1989; pennant widely out of sequence
Isaac Hull (FFG-?): 410 x 45ft, 1x 5in, 1x VLS (aft), 2x Phalanx CIWS (midships), 4x TT, helipad aft, 2012

Littoral Combat Ships
Independence Class
Philadelphia (LCS-?): 2009; name clash Los Angeles Class SSN-690 decommissioned 2010
Fictional Classes
Kandahar (LCS-?) (Baghdad Class): littoral assault ship, 2021
12x unnamed (LCS-40-52) (LCS-40 Patriot Class): 2,850 tons, 115.3 x 17.5 x 3.9m, 1x 57mm Mk110, 4x8 Mk 41 VLS (SM-2 & ESSM), 1x 35mm Millennium Gun, 2x4 12.75in TT (72x torps), 1x heli/VTOL, SPY-1K+ phased array radar, 32kt, 49 crew, 2020s

Patrol Hydrofoils
Unnamed (PH-17) (Pegasus Class)

George Washington Class
William B. Cushing (SSBN-?): 1961
Ethan Allen Class
John Hay (SSBN-?)
Benjamin Franklin Class
Virgil Grissom (SSBN-?): converted for Trident in 1978
John Hancock (SSBN-?): 1970; name clash 1979 Spruance Class DD-981
Millard Fillmore, Seamount (SSBN-?)
Ohio Class
Nevada (SSBN-733): real sub modified with hangar bay replacing missile silos, 1x V-22 Osprey & 1x ‘Phalanx Dragon’ VTOL aircraft, 4x 21in TT, 1990
Montana (SSBN-737): 1986; pennant clash USS Kentucky of 1992 and name clash Virginia Class SSN-794
Phoenix (SSBN-?): 23x Trident C-4 & 1x Milstar, ?x Harpoon SSM, 1986; name clash Los Angeles Class SSN-702 & doesn’t fit class
Utah (SSBN-745): 1998; pennant of first cancelled Ohio Class sub
Colorado (SSBN-753): pennant out of sequence & clash with Los Angeles Class USS Albany & name clash Virginia Class SSN-788
Hunley (SSBN-777): pennant out of sequence & clash Virginia Class USS North Carolina, name doesn’t fit Class [see SSGN section]
Atlantic (SSTN-777): 25kt, 1,300ft diving depth, 145 crew & 300 troops, modified for troop insertion, 2032
Vermont (SSBN-781): modified with active sonar system; pennant out of sequence & clash with Virginia Class USS California (SSN-781)
New York (SSBN-921) later renamed USS Alaska (SSBN-926): 1989; pennant widely out of sequence
California (SSBN-?): name clash California Class CGN-36 & Virginia Class SSN-781
Massachusetts (SSBN-?): name clash Virginia Class SSN-798
South Dakota (SSBN-?): described as last in class; name clash Virginia Class SSN-790
George Washington Carver (SSBN-?): name clash Benjamin Franklin Class SSBN-656
George Washington Carver (SSBN-?): different to above entry, modified design with sound-absorbing coating, computer-controlled sheathing and modified conning tower, 40+kt, 1985-99
Oregon (SSBN-?): decommissioned but refitted as ‘research’ sub with seawater-fuelled powerplant, retained armament capability, 30kt, 2000
William Taft (SSBN-?): modified design, 576ft x 46ft, 30x Trident II SLBM, ?x 21in TT (some aft), 2,400ft crush depth, 2016; unlikely name
Andromeda, Clinton, Nighthawk, Portland (SSBN-?): extant 2027; names don’t fit class
Unidentified Classes
Sharkfin (SSBN-?): 16x SLBM, 1968-72
Saint Louis (SSBN-?): 1968-72
Falcon, Hawk (SSBN-?): ?x Poseidon SLBM, 1970
Tempe (SSBN-?): ?x Polaris, extant 1989
Blue Fin (SSBN-?): 1986
Scotia (SSBN-?): 8x Trident, 2007
Dolphin (SSBN-?): 2008; name clash research submarine AGSS-555 decommissioned 2007
Fictional Classes
Polaris (SSN-571): 10x 21in TT (6x bow, 4x stern), 1x rocket launcher (?x missiles, 2-stage, 1,500 miles range), 1959; pennant clash USS Nautilus
Snapper (SSBN-?): ?x TT, 4x SLBMs, 2x4 SAMs, 1962
Pyramus (SSBN-?): 18x Polaris, 1967
Undaunted (SSBN-?): 16x Polaris (tubes mounted fwd of sail), 4x 21in TT (some nuclear warhead torps), 1968
Shenandoah, Willowtrack (SSBN-?) (Shenandoah Class): ?x Polaris, 4x TT, 40kt, 1966
Avenger, Liberty, Retribution, Swordfish (SSBN-?) (Trident Class): 24x Trident, 4x reactors, 1979
Adresteia (SSBN-?) (Mjölnir Class): 17,000 tons, 560ft long, 24x Trident, ?x TT (Mk.48 torps & SUBROC), 40kt (sub), 150 crew, has laser communications system, 1979
Hercules (SSBN-?): 18,000 tons, 560ft long, 16x Trident, 2015

Stingray (SS-161) (Balao GUPPY II Class)
Whitefish (SS-432) (Balao GUPPY): cancelled sub completed 1945
Hawkbill (SS-?) (GUPPY I/II/IIA/III Class?): extant 1992
Hagfish (APSS-313) (Balao Class): transport role 1960s; pennant clash USS Perch
Fictional Classes
Hunley (XSS-568): 580 tons, 165ft long, 4x2 21in TT, 2x 1,000hp diesels & 2x 1,200hp motors, 39kt (sub), 17.5kt (surf), 10,000nm range, 9 crew, 1946, streamlined hull; pennant clash Tang Class USS Harder
Squallfish (SS-?): 350ft long, 6x 21in TT (bow) + ?x 21in TT (stern), 100 crew, GUPPY conversion by 1956
Unnamed (SS-387): 200ft long, 12x 21in TT (6x bow, 6x stern), 6x V-2 type ballistic missiles fired from 2x horizontal tubes, water-jet propulsion, 1949; pennant clash decommissioned Balao Class USS Pintado
Archerfish (SS-?) (A-212 Class): German built, 1993
Stonewall Jackson (SS-?): new design, 2018

Bluefin (SSG-348) (Gato Class): refitted with JB-2 Loon in 1950; pennant clash USS Cusk
Grampus (SSG-523) (Tench Class): Regulus conversion

Hunley (SSGN-777) (Ohio Class): conversion, formerly SSBN-777 [see SSBN section]
Fictional Classes
Unnamed (SSN-777): 4x 21in TT (bow), 1x Regulus launcher, 1958; pennant clash Virginia Class USS North Carolina
Crichton (SSGN-?): ?x TT, 1x SLCM, 31kt (sub), 1962
Angel Shark (SSGN-559): pennant in cancelled SS-557-562 gap
Lewis & Clark (SSGN-999) (Triton Class): 24x Poseidon, 6x TT-launched Tomahawk, ?x 21in TT, 1977
Martin Luther King (SSGN-?/SSN-?) (Centurian Class): 380ft long, ?x TT, 48x SLCM/Harpoon, 50kt+ (sub), 102 crew, boundary layer control system for high underwater speed, 2006

K-7 (SSK-7) (Barracuda Class)

Skate Class
Tigerfish (SSN-509): pennant not in sequence but within cancelled gap SS-495-521
Manta, Neptune (SSN-?)
Skipjack Class
Jackman (SSN-515): pennant clash cancelled Tench Class sub, unlikely name
Barracuda (SSN-593): pennant clash USS Thresher lost 1963, name doesn’t fit class
Edmond Roald Amundsen (SSN-?/SSGN-?) (ex-USS Scorpion (SSN-589)): 6x 21in TT (18x Tomahawk, no torps) by 1983; name doesn’t fit class, real Scorpion’s 1968 sinking a cover for subsequent covert use
Memphis (SSN-?): name clash Los Angeles Class (SSN-691) of 1977
Rockfish, Sea Tiger, Skippack, Sterlet (SSN-?)
Thresher Class
Moray (SSN-570): pennant out of sequence and originally allocated to USS Mackerel (SST-1)
Sawfish (SSN-623): 1964; pennant clash Lafayette Class USS Nathan Hale
Dolphin (SSN-?): 1963; name clash USS Dolphin (AGSS-555)
Dragonfish, Mako, Threadfin (SSN-?)
Sturgeon Class
Wayne (SSN-593): 1977; pennant clash sunken USS Thresher
Paddlefish (SSN-654): pennant clash Benjamin Franklin Class USS George C. Marshall (SSBN-654)
Viperfish (SSN-655): pennant clash USS Guitarro
Redfish (SSN-672): original name of USS William H. Bates (SSN-680), pennant clash USS Pintado
Orca (SSN-?): sunk 1971
Neptune (SSN-?): 1974; name clash cable repair ship ARC-2
Defiance (SSN-?): name clash Asheville Class gunboat PG-95
Chicago (SSN-?): name clash Albany Class CG-11
Beaumont, Cabezon, Copperhead, Pequod, Plymouth, Scorpionfish, Steelhead, Yellowtail (SSN-?)
Unidentified Early SSN Classes
Swordray (SSN-?): 1957
Moray, Thumper (SSN-?): 1958
Copperfin (SSN-575): 2,190 tons, 267ft long, 1958; pennant clash USS Seawolf
Tigershark (SSN-?): carries minisub Lungfish, 1959
Nemo (SSN-?): 8,000 tons, 1968
Devilfish, Stingray (SSN-?): 1968-72
Los Angeles Class
Woodbridge (SSN-349) (688i Sub-Class): 1999; pennant widely out of sequence
Watertown (SSN-696): 1979; pennant clash USS New York City
Charleston (SSN-704) (688i Sub-Class): has magnetohydrodynamic ‘caterpillar’ drive; pennant clash USS Baltimore
San Pedro (SSN-747): pennant in cancelled sequence SSN-744-749
Monterey (SSN-749): modified with Virginia Class anechoic tiles; name clash Ticonderoga Class cruiser (CG-61)
Cathedral City (SSN-757): 1991; pennant clash USS Alexandria
Portland (SSN-773): 1996; pennant clash USS Cheyenne
Anchorage (SSN-775): 1998; name clash Anchorage Class LSD-36 & later LPD-23, pennant out of sequence & clash Virginia Class USS Texas
Oakla (SSN-788): pennant clash later Virginia Class USS Colorado
Lansing (SSN-795): 2001; pennant clash Virginia Class USS Hyman G. Rickover
Oakland (SSN-798): 1996; pennant clash Virginia Class USS Massachusetts
Valhalla (SSN-905): 1997; pennant widely out of sequence
Hampton Roads (SSN-?): 1979
Triton (SSN-?): ?x fictional SOW 300-mile range rocket-torps, 1987; name doesn’t fit class
Aspen, Manchester, Greensboro, Rosemont (SSN-?): 1989; by date would fit cancelled sequence SSN-744-749
Kansas (SSN-?): 1990-95; name clash oiler USS Kansas City AOR-3
Denver (SSN-?): 1990-95; name clash Austin Class LPD-9
Little Rock (SSN-?): 1990-95
Tacoma (SSN-?): 1992; name clash Asheville Class PG-92
Tampa (SSN-?): 1993
Orlando, Ulysses, Davies (SSN-?): 1996; by date would fit cancelled sequence SSN-774-777
Indiana (SSN-?): 1998; name clash Virginia Class SSN-789
Princeton (SSN-?): name clash Ticonderoga Class cruiser CG-59
Seattle (SSN-?): name clash Sacramento Class fast combat support ship AOE-3
Atlanta, Colorado Springs, Encinitas, Reno, Seahawk, Springfield, Tallahassee, Tulsa, Wilmington, Winston-Salem (SSN-?)
Virginia Class
Santa Maria (SSN-727), Poseidon (SSN-729): 2005; pennant clash Ohio Class USS Michigan & USS Georgia
North Dakota (SSN-782): pennant clash Mississippi, real pennant is SSN-784
Maryland (SSN-795): pennant clash Hyman G. Rickover & name clash Ohio Class SSBN-738
Kansas (SSN-799): 2017; pennant clash USS Idaho
John Paul Jones (SSN-800): pennant assigned for Block V sub, name clash Arleigh Burke Class DDG-53
Utah (SSN-801): planned real sub fictionally completed 2016
Crawford (SSN-806): pennant assigned for Block V sub
Nebraska (SSN-808): pennant assigned for Block V sub
Oregon (SSN-810): name clash Block IV SSN-793 & pennant assigned for Block V sub
Montana (SSN-812): 12th sub in class; name clash SSN-794 & pennant assigned for Block V sub, implies USS Virginia is SSN-800 rather than SSN-794
Kansas (SSN-849): built as trials sub but declared operational 2014; pennant widely out of sequence
Essex, Hammerhead, Hornet, Leopard, Orion (SSN-?): 2007
Obama (SSN-?): 2016; unlikely name
Barracuda (ex-USS ?) (SSN-?): modified with all weapon systems removed, sonars retained, can dock fictional USV ‘Nellie’, 2017
Chicago, Denver (SSN-?): 2021
Seawolf Class
Piranha (SSN-23): modified design, 400ft+ long, streamlined conning tower, 2007; pennant clash USS Jimmy Carter
War Eagle (SSN-24): 4th sub in class, built in secrecy, 2007
Massachusetts (SSN-224): another 4th sub in class, 2008; name clash Virginia Class (SSN-798); pennant widely of sequence
Tigershark (SSN-28): pennant implies is 8th sub in class
Mako (SSN-?): 2001
Allegiance, Renegade (SSN-?)
Unidentified Late SSN Classes
Sea Trench (SSN-?): 1978
Manta (SSN-?): 1985
Pocatello (SSN-?): 1988
Blackhawk (SSN-?): 1989+
Bow Fin: 1990
Liberator (SSN-?): 1991
Devilfish, Farley (SSN-?): 1992
Specter (SSN-?): 1997-2007
Kingfisher (SSN-?): 2008; name clash Osprey Class minehunter MHC-56
Blowfin (SSN-?): 2008
Vickery (SSN-?): 2014
Archer, Winfield Scott (SSN-?)
Fictional Classes
Courage (SSN-?): highly automated, 5 crew, 1958
Charger, Rapier (SSN-?): 3,000 tons, 60+kt, 3,000ft max operating depth, 56 crew, 1970
Neptune (SSN-?): 23,000 tons, 1,980ft long, “unique” profile includes an opening bay in the conning tower, fake submarine for deception duties, 1976
Hawk (SS(N)-2207), Falcon (SS(N)-2208) +4 unnamed (Hawk Class): 9,600 tons, 960ft long, ?x 21in TT, 16x Poseidon SLBM, 136 crew, 1970s; note unusual pennants
USS Orcus (SSN-?) (Los Angles Class?): ?x TT (Mk.48 torps & SUBROC), 40+kt (sub), active/passive & towed sonars, underwater laser range finder and laser communications system, 1979
Starbuck (SSN-989): 320ft long, 2x reactors, 30x fictional Hyperion SLCM, ?x 21in TT, 1983; pennant widely out of sequence
Shark (SSN-?): experimental design, 1985
Amberjack (SSN-?) (Amberjack Class): 3,650 tons (sub), 76m x 10.7m, 1989
Narwhal (SSN-?): experimental design, 1990; name clash Narwhal Class (SSN-671)
King, Alexander (SSN-?) (fictional Seawolf Class): 1990-95
Regan, John Wayne (SSN-?): ?x guns, 8x TT (4x bow, 4x aft), twin reactors, 1996
Devilfish (SSNX-1): 1999
Centurion (Centurion Class) (SSN-?): 2000
Challenger (SSN-?): ?x TT, ?x SLCM, ceramic composite for deep diving, 2003
Polar Sentinel (SSN-777): research/prototype SSN, original armament removed, experimental ‘Deep Eye’ ice penetrating sonar, twin-screws, 2003-2010; pennant clash Virginia Class USS North Carolina
America (ex-USS Virginia) (SSN-?) (fictional Virginia Class): 377 x 34ft, ?x TT, ?x VLS (Tomahawk with HE or fictional ‘Flashlight’ EMP warheads), 1x minisub for SEAL insertion, 134 crew, 2001
Stingray (SSL-1001): 2,000 tons, 2x 21in TT (1x bow, 1x aft), 50MW reactor, 35-40 crew, ELINT & special forces insertion role, ‘manta ray’ design, 2018; note fictional pennant for ‘Littoral’ role

Other Submarines
Unnamed (APS-417): amphibious assault submarine, 10,000 tons, 720 x 124ft, 2,240 Marines & vehicles, 10x 100mph amphibious flying platforms, 1950s
Imperator (SS-?): amphibious assault submarine, 1987
Unnamed (SW-90): 2x TT, 1x retractable launcher for ?x nuclear missiles, ?x DCs, nuclear powerplant, 60kt (surf), 6 months endurance, 1 crew, 1954+
Command One: command submarine, 1989
Leviathan (SSCVN-1): submarine carrier, ?x SFV-4B Barracuda minisubs (2x Mk.62 torps each), 1993
Poseidon: submarine carrier & SSBN, ?x SLBM, ?x a/c, 2010
Dark Horse: submersible covert operations craft, 150ft diving depth, 2010
Orca: experimental design, advanced GRP teardrop hull with hydrofoils and boundary layer control system, designed by fictional Astro Hydrodynamics (AHD), 1,600 tons, 120ft long, ?x Mk IX torps, Sonar & Lidar, nuclear-powered 350,000hp twin props, 80kt, 2 crew, 1970, two prototypes
Sea Shadow (SSN-?): experimental design, 188ft long, nuclear-powered electric drive, based on Ohio Class hullform, fitted with anechoic tiles covered with ‘nano-paint’, 2015
Beowulf (SSRN-9802): long-term reconnaissance, 560ft long, 4x 21in TT (2x bow, 2x stern, 20x torps), 150 crew, carries hydroponics equipment and refuelling rods, 2017; ; real SSRN designation is nuclear-powered radar picket submarine
Tempest D: supercavitation prototype, 120.2ft long, battery powered electric propeller drive & supercavitation system, spherical bow sonar, 6 crew, 2004
USOS (United States Oceanographic Survey) / SSRN (Nuclear Submarine Research) Seaview: nuclear-powered survey submarine, 4x TT, 20x SLBM (Polaris?), ?x SAM, 1x laser, 1x ultrasonic weapon, operational diving depth 3,600ft (max 5,000ft), 40kt (sub), pumpjet propulsion, 1961; real SSRN designation is nuclear-powered radar picket submarine

Minisubs and UUVs
DSRV Mercury (DSRV-3) (Mystic Class): carried by fictional USS Alfred Aultman
Fictional Classes
X-1: carries 5 divers, stowage for nuclear charges, 10kt, 1959
Lily-One: DSRV, saucer-shaped, has a manipulator arm, 1975
Cetus: experimental UUV, nuclear-powered, experimental sonic cannon
Deep Ranging Multi-Capable Cruiser Vehicle (DR-MCCV) Demon-4: UUV, 15 x 3.2 x 2.6m, ducted waterjet, 30kt, 2x ventral bays (3x 400mm torps or 12x hypervelocity ‘darts’ & 9x decoys each), 1x stern bay (1x 400mm torp), port ventral bay can fit 1 man transport pod, part of Advanced Volitional Robot Combat System (AVRCS), 1984+
Kentucky: minisub, 40 x 12ft, 1x 21in TT (2x Mk.48 ADCAP), 4x Tomahawk SLCM (possibly shorter special version minus booster), Magnetohydrodynamic drive propulsion, silent at 20kt, 5,000ft diving depth, anechoic tiles, has a manipulator arm, 3 crew, 1992
Steel Albatross: stealth minisub, silent propulsion, 1991
Snarc (SSNR-1): 3,000 tons (sub), 180 x 26ft, ?x TT (80x torps), unmanned, 1999
‘Nellie’: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), high-frequency sonar, battery-powered hydrojet, support vessel is modified Virginia Class SSN USS Barracuda, 2017
Neptune: minisub, 40ft long, can be carried inside a C-130 Hercules, 4x fictional J-65 AP torpedoes, 2x fictional R-40 IR-guided missiles, lasers, has manipulator arms, 3 crew + 1 passenger, designed and built by USAF for covert retrieval missions, 2017
Submerged Biological Combat Craft (SBCC) (Shrike Class): similar design to a fighter jet with stubby wings, 4x fictional Mark X torps, anechoic coating, propulsion system sounds like marine life, 2 crew, carried by fictional Falcon Class cruisers, 2017

Amphibious Assault Ships
Raleigh Class
Pascagoula (AGF-?): converted from LPD to command ship, 1985+
Iwo Jima Class
Bladensburg (LPH-12): pennant clash USS Inchon
Wasp Class
Valkyrie (LHD-2): pennant clash USS Essex
Khe Sanh (LHD-9)
Veracruz (LHD-?): 1992; by date would be 2nd ship in class
Rangoon (LHD-?): 1996
Yellowjacket (LHD-?): 1999
Mindanao (LHD-?): 2009
Chosin Reservoir (LHD-?): 2013
Hornet, Independence, Liberty (LHD-?)
America Class
Wake Island (LHA-8): pennant clash USS Bougainville
Guadalcanal (LHA-9)
Brewer (LHA-?): name doesn’t fit class
Harpers Ferry Class
Hermitage (LSD-56): pennant of cancelled ship in class
Providence (LSD-?)
San Antonio Class
Evans F. Carlson (LPD-26): pennant clash USS John P. Murtha
Kennebunkport (LPD-28): pennant clash USS Fort Lauderdale
LSTs & Cargo
Winchester County (LST-?) (LST-542 Class): recommissioned 1966
Suribachi (LST-1186): name clash 1955 Suribachi Class ammunition ship AE-21 & 1970 Newport Class LST USS Cayuga
Panjang (T-AKE-?): Liberty Ship, built 1944, extant 1989
Unidentified Classes
Avarda (LHD-?): 1989
Madison (LHD-19): 2006; pennant widely out of sequence
Fictional Classes
Argus: amphibious command ship, 2006; portrayed by RFA Argus

Patrol Boats
Rogue, Santana (PC-?) (Cyclone Class)
Mauler (PC-?) (Cyclone Class?): diesel engines, built 1984
Dauntless (PC-?): 92.5 tons, 85ft long, 2x 25mm Mk38, 1x experimental non-lethal weapon ‘November Lima’, electric engines powered by diesels or hydrogen fuel cells, 35kt, 2014

Mine Warfare Ships
Dean (Raven/Auk/Admirable Class?): minesweeper, extant 1950
Audacity (MSO-442), Resolute (MSO-?) (Agile Class): Audacity pennant clash USS Fearless
Cato E. Parnell: minesweeper/hunter, 25kt, glass fibre hull, 1979
Neptune: minesweeper tender, converted WW2 LST, 1965-68

PT-?: armed with ‘Tritium’ torpedoes, 1965; may be refitted WW2-era boat

Fictional Classes
Benton (PGAC-01 fictional pennant Patrol Gunboat-Air Cushion): prototype
Queen of the West (PGAC-02), Carondelet (PGAC-03), Manassas (PGAC-04)
M-5 RACV (Reconnaissance Air Cushion Vehicle) Class: 9 tons, 1x 20mm Rh-202 cannon (casemate), 2x 0.5in Browning MGs & 2x 40mm Mk.19 grenade launchers (turret), 6 crew, updated Bell SK-5 variant, 1996
XM-23 AACV (Assault Air Cushion Vehicle) Class: M-5 RACV variant, 14 tons, 1x 105mm with 24-round autoloader & 1x 7.62mm MG (Cadillac Gage Stingray tank turret), 1996
M-22 PCAC (Personnel Carrier Air Cushion) Class: Special Forces transport, 9 tons, 1x 40mm Mk.19 grenade launcher & 1x 0.5in Browning MG (turret), 3 crew + 8 troops, 1996

Submarine Tenders
Tallahatchie County (AS-?): 1968; name clash aviation tender
Clifford C. Howel, Cyrus A. Woods (AS-?): extant 1992
Daniel Boone (AS-44): converted from minesweeper (? class), 18,000tons, 750ft (originally 690ft) x 150ft, 2x 50mm, 4x 30mm, helipad for Sea King, twin diesel engines, 15kt, 1992-2013
Claude Voorhees: submarine support ship, carries minisub ‘Saran’
Riverine Craft Tenders
Tutanga: converted Liberty Ship, 1971
Ajax (AO-?): 1996; if older ship, name clash Vulcan Class repair ship AR-6 decommissioned 1986
Cuyahoga (AO-?): 1971
Replenishment Ships
Mount Saint Helens (AE-40) (Kilauea Class): ammunition ship
USNS Jonathan Harker: supply ship, 600+ft long, 1999
Ballston Spa: ?x 0.5in Browning MGs, 2004
Reluctant (AK-601): cargo ship; pennant out of sequence
Hospital Ships
USNS Solace: 2013
Submarine Rescue Ships
Archangel: carries DSRV, 1999
Alfred Aultman: carries fictional DSRV-3 Mercury, helipad aft, 2003
Salvage Ships
Pacific Klondike: clandestine Glomar Explorer-type salvage vessel, carries 1x bathyscaphe (Explorer One) and 1x submersible barge (Omega One), 1977
Cambridge (ARS-?): salvage and repair ship, 2x 100 ton cranes, full diving facilities, 1977-80
MS Martha Ann: covert underwater salvage ship, converted 12,000 ton freighter, three island design, helipad, 15 crew, 1983
Condon (ARS-54) (Safeguard Class): 1986
Lifter (T-ARS-?) (Safeguard Class?): 1990
Modoc: carries minisub ‘Sea Slug’, 1988
Dean Hawes: launched 1998
Valley Mistress: salvage ship/ intelligence ship, Stinger MANPADs & small arms, SPS-40E & SPS-69 radars, helipad & retractable hangar for 1x CV-22 Osprey (‘Pave Hammer’), civilian owned but registered to USNR, 1997
James: salvage/support ship, 39 crew, 2017
Karuk (T-ATF-?) (Powhatan Class?): oceangoing tug
Orion (T-ATF-?): oceangoing tug, 2003
Samuel R. Wallace, Thomas J. Morse: salvage tugs, 250ft long, 5,000hp diesel, 1988
Polarwind (AGB-2) (Wind Class): extant in USN service 1960s; pennant clash USS Edisto (ex-AGB-89, future WAGB-284)
Elroy, Exodus: 6,500 tons, 1x 5in, helipad, 1972
Polar Explorer: 80,000shp, can break ice up to 5ft thick, helipad, 1991
Survey Ships
Medusa: oceanographic survey ship, 1968-72
Mary Jane: oceanographic survey ship, 5,000 tons, 260ft long, diesel-electric, 12kt (cruising), 43 crew & 17 scientists, side-scan sonar fitted, 1977
Eureka: oceanographic survey ship, towed array sonar, icebreaker bow, helipad aft, 1978
RV Meriwether: oceanographic survey ship/spy ship, converted trawler, 89ft long, towed array sonar, ELINT equipment, cover operation by University of Hawaii for DIA, 2017
Research Ships
Sturman (DE-166) (Cannon Class): fwd gun removed and reclassified as research ship in 1955; pennant clash USS Barron
Alice: 89ft long, sails & diesel engine, 10kt, wooden hull, 7 crew & 2 scientists, ASW sensor trial ship, 1965
Stealth Cat One: Australian-designed low observability catamaran, magnetic field generator & facetted structure, ?x DC, helipad, 60kt, 2000
MV Abby: oceanographic research ship/covert support ship registered to Smithsonian Institute but operated by USN for Tempest supercavitating submarine programme, 2004
USNS Philadelphia, Grace Orbis: scientific research and launch support vessel, 1996
Otis Barton (ex-T-AGOS-19 Victorious) (ex-Victorious Class ocean surveillance ship): carries minisub Nereus, NOAA operated, 2010
Benjamin Franklin: NOAA operated, 2017
Other Roles
Ralph R. Bennett: radar surveillance ship, large fixed-array radar system, ?x 30mm Sea Vulcan (fictional GAU-8/A naval version), helipad, 1993
MS Hobson: CIA-owned AMC converted from Attack Cargo Transport (AKA), armament includes unspecified missiles, 1984
MV Ocean Voyager: converted container ship AMC, 800 x 105ft, 8x Phalanx CIWS (concealed), 2x AV-8 Harrier II & 2x UH-60, 4x GE F110-400 gas turbines, 40kt, 43 crew (18 Delta Force), built 1981, converted by 2004

Arctic Station Alpha: nuclear powered SeaLab, first stage of an underwater Arctic base, around 190 x 45ft, ?x 21in TT (in torpedo room), 8 crew, 1960s
Base Savage: underground submarine pens and support facility for Project Orca on Culebra (near Puerto Rico), 1970
Delta Base: submarine refitting station constructed inside hollowed out seamount, Vava'u District Tonga, 1970s/80s

Type Unknown
Gainsville, Jim Bridger, San Michel, Majestic, Geronimo, Serrano, New Haven (CG or DDG?), Fort Stanwix (DDG or FFG?), Cape Fear (name clash T-AK-5061 decom 2006), Louisiana (1950s-60s)

US Coast Guard Cutters
Note: ship prefix: USCGC
Ozette (WHEC-49) (Owasco Class): 1946
Polar Dawn (Polar Class): icebreaker
Wilmington (WAGB-?) (Healy Class): icebreaker
Melbourne (WPB-?) (Point Class)
Intrepid (WMEC-?) (Reliance Class)
Susquehanna (WMEC-?) (Famous Class)
First Responder (WHEC-723) (Hamilton Class): pennant clash USCGC Rush
Bristow (WHEC-?) (Hamilton Class)
Unnamed (aka ‘Fin Chaser’) (MLB-?): modified 47ft motor life boat for shark research, carries 16ft long minisub ‘Jaws’ armed with 3x Mares spearguns & 2x ROVs, armed with hand-held small arms & Mares spearguns, 2017
Unidentified Classes
Jason: 1978
New Hope: 1979
Benchley, Rimfire: 1993
Joseph Ryan: 2003
Huron: 2003
Ravenswood: 2005
Mustang: 2011
Delaney: 2016
Casco: 2017
Eastlight, Falcon
Fictional Classes
Catawaba: diesel engines, helipad, 177 crew (17 officers, 160 men), 1977
Nelson: 1x 3in, 1978
Panache: 280ft long, 1x40mm, ?x 0.5in Browning, diesel engines, 25kt, helipad large enough for Sikorsky MH-53, only ship in class, others cancelled by budget cuts, 1989
Red Fox (CG-144), Hensley (CG-217): 72ft long, 1993; note incorrect pennant which clashes with cruiser designation
Unnamed (WMEC-624) (modified Reliance Class?): 220ft long, 1x 5in, 2x 0.5in Browning, helipad, 1992; pennant clash USCGC Dauntless
Weehawken: 1x 76mm Mk 75, helipad, 2000; name clash Natick Class tug
William Shea, Timothy Firme: 1x 25mm twin-barrelled M242 Bushmaster (fwd), 2003
Almayer: 1x6 SAM launcher (fwd mounting), 1x heli, 2015

US Customs & Border Patrol
Interceptor: high-speed interception craft, 2017

Reina Azul: armed merchant ship, 200ft long, 4x 3M-54 ‘Klub-K’ SSMs in modified shipping container, 15kt, 2017

6x unnamed (2x ex-Soviet): destroyers, 1970+
Dinh Tien Hoang: frigate, 1x 76mm, ?x Kh-35e SSMs, 1x Osa-M SAM, ?x 533mm TT, Russian stealthy design, 2012
3x unnamed: minesweepers, 1970+
1x unnamed (ex-US): submarine, converted for 4x Soviet IRBMs, 1970+
2x unnamed (Pr.636 Kilo Class): 2012

Hood's Worklist
English Electric Canberra FD
Interwar RN Capital Ships
Never-Were British Aircraft

Last edited by Hood on December 24th, 2018, 1:27 pm, edited 21 times in total.

[Profile] [Quote]
Post subject: Re: List of Ships in FictionPosted: January 3rd, 2017, 8:43 am
Posts: 2504
Joined: July 1st, 2014, 12:20 am
Location: New Zealand
Contact: Website
Interesting list of ships. Well done to you Hood for keeping the list up to date.

Some of the names and descriptions sound like they would be interesting to read about. Is there a list like the above where you have kept the names of the books the ships come from?

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Post subject: Re: List of Ships in FictionPosted: January 3rd, 2017, 9:04 am
Posts: 7232
Joined: July 31st, 2010, 10:07 am
Me and Graham1973 are keeping a more detailed list over at Secretprojects: ... 930.0.html

This list doesn't cover all the entries though, some are too obscure or non-English language sources. Some are from film and TV too.
The fictional ships list at Wikipedia isn't bad either and has links to where some of the ships on this list come from. Unfortunately there is no equivalent to the IPMDB.

Hood's Worklist
English Electric Canberra FD
Interwar RN Capital Ships
Never-Were British Aircraft

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Post subject: Re: List of Ships in FictionPosted: January 8th, 2017, 11:08 am
Posts: 7232
Joined: July 31st, 2010, 10:07 am
Part IV: Fictional Warships 2025-2100

National ship prefix: ARA
Heroina: 2032
Eva Peron: fuel-cell AIP, 200 crew, 2032

National ship prefix: HMAS
6x Devonshire Class: 10,800 tons, 178.4 x 22.1 x 8.1m, 2x1 155mm EM railguns, 1x96 & 1x48 Mk 59 VLS (SAM/SSM/ASROC), 2x8 Thor VLS (80x SAMs), 3x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 2x2 12.75in TT (80x torps), SPY-5D 3-D radar, Type 2050 bow sonar & ATASS, 36kt, 190 crew, 2060-70
Perth, Melbourne, Sydney (Perth Class): 21,200 tons, 241.2 x 30.7 x 10.1m, 1x96 Mk 59 VLS (SAM/SSM/ASROC), 2x8 Thor VLS (80x SAMs), 2x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 2x3 12.75in TT (66x torps), 24x a/c, Sampson & S1850M radar, Type 2050 sonar, 32.5kt, 600 troops, 380 crew, ski-jump, 2060-70
Woolner + 11 unnamed (US Raymond Fox Class): 10,150 tons, 195.4 x 21.3 x 8.9m, 1x 155mm EM gun, 1x96 Mk 59 VLS (SLCM/SSM,SAM/ASW), 4x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 2x4 12.75in TT (88x torps), 6x EVS-84A/EVE-84A ASW/AEW VTOL, SPY-5D 3-D radar, Type 2350 & Type 2331 sonar, 4x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 36kt, 191 crew, 2050s
Swan, Starling, Sea Eagle +8 unnamed (Swan Class): 3,550 tons, 123.1 x 14.8 x 4.6m, 1x 5in Mk 45 L/62, 1x24 Mk 41 VLS (SM-6/ESSM), 2x4 Harpoon, 1x RAM, 2x3 12.75in TT (66x torps), 1x heli/VTOL, SPS-88 phased array radar, Type 2050 & 2031 sonars, 2x gas turbines, 33kt, 105 crew, 2036-49
Start, Malcolm, Montrose, Campbell +8 unnamed (Stuart Class): 5,300-5,400 tons, 145.5 x 25.5 x 13.7(14.1)m, 1x 5in Mk 45 L/62, 1x48 Mk 59 VLS (SAM/SSM/ASROC), 2x8 Thor VLS (80x SAMs), 2x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 2x3 12.75in TT (66x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, 1x Sampson radar (last 3 ships have SPX-1A), Type 2050 & 2031 sonars, nuclear-powered, 58kt, 115 crew, trimaran hull, 2060s
Amphibious Ships
Canberra (Canberra II Class): LHA, 20,800 tons, 241.2 x 30.7 x 9m, 2x8 Thor VLS (80x SAMs), 2x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 24x a/c, Sampson radar, nuclear-powered, 27.5kt, 1,200-800 troops & 4,000 tons cargo & 4x LCVP, 210 crew, 2070
Otama, Orca (Otama Class): 4,020 tons (sub), 96.5 x 8.8 x 7.4m, 6x21 in TT (28x torps), 8x VLS (Tomahawk SLCM), DUXX12 & DSUV 78 sonars, 24kt (sub), 18,000nm range, 62 crew + 12 special forces, 2040s
Farncomb +11 unnamed (Farncomb Class): 4,050 tons (sub), 86.6 x 8.4 x 10.2m, 6x21 in TT (40x torps/ 72x mines), 12x VLS (SLCM), 1x laser CIWS, 36kt, 68 crew, 2070-88

National ship prefix: HMCS
Magnificent, Bonaventure, Eagle (Warrior Class): 45,200 tons, 278.7 x 74.5 x 10.5m, 1x32 Mk 41 VLS (Eagle 1x48 Mk 59 VLS) (SAM/SSM/ASROC), 3x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 48x a/c, 1x APAR-8 phased array radar, 32kt, 1,380 crew & 100 troops, 2x EMALS catapults, 2070-80
Daring, Diamond, Dauntless (Type 45 Daring Class): 1x 4.5in, 1x48 Sylver A-50 VLS (Aster SAMs), 1x16 Mk 41 VLS (SLCM & VLASROC), 2x4 Harpoon, 2x Phalanx, 2x 30mm Mk44 Bushmaster, 2x2 12.75in TT, acquired and refitted 2030s
Iroquois, Huron: 8,700 tons, 176.1 x 37.8m, 1x 120mm railgun, 2x72 VLS (288x SAM/SLCM/ASW), 2x32 VLS (128x SAMs), 6x144 CIWS VLS (864x missiles), 3x quad laser mounts, 2x3 12.75in TT (96x torps), 2x VTOL aircraft, APAR 16 3-D radar, 60kt, 130 crew, trimaran hull design, 2100s
Ontario (FFG-351) +5 unnamed (Ontario Class): 5,650 tons, 143.2 x 16.4 x 6.15m, 1x57mm, 1x48 Mk 48 VLS (SM-2, Tomahawk & VLASROC), 2x4 Harpoon, 2x SeaRAM, 2x2 12.75in TT (44x torps), 1x heli/VTOL, APAR 3-D radar, SQS-505 hull & SQS-501 towed sonars, 2x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 34kt, 162 crew, 2040s
Yukon (FFG-?) +11x unnamed (Yukon Class): 5,940 tons, 146.4 x 16.6x 7.3m, 1x57mm, 1x48 Mk 48 VLS (SM-2, Tomahawk & VLASROC), 2x8 Mk 55 VLS (SAMs), 2x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 2x2 12.75in TT (44x torps), 1x heli/VTOL, APAR 6 3-D radar, SQS-562 hull & SQS-540 towed sonars, 2x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 36kt, 122 crew, 2060s-70s
4x Type 226 Otter Class: 3,940 tons (sub), 94.4 x 8.75 x 7.4m, 6x 21in TT (24x torps), 6x VLS (Tomahawk SLCM), DBQS58 FAS-6X hull & DBQS58 TAS-6X towed sonars, 12kt (surf), 22kt (sub), 32 crew & 12 special forces, modified Type 212 built in Germany, 2030s
4x Type 406 Rainbow Class: 4,885 tons (sub), 96.6 x 8.3 x 6.8m, 6x 21in TT (36x torps), 16x VLS (SLCM & SSM), 1x laser CIWS, 16kt (surf), 32kt (sub), 44 crew & 12 special forces, modified fictional Type 402 built in Germany, 2060s

6x unnamed (Zhenyuan Class): 58,600 tons, 308.2, 72.5 x 10.5m, 1x 100mm, 4x8 HQ-24 VLS (32x SAM/SSM/ASW), 4x Type 850 30mm/SAM CIWS, 50x J-25N/J-32 & JH-28N (Yak-141) V/STOL & Z-18 ASW/AEW heli, 300 troops, Type 455 SAPARS phased array & Type 382 3-D radars, MGK-345 sonar, 32kt, 2,070 crew, 2050s
Type 65 Class: 6,900 tons, 155.8 x 17.2 x 6.1m, 1x 100mm, 12x8 HQ-24 VLS (96x SAM/SSM/ASW), 2x Type 850 30mm/SAM CIWS, 2x3 400mm TT (36x torps), 1x heli/VTOL, Type 455 SAPARS phased array radar, 34kt, 252 crew, 2050s
Type 58 Class: 3,850 tons, 138.5 x 16 x 5.8m, 1x 76mm, 6x8 HQ-24 VLS (48x SAM/SSM/ASW), 2x Type 850 30mm/SAM CIWS, 2x3 400mm TT (36x torps), 1x heli/VTOL, Type 355 SAPARS phased array radar, 32kt, 140 crew, 2050s
Xi’an (501) (Han III Class): 110 x 11.6m, 35kt, 1,500ft diving depth, 120 crew, 2032
Beijing (538) (WT-5 Beijing Class): 127.1 x 13.7m, 37kt, 1,800ft diving depth, 160 crew, 2032

Jean Bart, Lorraine: 10,800 tons, 191.2x 34.7m, 1x3 155mm EM railgun turret, 1x64 & 1x32 Sylver MRX VLS (SAM/SLCM), 2x16 Sylver LTR (96x SAMs), 2x6 Sadral-AL (108x SAMs), 2x 20mm railgun CIWS, 2x2 12.75in TT (40x torps), 4x Panthère NH110 heli, DRBJ 19C & DRBW 16C radars, DUBV-68W sonar, 48kt, 230 crew & 400 Marines, pentamaran hull design, 2079-81
Charlemagne, Charles Martel, Jeanne d’Arc: 11,020 tons, 191.2 x 34.7m, 1x3 155mm EM railgun turret, 1x64 & 1x32 Sylver MRX VLS (SAM/SLCM), 2x16 Sylver LTR (96x SAMs), 4x4 MM40 Exocet, 2x6 Sadral-AL (108x SAMs), 2x 20mm railgun CIWS, 2x2 12.75in TT (60x torps), 4x Panthère NH110 heli, 48kt, 256 crew & 400 Marines, pentamaran hull design, 2094-97
Bretagne, Provence: 80,500 tons, 310.5 x 75 x 11.5m, 4x16 Sylver LTR VLS (192x SAMs), 2x6 Sadral-AL (108x SAMs), 2x 20mm railgun CIWS, 71x Mirage VIII-N V/STOL & Épée V/STOL & Aigile AEW/ASW & Panthère NH110 heli, DRBJ 19C and DRBW 15D radars, 34kt, 3x EMALS catapults, 1,900 crew & 140 troops, 2065-69
L'Indomptable, L'Inflexible +4 unnamed (Dupleix Class): 6,920 tons, 185.4 x 22.1 x 6.8m, 2x 76mm OTO Melara Super Rapid, 2x48 Sylver MRX VLS (SAM/SLCM), 4x4 MM40 Exocet, 2x6 Sadral-AL (108x SAMs), 2x2 12.75in TT (40x torps), 1x Panthère NH110 heli, DRBJ 19C & DRBW 15D radars, DUBV-56 sonar, 36kt, 176 crew, 2070s
Piccard +4 unnamed (Delphy Class): 6,220 tons, 176.4 x 31.8x, 1x 155mm EM railgun, 1x48 & 1x32 Sylver MRX VLS (SAM/SLCM), 2x4 MM40 Exocet, 2x6 Sadral-AL (108x SAMs), 2x2 12.75in TT (40x torps), 2x Panthère NH110 heli, DRBW 15D phased array radar, DUBV-56 & DUBV-52 sonars, 54kt, 117 crew, pentamaran hull design, 2080s
Roselys Class: 4,250 tons, 132.6 x 17.6 x 6.8m, 1x 76mm OTO Melara Super Rapid, 1x32 Sylver MRX VLS (SAM/SLCM), 2x4 MM40 Exocet, 1x6 Sadral-AL (54x SAMs), 2x2 12.75in TT (36x torps), 1x Panthère NH110 heli, 34kt, 116 crew & 12 Marines, 2048-50s
Amphibious Ships
Verdun, Bearn: LHA, 44,800 tons, 286.2 x 48.2 x 8.6m, 2x16 Sylver LTS (96x SAMs), 2x6 Sadral-AL (108x SAMs), 2x 20mm railgun CIWS, 62x Mirage VIII-N V/STOL & Épée V/STOL & Aigile AEW/ASW & Panthère NH110 heli, 2,200 Marines & 140 vehicles & 5x LCAC, 26kt, 1,050/1,090 crew, 2079-81
Nymphe Class: improved Barracuda Class, 5,450 tons (sub), 105.8 x 8.8 x 7.3m, 4x 21in TT (28x torps/48x mines/SLCM & SSMs), 28kt (sub), 60 crew, 2030s
Saphir Class: 6,520 tons (sub), 101.4 x 10.2 x 20.4m, 6x 21in TT (42x torps/72x mines), 12x SLCM, 1x laser CIWS, 36kt (sub), 48 crew, 2060-70
Algérie Class: 9,400 tons (sub), 115.2 x 10.8 x 20.8m, 6x 21in TT (48x torps/96x mines), 4x8 VLS (SAM/SLCM), 4x4 VLS (SLCM), 2x laser CIWS, 35 special forces, 40kt (sub), 64 crew & 35 special forces, 2080s

Type 582 Mackensen Class: 35,500 tons, 263.3 x 46 x 9.5m, 2x3 380mm EM railguns (A & B turrets), 6x72 VLS (SAM/SLCM/ASW), 6x32 VLS (SAMs), 8x4 CIWS (1152x missiles), 4x twin laser mounts, 4x quad laser mounts, 2x3 12.75in TT (90x torps), 8x VTOL aircraft, APAR 12 3-D radar, 42kt, 895 crew, trimaran hull design, 2100s
Aircraft Carriers
4s Valkyrie Class: CVS, 16,100 tons, 241.2 x 30.7 x 10.1m, 1x127mm OTO Melara,11x32 Mk 41 VLS (SM-2 & Tomahawk), 2x8 Thor VLS (80x SAMs), 2x4 Harpoon, 2x4 Mk 49 RAM, 2x3 12.75in TT (66x torps), 24x a/c, APAR & Smart-L radar, DSQS-21B sonar, 4x gas turbines, 29.5kt, 620 crew, has ski-jump, 2040s
Type 604 Seydlitz Class: CVN, 52,000 tons, 310 x 68 x 11m, 2x32 VLS (SAMs), 8x4 CIWS (1152x missiles), 4x quad laser mounts, 2x2 12.75in TT (80x torps), 64x a/c, 360 troops, APAR 12 3-D radar, 36kt, 1,190 crew, 3x EMALS catapults, 2100s
Type 512 Helgoland Class: 7,500 tons, 155.1 x 25.9m, 1x120mm railgun, 2x50 VLS (SAM/SLCM/ASW), 2x48 VLS (SAMs), 8x72 CIWS (576x missiles), 2x recoilless AA cannon, 2x2 12.75in TT (80x torps), 2x VTOL aircraft, APAR 12 3-D radar, 60kt, 120 crew, trimaran hull design, 2100
Type 708 Falke Class: surface effect ship corvette, 278 tons (full load), 47.5 x 12.8 x 1.2m, 1x recoilless AA cannon, 8x SSMs, 1x24 SAM (72x missiles), 2x laser CIWS, APAR 15-SR 3-D radar, 80kt, 8 crew, 2100s
Type 224 Class: 2,080 tons (sub), 58.4 x 7.2 x 6.45m, 6x 21in TT (18x torps), 22kt (sub), 9,600nm range, 26 crew, 2030s
Type 402 Class: 4,225 tons (sub), 98.4 x 9.8 x 7.05m, 6x 21in TT, 6x VLS (SLCM), 1x laser, 28kt, 38 crew +12 special forces, 2060s
Type 408 Class: 6,210 tons (sub), 90.2 x 8.2 x 6.8m, 6x 21in TT, 16x VLS (SLCM), 1x laser, 36kt, 42 crew +12 special forces, 2060s
Type 1200 Class: 8,200 tons (sub), 113.8 x 10.4 x 12.8m, 6x 21in TT (128x torps), 8x SSM, 2x twin laser mounts, 18 special forces, 43kt, 85 crew, 2100s

Great Britain
National ship prefix: HMS
Impregnable (R-09): 2032
Hood, Iron Duke (Type 67 Hood Class): 9,800 tons, 184.5 x 33m, 2x1 6.1in Mk.3, 2x32 & 1x48 Mk 41 VLS, 2x4 SSMs, 2x1 30mm, 3x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 2x2 12.75in TT (84x torps), 3x heli, Mini Sampson & S1650M radars, Type 2050 & ATASS sonars, 60kt, 196 crew, trimaran hull design, 2060s
Thatcher, Churchill, Blair (Type 68 Thatcher Class): 9,500 tons, 184.5 x 33m, 2x1 4.5in Mk.10 Mod.2, 2x32 & 1x48 & 2x16 Mk 41 VLS, 2x4 SSMs, 2x1 30mm, 3x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 2x2 12.75in TT (84x torps), 4x heli, 160 Royal Marines, Sampson & S1850M radars, Type 2050 & ATASS sonars, 60kt, 303 crew, trimaran hull design, 2060s
Audacious, Leander, Arethusa, Boadicea, Royalist, Dido, Emerald, Swiftsure (Type 32 Class): 1x 155mm, 1x32 Sylver VLS (ASTER), 2x16 Mk 41 VLS (Tomahawk), 2x RAM, 2x2 12.75in TT, 2x Merlin HM.2, 2x RR WR21 gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, trimaran hull design, 2020s
Dreadnought +1 unnamed (Dreadnought Class): 19,750 tons (sub), 183.6 x 12.9 x11.4m, 4x 21in TT (40x torps), 20x Trident SLBM, 1x laser CIWS, 31kt, Type 4045 & 4070B sonars, 105 crew, 2050s
Stonehenge (Stonehenge Class) (S135): 390 x 38ft, 5x 21in TT, 42kt, 2,200ft diving depth, 150 crew, 2032
Thunderer +1 unnamed (Modified Dreadnought Class): 19,750 tons (sub), 183.6 x 12.9 x11.4m, 4x 21in TT (40x torps), 40x4 Tomahawk /Fasthawk hypersonic SLCM, 1x laser CIWS, 31kt, Type 4045 & 4070B sonars, 105 crew, 2050s
Ursula, Upholder (Ursula Class): 9,800 tons (sub), 120.6 x 11.8 x 20.8m, 10x 21in TT (98x torps), 8x4 Fasthawk hypersonic SLCM, 1x Blue Green laser CIWS, 43kt, 85 crew +24 special forces, 2070s
Amphibious Warfare Ships
Intrepid, Orient (Intrepid Class): LHA, 65+ x UAVs, 2,000 troops, 2045
Africa (Africa Class): LHA, 38,800 tons, 232.5 x 44.2 x 8.85m, 2x16 Mk 41 VLS (SAMs), 4x1 30mm, 4x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 42x V/STOL fighters & heli, 2,010 troops & 94 vehicles & 4x LCAC, Mini Sampson radar, Type 2050 sonar, nuclear-powered, 30kt, 570 crew, 2060s
Perseus (L201), Theseus (L205), Centaur (L207) +5 unnamed (Perseus Class): LHD, 16,800 tons, 185.5 x 30.5 x 7.4m, 2x16 Mk 41 VLS (SAMs), 4x1 30mm, 4x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 2x Merlin HC.4, 670 troops & 92 vehicles & 2x LCAC-854 Crab Class, Mini Sampson radar, Type 2050 sonar, nuclear-powered, 26kt, 195 crew, 2060s
Yarmouth Castle (A620), Dartmouth Castle (A?) (Yarmouth Castle Class): combat supply ship, 34,600 tons (full load), 208.5 x 28.5 x 10.2m, 1x16 Mk 41 VLS (SAMs), 4x1 30mm, 4x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 2x heli, 6,000 tons of ammunition, 10,000 tons of dry stores & 1,200 tons refrigerated cargo, 26kt, 226 crew, 2050s

National ship prefix: JDS
Haguro, Nachi +2 unnamed (Haguro Class): 16,580 tons, 230.1 x 24 x 9.9m, 2x1 100mm railguns, 4x96 Mk 59 VLS, 2x8 Mk 55 VLS (112x SAMs), 4x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 2x4 12.75in TT (72x torps), 1x VTOL aircraft, SPY-5J 3-D radar, 35kt, 259 crew, 2087-98
Aircraft Carriers
Taiho, Ryuho (Taiho Class): CVS, 38,200 tons, 257.9 x 56.9 x 10.4m, 1x32 Mk 41 VLS (SAMs), 2x8 Mk 55 VLS (112x SAMs), 2x RAM, 2x Vulcan CIWS, 48x a/c, SPY-3C 3-D radar, 4x LM-2500 gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion,130.5kt, 675 crew, ski-jump, 2040s
Amagi, Unryu, Zuiho (Amagi Class): CVSN, 22,200 tons, 232.5 x 56.3 x 9.6m, 1x48 Mk59 VLS, 4x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 34x a/c, SPY-6S 3-D radar, 41kt, 740 crew, ski-jump, 2091-98
Shimikaze, Sawakaze +5 unnamed (Shimikaze Class): DDG, 8,070 tons, 161.1 x 22 x 6.8m, 1x 155mm, 1x64 & 1x32 & 2x8 Mk 41 VLS, 2x8 Mk 55 VLS (112x SAMs), 2x Phalanx, 2x3 12.75in TT (66x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, SPY-3D 3-D radar, 4x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 35.5kt, 259 crew, 2030s
Hyuga, Ise (Fox Class): DDGN [see US section]
Soyakaze, Noshiro, Kumano +7 unnamed (Soyakaze Class): 2,950 tons, 113.7 x 13m, 2x1 5in Mk 45 Mod.1 (both fwd), 1x16 Mk 41 VLS (SAMs), 1x Phalanx, 2x3 12.75in TT (66x torps), OPS-34 radar (later OPY-4J), 2x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 32kt, 120 crew, 2050s
Chitose Class: improved Soyakaze design, 3,320 tons, 114.5 x 13 x 7m, 1x 5in Mk 45 Mod.1 (both fwd), 1x32 & 1x16 Mk 41 VLS (SAMs/SLCM/SSMs), 1x Phalanx, 2x4 12.75in TT (40x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, OPY-4J radar, 2x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 35kt, 124 crew, 2060s
Amphibious Ships
Miura (LSD-4500), Ojika (LSD-4501?) (Miura Class): 9,800 tons, 182.5 x 26.5 x 6.2m, 2x Mk 29 RAM, 4x CV-22N Osprey/RAH-66E Super Comanche,1OPS-14D radar, 320 troops & 40x vehicles & 2x LCAC, 2x diesels, 22kt, 155 crew, 2030s
Taiho, Kaiyo, Shinyo (Taiho Class): LHD, 29,700 tons, 208.2 x 38.1 x 7.9m, 4x Mk 29 RAM, 28x V/STOL fighters, tilt-rotors & heli, SPS-88 phased array radar, 1,160 troops & 61x vehicles & 2x LCAC, 4x LM-2500 gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 23.5kt, 420 crew, 2050s
Wakashio (SS-645) +17 unnamed (Wakashio Class): SSN, 4,620 tons (sub), 88.6 x 11.2 x 9.2m, 6x 21in TT (36x torps/ Tomahawk/rocket torpedoes/60x mines), 12x Fasthawk hypersonic SLCM, 1x laser CIWS, ZQQ-18C & ZQR-12 sonars, 6 special forces, 33kt, 72 crew, 2052-70

National ship prefix: ARM
Quetzalcoatl (Modified Warrior Class): CVN, 45,200 tons, 278.7 x 74.5 x 10.5m, 1x32 Mk 41 VLS (SM-2 & ESSM), 3x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 48x a/c, 1x SPX-1A phased array radar, 32kt, 1,380 crew & 100 troops, 2x EMALS catapults, 2070-80

National ship prefix: HNLMS
Tjerk Hiddes Class: 5,850 tons, 150.2 x 19.2 x 5.6m, 1x 127mm OTO Melara, 1x48 Mk 48 VLS (SAM/SLCM), 2x8 Thor VLS (80x SAMs), 2x8 Freya VIII SAM (176x missiles), 2x 8mm RLG-8G railguns, 2x2 12.75mm TT (40x torps) 1x heli, APAR 6 3-D radar, 36kt, 150 crew, 2050s
Zeehond Class: 5,840 tons (sub), 92.2 x 8.65 x 7.3m, 6x 21in TT, 1x6 VLS, 24kt, 48 crew +12 special forces, 2045+
Bruinvis Class: 5,840 tons (sub), 94.4 x 9.45 x 7.35m, 8x 21in TT, 24x VLS, 1x laser CIWS, 32kt, 56 crew +12 special forces, 2070s

National ship prefix: HNoMS
4x unnamed (Valkyrien Class): FFGN, 6,900 tons, 144.5 x 17 x 7.8m, 1x 76mm OTO Melara Super Rapid, 1x32 Mk 41 VLS (SAM/SLCM/SSMs), 2x8 Mk 55 VLS (112x SAM), 4x8 Freya VIII SAM (176x missiles), 2x2 12.75in TT (24x tops), 1x Panthère NH110 heli, SPY-3M phased array radar & DUBV 56 & 56 sonars, 34kt, 102 crew, 2090s
Sleipner, Draugr, Fenrir, Vættir (Project 6310 Sleipner Class): surface effect corvettes, 880 tons (full load), 68.2 x 19.5 x 2.2m, 1x 76mm OTO Melara Super Rapid, 1x32 VLS (NSM SSMs), 2x8 Freya VIII SAM (176x missiles), Sampson Type 1065 Ultra-Light (Vættir1has SPX-1L) phased array radar, 68kt, 26 crew, 2060-79
16x unnamed (Project 6290 Ravn Class): surface effect corvettes, 286 tons (full load), 48.2 x 13.5 x 1.1m, 1x 76mm OTO Melara Super Rapid, 1x8 VLS (NSM SSMs), 2x8 Freya IV SAM (56x missiles), Thales MRR-3D-NX radar, 72kt, 12 crew, 2060-79
Kjell (S-500) + 23 unnamed (Kjell Class): SSN, 1,250 tons (sub), 62.1 x 5.5 x 4.6m, 8x 21in TT (12x torps & 4x SSMs), 1x laser CIWS, DBQS120 FAS-15 & RAS-15 sonars, 25kt, 24 crew, 2050-70

32x unnamed (Svietlana Class): 9,800 tons, 174.3 x 22.8 x 7.5m, 2x1 152mm, 16x SS-N-40 SLCM, 16x8 VLS (SSM/SAMs), 16x8 VLS (SAMs), 4x CADS-N-1 (later CADS-N-6), 2x5 533mm TT (30x torps), 1x anti-torpedo system (64x torps), 4x heli/VTOL, ‘Pod Hunter’ & ‘Morningstar’ phased array radar, 4x 35,000shp gas turbines, 30kt, 362 crew, 2042-62
Alexandr Nevskiy, Voroshilov (Alexandr Nevskiy Class): 10,500 tons, 195.5 x 23.2 x 7.8m, 2x2 152mm (both fwd), 24x SS-N-40 SLCM, 16x8 VLS (SSM/SAMs), 16x8 VLS (SAMs), 4x CADS-N-1 (later CADS-N-6), 2x5 533mm TT (30x torps), 1x anti-torpedo system (64x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, ‘Pod Hunter’ & ‘Morningstar’ phased array radar, 4x 35,000shp gas turbines, 30kt, 396 crew, 2047-51
9x unnamed (Admiral Timoshenkova Class): CGN, 11,200 tons, 175 x 23 x 7.8m, 2x2 152mm EM railguns, 2x64 VLS (SLCM/SSM/SAMs), 2x8 VLS (SAMs), 4x CADS-N-6 laser/SAM CIWS, 2x5 533mm TT (30x torps), 1x anti-torpedo system (64x torps), 4x heli/VTOL, ‘Owl Hunter’ & ‘Morningstar-II’ phased array radar, 36kt, 343 crew, 2090+
6x unnamed (Arkhangelsk Class): 64,500 tons, 328.2 x 75.8 x 11.1m, 24x SS-N-40 SLCM, 24x8 VLS (SAMs), 8x CADS-N-6 laser/SAM CIWS, 2x anti-torpedo system (128x torps), 72x Su-47D ‘Foxfire’ fighters & Yak-244 ‘Firedancer’ V/STOL & Yak-228 ‘Minstrel’ ASW/AEW/utility VTOL, ‘Pod Hunter’ & ‘Morningstar’ phased array radar, 200 troops, 34kt, 2,190 crew, 3x steam catapults, 2053+
50x unnamed (Novik Class): 7,500 tons, 165.5 x 20.5 x 7.3m, 1x 152mm, 24x SS-N-40 SLCM, 16x8 VLS (SSM/SAMs), 16x8 VLS (SAMs), 4x CADS-N-1 (later CADS-N-6), 2x5 533mm TT (30x torps), 1x anti-torpedo system (64x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, ‘Pod Hunter’ phased array radar, 2x 35,000shp gas turbines, 32kt, 266 crew, 2038+
Tserigo Class: DDGN, 10,100 tons, 162.2 x 22.9 x 7.7m, 1x2 152mm EM railgun, 2x64 VLS (LCM/SSM/SAMs), 2x8 VLS (SAMs), 4x CADS-N-6 laser/SAM CIWS, 2x5 533mm TT (30x torps), 1x anti-torpedo system (64x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, ‘Owl Hunter’ phased array radar, 35.5kt, 250 crew, 2096+
24x unnamed (Burkut Class): 4,200 tons, 130.2 x 15.8 x 5.6m, 1x 100mm AK-100, 24x SS-N-40 SLCM, 4x8 VLS (SSM/SAMs), 8x8 VLS (SAMs), 2x CADS-N-1 (later CADS-N-6), 2x3 533mm TT (18x torps), 1x anti-torpedo system (64x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, ‘Morningstar’ phased array radar, 4x 35,000shp gas turbines, 32kt, 173 crew, 2050+
38x unnamed (Tigr Class): FFGN, 3,310 tons, 124.5 x 13.9 x 4.6m, 1x100mm AK-100, 2x8 VLS (SSM/SAMs), 6x8 VLS (SAMs), 2x CADS-N-6 laser/SAM CIWS, 1x5 533mm TT (15x torps), 1x anti-torpedo system (64x torps), 1x heli/VTOL, ‘Morningstar’ (3 received ‘Flail Eye’) phased array radar, 36kt, 129 crew, 2052+
Surface Effect Ships
20x unnamed (Redkiy Class): 2,820 tons, 86.2 x 30.6 x 4.1m, 1x 100mm EM railgun, 2x16 VLS (SSM/SAMs), 2x CADS-N-6 laser/SAM CIWS, 2x2 533mm TT (28x torps), 1x anti-torpedo system (64x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, ‘Flail Eye’ phased array radar, 78kt, 116 crew, 2092+
50x unnamed (Perekat Class): 1,050 tons, 56.4 x 24 x 2.6m, 1x100mm EM gun, 2x8 VLS, 2x CADS-N-6 laser/SAM CIWS, 2x2 400mm TT (20x torps), 1x anti-torpedo system (48x torps), ‘Flail Eye’ phased array radar & towed sonar array, 82kt, 38 crew, 2084+
Fast Attack Craft
Project 3435.2 Tashkent Class (NATO ‘Bladerunner’): 898 tons, 64 x 12 x 4m, 1x100mm AK-100, 1x8 VLS (SAMs), 1x CADS-N-1 (later CADS-N-6), modular fit for either 2x8 VLS (SSM/SLCMs) or 2x2 533mm TT (8x torps), 1x anti-torpedo system (48x torps), MR-1050 ‘Stiletto Blade’ 3-D radar & advanced bow sonar, 58-36kt, 36 crew, 2030+
20x unnamed (Ossetyr Class): 35,600 tons (sub), 170.2 x 23.8 x 20.9m, 4x 650mm TT (40x torps/rocket torps/SSMs), 24x SS-N-50 ‘Scythe’ SLBM (12x MIRV, 5,000nm range), 2x48 anti-torpedo torps,11x sail-mounted SAM (64x missiles), 32kt, 2,000m max diving depth, 107 crew, 2041-71
30x unnamed (Vyper Class): 25,400 tons (sub), 154.8 x 18.9 x 20.2m, 8x 650mm TT (56x torps/rocket torps/SSMs/mines), 16x8 SLCM, 2x48 anti-torpedo torps, 1x sail-mounted SAM (64x missiles), 36kt, 2,000m max diving depth, 88 crew, 2037+
40x unnamed (Drakon Class): 13,200 tons (sub), 114.5 x 12.5 x 16.6m, 8x 650mm TT (56x torps/rocket torps/SSMs/mines), 16x SLCM, 1x sail-mounted SAM (64x missiles), 40.5kt, 1,800m max diving depth, 50 crew, 2040-80
11x unnamed (Pantera Class): 4,040 tons (sub), 81.59 x 9.8 x 14.2m, 4x 650mm TT (28x torps/rocket torps/SSMs/mines), 12x SLCM, 1x48 anti-torpedo torps, 1x sail-mounted SAM (64x missiles), 48.5kt, 4,500m max diving depth, 42 crew, 2067-78
24x unnamed (Iskra Class): 15,800 tons (sub), 115.9 x 14.2 x 16.9m, 12x 650mm TT (108x torps/rocket torps/SSMs/mines), 12x8 SLCM, 2x48 anti-torpedo torps, 1x sail-mounted SAM (64x missiles), 1x laser CIWS, 45kt, 4,000m max diving depth, 62 crew, 2081+
Submarine Aircraft Carriers
Komsomolets: 460,000 tons (sub), 601 x 107 x 81m), 16x 650mm TT (182x torps/rocket torps/SSMs/mines), 16x8 VLS (SSN/SLCM), 16x8 VLS (SLCM), 2x particle beam cannon, 8x sail/hull-mounted SAM (512x missiles), 4x48 anti-torpedo torps, 8x laser CIWS, 152x Yak-244 ‘Firedancer’ V/STOL & Mi-221 ‘Firefly’ attack VTOL & Yak-228 ‘Minstrel’ AEW/utility VTOL, 48x USV, 40kt, 1,800m max diving depth, 1,820 crew, 2098
Submarine Troop Carriers
4x unnamed (Krokodil Class): 25,700 tons (sub), 179.2 x 25.1 x 30m, 4x 650mm TT (40x torps/rocket torps/SSMs/mines), 10x8 VLS (SSM/SLCMs), 2x48 anti-torpedo torps, 1x sail-mounted SAM (64x missiles), 2x Mi-221 ‘Firefly’ attack VTOL, 512 troops & 6x vehicles, 31.5kt, 2,200m max diving depth, 132 crew, 2060s
Amphibious Ships
16x unnamed (Marshal Isachenkov Class): LSD, 16,500 tons, 212.5 x 32.5 x 7.3m, 1x2 152mm, 8x SS-N-40 SLCM, 8x8 VLS (SAMs), 4x CADS-N-1 (later CADS-N-6), 6x Yak-228 ‘Minstrel’ ASW/utility VTOL, ‘Morningstar’ phased array radar, 1,450 troops & 130 vehicles/4,000 tons cargo & 2x LCAC, 2x copied 35,000shp LM-2500 gas turbines, 24kt, 225 crew, 2037-62
4x unnamed (Borodino Class): amphibious assault command ships, 43,100 tons, 265.5 x 32.8 x 12.6m, 2x2 152mm, 48x SS-N-40 SLCM, 16x8 VLS (SSM/SLCMs), 16x8 VLS (SAMs), 8x CADS-N-1 (later CADS-N-6), 2x5 533mm TT (30x torps), 2x anti-torpedo system (128x torps), 28x Yak-244 ‘Firedancer’ V/STOL & Mi-221 ‘Firefly’ attack VTOL & Yak-228 ‘Minstrel’ AEW/utility VTOL, ‘Pod Hunter’ & ‘Morningstar’ phased array radar, 1,250 troops & 130 vehicles/5,000 tons cargo & 2x LCAC, 4x copied 35,000shp LM-2500 gas turbines, 28kt, 1,348 crew, 2051+
100x unnamed (Tiger Class): air cushion landing craft, 132.8 tons, 27.5 x 15.1m, 12-24x rockets/missiles, 1x CADS-N-6 laser/SAM CIWS, 4x1 12.7mm HMGs, 250 troops & 100 tons cargo/vehicles, 60kt, 48 crew, 2038-50
6x unnamed (Lakhta Class): large air cushion landing craft, 1,020 tons, 85.5 x 31.2 x 2.8m, 4x8 VLS (32x MR & 64x SR SAMs), 2x CADS-N-6 laser/SAM CIWS, 2x4x Mi-221 ‘Firefly’ VTOL, 200 troops & 12x vehicles, ‘Flail Eye’ phased array radar, 80kt, 45 crew, 2084+

Princessa Isabel (R-212), Princessa Sofia (R-213) (Princessa Isabel Class): CVSN, 30,200 tons, 232.5 x 46.5 x 10.1m, 1x8 Mk 41 VLS (SLCM/SAM), 2x8 Mk 55 VLS (112x SAMs), 4x8 Freya VIII SAM (352x missiles), 40x a/c, SPY-3M phased array radar & DUBV 56 sonar, 30.5kt, 491 crew, ski-jump, 2060-75
12x unnamed (F200 Almirante Miranda Class): FFGN, 4,800 tons, 147.2 x 18.8 x 7.4m, 1x 5in Mk 45 (last 4 1x 100mm railgun), 1x48 Mk 41 VLS (SAM/SLCM/SSMs), 2x8 Mk 55 VLS (112x SAM), 2x8 Freya VIII SAM (176x missiles), 2x2 12.75in TT (24x tops), 1x V-22N Osprey, SPY-3M phased array radar & DUBV 56 sonar, 31.5kt (last 4 33.5kt), 126 crew, 2040-69
Marsopa (S-800) +15 unnamed (Marsopa Class): SSN, 2,880 tons (sub), 72.2 x 11.8 x 6.1m, 6x 21in TT (30x torps/SSM/rocket torps/48x mines), 12x SSMs, 1x laser CIWS, SUBICS-4 & FRTAS-2X sonars, 28kt, 8 special forces, 28 crew, 2053-74

United States of America
National ship prefix: USS
Concord (CA-161) +15 unnamed (Concord Class): land attack cruiser, 14,820 tons, 209.7 x 24.4 x 9.3m, 2x3 155mm Mk 59 turrets, 2x64 Mk 41 VLS (SLCM/SSM/SAM/ASW), 2x8 Mk 55 VLS (112x SAMs), 4x Mk 49 RAM, 2x4 12.75in TT (88x torps), 2x EVS-84A Kingfisher, SPY-3H 3-D radar, 4x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 33kt, 249 crew, 2030s
Kearsage (CBGN-1), Vesuvius (CBGN-2), Monitor (CGBN-3): 23,350 tons, 258.5 x 29 x 10.8m, 1x 8in Mk 71D, 12x96 Mk 59 VLS (SLCM/SSM,SAM/ASW), 2x8 Mk 48 (ESSM), 6x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 2x2 12.75in TT (84x torps), SPY-5D 3-D radar, 35kt, 292 crew, 2090s
Valley Forge (CG-75) +5 unnamed (Valley Forge Class): 9,850 tons, 178.6 x 21.4 x 7.6 m, 1x 8in Mk 71D, 3x64 Mk 41 VLS, 2x4 Harpoon, 2x Phalanx, 2x3 12.75in TT, 2x heli/VTOL,14x LM-2500+ gas turbines, SPY-1D+ 3-D radar, SPS-49 search radar, 35kt, 285 crew, enlarged Burke design, 2020s
Charleston (CG-81) +19 unnamed (Charleston Class): 14,550 tons, 209.7 x 24.4 x 9.3m, 2x1 155mm, 2x32 Mk 41 VLS (SLCM/SSM,SAM/ASW), 2x8 Mk 48 (ESSM), 4x RAM, 2x4 12.75in TT (88x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, SPY-4E 3-D radar, 4x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 33kt, 253 crew, 2030s
Sentinel (CGN-?): nuclear-powered strike vessel, 51,270tons, 720 x 98ft, 4x1 4.5in, ?x SSM, 6x fictional Lynx SAM launchers, 6x VTOL aircraft, 200kt, 2026
Delaware (CGN-105) +? unnamed (Delaware Class): 11,550 tons, 186.1 x 21.3 x9m, 2x1 8in Mk 71D, 2x96 Mk 59 VLS (SLCM/SSM,SAM/ASW), 4x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 2x4 12.75in TT (88x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, SPY-5D 3-D radar, 40kt, 224 crew, 2050s
Avenger (CVE-140), Corsair (CVE-141), Dauntless (CVE-142) (Avenger Class): 28,800 tons, 229.3 x 47.2 x 9.9m, 2x8 Mk 41 VLS (SAMs), 2x RAM, 2x Phalanx, 4x1 25mm Bushmaster, 42x FV-38 Panther II V/STOL fighters & EVS-84A/EVE-84A ASW/AEW & V-22N Osprey, SPS-88 phased array radar, 4x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 38kt, 686 crew, has ski-jump, 2030s
Gambier Bay (CVEN-146), St Lo (CVEN-147), Liscome Bay (CVEN-148), Block Island (CVEN-149), Ommaney Bay (CVEN-150), Bismarck Sea (CVE-151) (Gambier Bay Class): 32,500 tons, 249.9 x 60.9 x 9.9m, 2x48 Mk 59B VLS (SAMs), 4x 1x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 2x Mk 58 Anti-Torpedo systems (128x torps) (Gambier Bay only), 2x laser cannon (UW) (St Lo only), 42x FV-45/FV-45-EW Sea Hawk V/STOL fighters & EVS-84A/EVE-84A ASW/AEW & V-22N Osprey, SPY-7B 3-D radar, 38kt, 800 crew, has ski-jump, 2030s
Ranger (CVN-82), Constellation (CVN-83), Kitty Hawk (CVN-84), Lexington (CVN-85), Intrepid (CVN-86) (Ranger Class): 76,500 tons, 338.3 x 73.2 x 12.2m, 2x8 Mk 55 VLS (SAMs), 4x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 96x FV-45/FV-45-EW Sea Hawk V/STOL & EV-84A/EVS-84A/EVE-84A Kingfisher utility/ASW/AEW & V-22N Osprey, SPY-4C 3-D radar, 36kt 2,480 crew, 4x EMALS catapults, 2051-65
Ticonderoga (CVN-87): submersible aircraft carrier, 250,000 tons (sub), 610 x 122 x 61m, 8x21in TT (4 bow, 4 stern) (128x torps), 8x4 SLCM, 4x8 VLS (256x SAMs), 2x ion cannons, 6x laser CIWS, 220x Manta-Ray submarine-fighters & FV-45 Sea Hawk V/STOL & EV EV-84A/EVS-84A/EVE-84A Kingfisher utility/ASW/AEW & V-22N Osprey &AH-75 Striker heli, 3,350 troops & 172 vehicles & 4x LCAC & 6x LSS-22 Class, 35kt, 3,570 crew, has three hulls, the rear forming the flight deck, 2090s
Saratoga (CVN-89) +3 unnamed (CVN-90 – 92) (Saratoga Class): 65,200 tons, 298.7 x 85.3 x 11.3m, 2x96 Mk 55 VLS (SAMs), 8x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 76x FV-45/FV-45-EW Sea Hawk V/STOL & EV-84A/EVS-84A/EVE-84A utility/ASW/AEW & V-22N Osprey, SPY-5D 3-D radar, 40kt 1,470 crew, 4x EMALS catapults, 2070+
Raymond Fox (DDG-168) +? unnamed (Raymond Fox Class): 10,150 tons, 195.4 x 21.3 x 8.9m, 1x 155mm EM gun, 1x96 Mk 59 VLS (SLCM/SSM/SAM/ASW), 4x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 2x4 12.75in TT (88x torps), 6x EVS-84A/EVE-84A ASW/AEW VTOL, SPY-5D 3-D radar, 4x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 36kt, 191 crew, 2050s
Nicole Rosette (DDG-1052) +? unnamed (Nicole Rosette Class): 12,220 tons, 196.6 x 20.7 x 9.3m, 1x 155mm, 2x64 Mk 41 VLS (SLCM/SSM,SAM/ASW), 4x RAM, 2x4 12.75in TT (88x torps), 2x heli/VTOL, SPY-3H 3-D radar, 4x gas turbines & integrated electric propulsion, 32kt, 225 crew, 2040s
Tomlinson (FFG-69) (Tomlinson Class): 4,300 tons (full load), 132 x 14.6m, 1x76mm Mk 75, 1x32 Mk 41 VLS (SM-2/ESSM/Tomahawk/ASROC), 2x4 Harpoon, 1x Mk 49 RAM, 1x Phalanx, 1x heli, 32kt, 83 crew, 2010s
Richard E. Byrd (FF-1108), Eve Castleman (FF-115), Barry Solomon (FF-121) +13 unnamed (Richard R. Byrd Class): 3,120 tons, 127.4 x 14.7 x 7.2m, 1x 76mm Mk 75, 1x32 Mk 41 VLS (SLCM/SSM/SAM/ASW), 2x Mk 49 RAM, 2x4 12.75in TT (64x torps), 1x EVS-84A Kingfisher, SPS-88 phased array radar & SQR-20 towed sonar, 35kt, 109 crew, 2040s
Francis Darcey (FFGN-235) +? (fictional Francis Darcey Class): 3,250 tons, 134.7 x 16.5 x 5.6m, 1x 100mm Mk 205 railgun,1x96 Mk 59 VLS (SLCM/SSM/SAMs), 2x Mk 44 Sea Sabre railgun/SAM CIWS, 2x4 12.75in TT (68x torps), 2x EVS-84A Kingfisher, SPY-6S 3-D radar, 45kt, 118 crew, 2060s
Patrol Craft
79x Barracuda Class (WPB-A01-WPB-K79): patrol gunship/cutter, 64 tons, 131 x 20.3 x 3.9ft, 1x laser (fwd turret), 2x4 AS/AAML-4 SSMs, 1x12 60mm mini-missiles, 4x DCTs (8x DCs), 2x diesels, 30kt, 950nm (max speed), 10 crew, 2030s
Eagle (PC-101) +23 unnamed (Eagle Class): patrol boats, 950 tons, 85.5 x 17.9 x 3.7m, 1x 65mm Mk 215 railgun, 1x8 Mk 55 VLS (56x SAMs), 1x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 2x1 M31 railguns, 2x2 12.75in TT (28x tops), SPX-1L phased array radar, 58kt, 44 crew, trimaran hull design, 2089+
Rumsfeld: ?x 105mm, 63kt, stealth design, 2117
Okeanos (SSBN-?) (Wichita Class): 10,000 tons (surf), ?x TT (?x Mk 10 torps), ?x Gorgon SLBMs, hull constructed from high tensile plastics with polycarbonate anechoic coating, Rigel AI combat system, ?x hydrojets, 2032
Francis Scott Key (SSBN-22) +11 unnamed (Francis Scott Key Class): 34,600 tons (sub), 178 x 24.5 x 11m, 4x 21in TT (34x torps), 32x Thunder Bird A-4 SLBM (16x MIRV, 12,000km), 2x laser CIWS, 33kt, 98 crew, 2060+
Kraken +7 unnamed (SSGN-21) (Kraken Class): 15,600 tons (sub), 147.8 x 13.4 x 16.6m, 4x 21in TT (28x torps), 16x7 VLS (Tomahawk/ Fasthawk SLCM), 1x laser CIWS, 32kt, 135 crew, 2050+
Tigershark (SSN-888), Steelhead +? unnamed (Tigershark Class): 8,100 tons (sub), 118.9 x 11 x 16.1m, 4x 21in TT (52x torps), 4x32 VLS (SSM/SLCM/SAM/ASW), 4x2 VLS (SLCM), 2x laser CIWS, 45kt, 1,524m max diving depth, 120 crew, 2050+
Swordfish (SSN-981) +57 unnamed (Swordfish Class): 8,800tons (sub), 115.8 x 18.3 x 12.2m, 4x 21in TT (64x torps), 4x32 VLS (SSM/SLCM/SAM/ASW), 2x laser CIWS, 35kt, 108 crew, 2060+
U85: minisub, 2x TT, 2060s
Other Submarines
Marine Anti-Naval Technology Armament (MANTA): USV, discus shaped, HE warhead, sonar signature homing, solar panel recharged batteries, props & 8x legs for seabed travel, 20kt, 2032
Greyback (SSTN-01), Cuttlefish (SSTN-?) +10 unnamed (Greyback Class): submarine troop transports, 10,500 tons (sub), 118.9 x 11 x 16.1m, 4x 21in TT (52x torps), 24x SLCM, 2x laser CIWS, 2x Mantra-Ray submarine-fighters, 160 troops, 36kt, 1,524m max diving depth, 96 crew, 2090+
Trident (SSVN-22): submarine aircraft carrier, 19,400 tons (sub), 170.7 x 19.8 x 15.2m, 6x 21in TT (72x torps), 4x32 VLS (SSM/SLCM/SAM/ASW), 4x2 VLS (SLCMs), 2x ion cannon, 2x laser CIWS, 12x Manta-Ray submarine-fighters, 40kt, 164 crew, 2096
Amphibious Ships
4x unnamed (LHDN-10 Tripoli Class): 21,700 tons, 210 x 32 x 7.5m, 2x48 Mk 59 VLS (SAMs),14x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 50x V/STOL fighters, tiltrotors & heli, 2,100 troops & 105 vehicles & 4x LCAC, SPY-6S 3-D radar, nuclear-powered, 30kt, 680 crew, 2060+
12x unnamed (LSD-53 Point Defiance Class): 13,500 tons, 186.7 x 27.6 x 6.5m, 2x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 4x heli/VTOL, 450 troops & 84 vehicles & 2x LCAC,124kt, 285 crew, 2040+
LPDN-48 Cape Lobos Class: 36,200 tons, 259.1 x 44.2 x 8.4m, 1x48 Mk 59B VLS (SAMs),14x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 4x heli/VTOL, 700 troops & 100 vehicles & 2x LCAC, SPX-1A 3-D radar, nuclear-powered, 28kt, 298 crew, 2050+
20x unnamed (JHSV-21 Vigilant Class): high speed vessel, 1,680 tons, 103 x 28.5 x 3.83m, 2x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 4x1 0.5in HMGs, 1x heli/VTOL,1104-312 troops & 30 vehicles, SPS-575 phased array radar, 46kt, 22-42 crew, 2040+
20x unnamed (ADCN-26 Yosemite Class): ammunition/stores vessels, 52,500 tons (full load), 230.1 x 32 x 11m, 4x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 2x heli/VTOL,110,000 tons of ammunition & 15,000 tons non-refrigerated cargo & 2,500 tons refrigerated cargo, SPX-1A phased array radar, nuclear-powered, 32kt, 204 crew, 2050+
12x unnamed (AKR-345 SSGT William R. Connolly Class): fast vehicle cargo ship, 59,700 tons (full load), 288.5 x 32 x 11.5m, 1x RAM, 2x Phalanx, 1x heli/VTOL, 200x MBT to 600x small vehicles/25,000 tons cargo, 33kt, 70 crew, 2040+
LCAC-854 Crab Class: LCAC, 200 tons, 26.8 x 14.3m, 8x missiles, 1x12 SAM, 1x ion cannon or laser, 1x M-31 railgun or AGS, 200 troops & 80-100 tons cargo/vehicles, 80mph, 5 crew, 2060+
LSS-22 Guppy Class: submersible landing craft, 240 tons, 26.2 x 13.7 x 7.62m, 2x TT (16x torps/missiles), 3x ion cannon, 80 troops & 40 tons cargo/vehicles, 12kt (sub), 8 crew, 2060+
Riptide (T-ATF?): tug, 2077
US Coast Guard Cutters
12x unnamed (WMEC-148 Valiant Class): 1,755 tons, 92.7 x 16.6 x 4.4m, 1x 57mm Mk 110, 1x8 Mk 55 VLS (56x SAMs), 2x 0.5in Browning HMG, 1x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 1x EV-84A Kingfisher, SPX-1L phased array radar, 48kt, 120 crew, 2020+
WMEC-1050 Harriet Lane Class: 2,400 tons, 98.9 x 13.6 x 4.1m, 1x 57mm Mk 110, 1x Phalanx CIWS, 2x 0.5in Browning HMG, 1x EV-84A Kingfisher, SPS-575 (TRS-16) radar, 26kt, 68 crew, 2020+
12x unnamed (WMLS-780 Walcott Class): 4,100 tons, 127.4 x 16 x 7.5m, 1x 76mm Mk 75, 2x M31 railguns, 1x8 Mk 48 VLS (32x ESSM), 1x Phalanx, 2x1 0.5in HMGs, 1x3 12.75in TT (27x tops), 1x EV-84A Kingfisher or 4x MQ-14 Ghost Scout UAVs, SPS-88 phased array radar, CODOG, 28kt, 8,000nm, 67 crew, 2030+
WHEC-1350 Hazard Class: 2,950 tons, 99.1 x 19.8 x 5m, 1x 76mm Mk 75, 1x48 Mk 59B VLS, 2x 25mm Bushmaster, 1x Phalanx/RAM, 2x4 12.75in TT (40x tops), 2x EV-84A Kingfisher, SPX-1A phased array radar, 56kt, 108 crew, trimaran hull design, 2050+
WPB-94751 Class: 92 tons, 28.6 x 6.2 x 1.9m, 2x M38 railguns, 1x 40mm AGL-40 AGL, 40kt, 16 crew, 2060+
WPB-156855 Margaret L. Baker Class: 305 tons, 47.5 x 7.9 x 2.3m, 2x M31 railguns, 4x SSM, 1x Mk 44 Sea Sabre CIWS, 2x2 12.75in TT (20x tops), 48kt, 16 crew, 2060+


Part V: Fictional Warships Non-State/Fictional Organisation/AU State Ships 1850-2100

Non-State Operated Ships
Olive Branch (ex-Almirante Constant) (Russian disguise as ‘Ekaterinoslav’): 10,000 tons, 300 x 60ft, 8x2 6in (fore, aft & en echelon turrets, autoloaders) (shells use fictional 'Whaddeit' improved cordite & liquid air burster), ?x 6pdr QF (retractable turrets), fictional ‘Z-Ray’ radio weapon to disable ships’ electric systems within 2-9 mile range & 'ZZ-Ray' electronic weapon can detonate explosives at 9-18 mile range, 67.5kt, petrol-engines, six propellers, has gyroscope autopilot, retractable funnel, 105 crew; keel houses a submarine; 30ft x 8ft, 1x 100mm torpedo tube (20x torpedoes), 35hp electric motor, British-built, 1910-14
Alerte (ex-R81) (R Class?): submarine, 1x 6in, ?x TT, upperworks disguised as tramp steamer, pirate vessel, 1924
Neptune: ex-military demonstrator cruiser submarine, refitted for polar exploration, ice drill, 31 crew, built by fictional US Seabright Shipyard, early 1930s
I-203: ex-IJN submarine, extant 1953 in private hands; real I-203 Sentaka-Dei Class but portrayed as C Type
Aurora: armed whale catcher, 1x mount with 1x Spandau MG08 & 1x Hotchkiss aft of bridge, 1962
Stella del Mare: motor yacht, 200 tons, 1x 40mm Bofors (aft concealed), 3x MGs, 14kt, 1969; operated by fictional Fuad Syndicate
Orestes: armed coaster, 3,000 tons, 2x 21in TT (UW) (?x fictional Mk.XI (Modified) torps), small arms, 8kt, 1969; operated by fictional Fuad Syndicate
MS Buras: armed freighter, 2x? 20 mm Oerlikon (concealed mounts)
PS Stonewall Jackson: Mississippi Sidewheel paddle steamer, 270ft x 44ft x 32in, 2x1 12pdr muzzle loading cannon, 40 Springfield muskets, 13-17.4kt, launched 1915; operated by Confederate reenactors
Griffin (ex-USS Sea Stallion SS-477) (Balo GUPPY Class): modernised with small nuclear powerplant, 40kt (sub), 20 crew, operated by McFallen Clan pirates, 1983
Breeze: armed trawler, 1x M60 MG, operated by McFallen Clan pirates under Australian flag, 1983
U557 (Type XX Class): modified design, recovered by Colombian cartel, 1984 [see also Germany, 1900-1945 section]
Ex-USS Iowa (BB-61): monitor conversion retaining only B turret (HE & ‘QD’ BW shells), 22ft draught, most armament, armour removed and dummy wooden superstructure fitted, operated by African Army of Revolution, 1988
Numestra del Oro: armed merchant raider, 180ft long, hand-held weapons (RPGs/ LAW/ Stinger/ rifles), diesel powered, 15kt, owned by Colombian cartel, 1990
Ramera: armed yacht, 4x 0.5in Browning, RPG-16s, light armour, owned by Colombian cartel, 1991
3x LC-11 Class: shallow draught assault boats, 40ft long, 1x2 12.7mm, 2x 450hp engines, 45kt, operated by Green Tiger Triad, 1992
Unnamed (ex-PT-?): ex-WW2 PT boat, 2x 12.7mm MGs, 2x Mk 10 torps, in private hands, 1992
Thunderfish (Pr.877 Kilo Class): modified with more automated systems, 2000
USS Constitution (Replica): 30x1 0.5in Browning M2HB HMGs (gun deck , firing through gunports) , 1x 20mm PIVAD (quarterdeck), 2x 450hp Caterpillar diesels, 12kt (diesel)/ 15kt sail, built 1987 for film work, by 2000 armed by crew post-nuclear war in 1997
Oregon: rebuilt 1950s Pacific Northwest lumber carrier, 300 x 45ft, 4x Harpoon, 1x2 30mm Oerlikon, 2x TT (Mk 46 torps), 2x diesels, 40kt, operated by mercenary group ‘Cabrillo Corporation’, 2000
Ras Ormara: armed tramp ship, 2,000 tons, 300ft long, small arms & stowed ternary nerve gas, 24kt, modified in Pakistan with North Korean assistance for terrorist group, Liberian registered with fake Sonmiani Tramp Service of Karachi, 2001
Oregon II: rebuilt 1960s cargo liner, 11,585 tons, 560 x 75ft, 2x Russian SLCM, 4x Exocet, ?x 120mm, 3x 20mm Gatling cannons, ?x MGs, 2x TT (bow), 2x minisubs, 1x heli, Magnetohydrodynamic drive propulsion, 50+kt, converted in Russia with US funds, operated by ‘Cabrillo Corporation’, 2005
MV Mongol Invader: armed LNG tanker, 1,860 x 360ft, 60,000shp diesels, hand-held SAM & SSMs, owned by Cerberus Corporation, 2003
Barracuda 945, Barracuda II (Pr.945 Sierra I Class): ex-Russian, operated by Hamas, 2003
Titan 1 to Titan 9, Titan 10 (ex-Severstal (TK-20)) (Pr.941 Typhoon Class): converted to oil tanker submarines, 10,000 tons crude oil, 75 crew, operated by fictional Texas Oil/Brashnev Power Consortium, 2004
Karakov: fish factory ship, 213.4m long, small arms, used by Russian Mafia, 2004
Kra IV: armed trawler, 73ft long, hand held weapons, operated by Karamita Breakers (pirates), 2005
Maus, Souri: floating drydocks, 244 x 73m, built for Oscar II Class SSGNs, ex-Soviet, owned by Karamita Breakers, 2005
Koguryo (ex-Baekje): cable layer converted to command ship for Sea Launch platform Odyssey, 133 x 40.5m, concealed armament, ?x C-801 (‘CSS-N-4’) SSMs, ?x HQ-7 (‘CSA-4’) SAMs, operated by South Korean Kang Corporation, 2007
MV Crescent Fire (aka Crescent King): AMC converted from oil tanker, 1x R-17 ‘Scud-B’ (Sarin warhead), small arms, used by Al-Qaeda, 2007
Unnamed (ex-Volgograd): converted ex-Russian whaler, ?x AA, used by Al-Qaeda, 2008
Mercer (Scorpène Class): real submarine Tun Abdul Razak, crewed by CIA-recruited mercenaries before delivery to Malaysia, 2009
Pasha (Type 352 Ensdorf Class): modified design, 1x 5in, missiles, MGs, helipad, ex-Indonesian, operated by Shanghai Triad, 2010; specs do not match real class
Dustboat: AMC, 120ft x 24ft, 1x 105mm M102 howitzer (later M198), ?x 0.5in Browning, helipad, 2x diesels for 18kt & gas turbines with pump-jets for 40kt, launched 1960, operated by Kilos Shipping in 2010
MV Golden Goose: AMC converted from LNG carrier, 2x 40mm Mk44 Bushmaster IV (concealed), 150 troops & 3x AAVP-7A1 AFVs, helipad for 1x large heli, owned by fictional Bannock Oil Corporation, 2011
Kyung Yang No.173: small arms & RPGs, captured Korean trawler, used by Somali pirates as a mothership, 2012
MT Marie Floyd, Pacific Endurance: AMCs converted from oil tankers, small arms & RPGs, Phoenix Shipping Ltd. as a Privateer under Liberian flag, 2012
Unnamed (ex-Sahand) (Moudge Class): frigate, carries 1x minisub, supplied to ISIS by Iran, 2017
Magellan Sun: armed merchant ship, 370ft long, 3x1 4in (concealed in shipping containers), owned by Tai Fong Shipping in Hong Kong but operated by the Philippine 'New People’s Army', 2017
La Carranza Garza (ex-SEACOR Mariner): oil platform supply vessel, 150ft long, hand-held weapons inc. AK-47s & 8x Strela-3 MANPADS, 2x 1,157hp diesels, 12kt, operated by Mexican ‘Brown Berets' separatist group, 2017
Unnamed (fictional Victor V Class): ex-Russian SSN, unspecified nuclear weapon, operated by Al-Qaeda, 2017
Kalinga (ex-?), Maurya (ex-?) (Nilgiri Class): ex-Indian frigates, owned by Orbital Ocean Corporation, 2018
Okeanos (SSBN-?) (Wichita Class):?x Gorgon SLBMs replaced by ?x Skybolt SLCM, hijacked by Force Three criminal syndicate, 2032 [see 2025-2100 US entry]

Fictional 1905 Official British mercenary-manned South China Sea Anti-Piracy Fleet
Laird: cruiser, 6,500 tons, 2x1 8in, 12x1 6in (6x casemates, 6x shielded), 4in belt, 8x1 12pdr, 6x1 3pdr, 4x Maxims, 2x 12pdr field guns, 22.5kt, built by Laird
Strong Arm: cruiser, 3,600 tons, 8x1 6in, 10x1 6pdr, 3x1 13pdr, 20kt, built by Elswick
Sylvia: armed steamer, 4x1 12pdr, 2x 12pdr field guns, 2x Maxims, 2,000 tons of coal & provisions
Destroyer No.1: 1x 12pdr, 5x1 6pdr, 2x TT, 28.9kt, four funnels, built by Yarrow
Destroyer No.2: 1x 12pdr, 5x1 6pdr, 2x TT 29.6kt, two funnels, built by Thornycroft
Destroyer No.3: 1x 12pdr, 5x1 6pdr, 2x TT, 29.5kt, three funnels, built by Laird

Fictional National Underwater Marine Agency (NUMA)
Argo, Sea Hunter: research ship, 200ft long, 30kt, has moonpool and aft helipad, 12 crew + 12 scientists, former Coast Guard Vessel, built in Bath, Maine, 2011
Condor: research ship, 3,000 tons, carries two minisubs (Scarab One & Scarab Two), multibeam sonar, 1x heli, 2x gas turbines, 2014
Catalina: research ship, 260ft long, carries minisub Angler (NSV-2)
First Attempt: converted Ocean Tug, 820 tons, 152ft long, 8 crew & 14 scientists, built 1939-40, acquired 1970 from mothballed reserve.
Iberia: research ship, carries a two-person minisub, towed array sonar.
Ice Hunter: catamaran icebreaker, helipad aft, 2000
Macedonia: research ship, 164ft long, carries a three-person minisub and an autonomous underwater vehicle, towed array sonar, has bow helipad, twin diesels with twin screws, 17kt, 40 crew
Matador: research ship, carries experimental ROV Rapunzel (Robotic Advanced Person-shaped Underwater Zero-connection Explorer and manned submersible Grouper, 2011
Nereus: research ship, 250ft x 50ft, 20 crew + 30 scientists, equipped with labs, minisubs and sonar
Odin: research ship, carries a three-person minisub, multibeam sonar system
Peter Throckmorten: research ship, 275ft long, towed side scan sonar system, mini-subs & ROVs, 1x heli, 2017
Sea Sprite: research ship converted from icebreaking tug, 308 x 65ft, 2x MHD engines, 40kt, has bow helipad, can break ice 6ft thick, 2006

Fictional Open Water Exploration Company (OWEC)
Venture (ex-USS Mackinac Strait CVE-125) (Commencement Bay Class): survey ship conversion, 2x1 5in, 4x2 40mm, 6x1 20mm, 30x a/c, 236 crew, 1970
Surveyor (ex-USS Carl R. Renz DD-505) (Fletcher Class): survey ship conversion, 3x1 5in, 2x2 40mm, 4x1 20mm, 1x heli, 60 crew, 1970
Endeavour (ex-USS DuPage County LST-?) (LST-1152 Class): survey ship conversion, 1x 3in, 3x1 40mm, 4x1 20mm, 64 crew, 1970
Bluepeace (ex-USS ? LST-?) (LST-1152 Class): survey ship conversion, 1x 3in, 3x1 40mm, 4x1 20mm, 64 crew, 1970

AU States

Austria-Hungary (post 1918)
National ship prefix: SMS
Hunyadi, Wien and Budapest (Improved Tegetthoff Class): rebuilt 1934-38, ?x2 105mm, 2x a/c (cross-deck catapult), new powerplant, 28kt
Kaiser Franz Josef (Fast Improved Tegetthoff Class): 23,800 tons, 2x3 & 2x2 305mm
Admiral Haus, Boroevic, Lissa and Custoza: 45,000 tons, 2x3 1x2 410mm, 5x2 105mm, 4x2 40mm, 2x a/c, 1930s
Aircraft Carriers
Pinguin: converted liner, ?x aircraft, 1918
Seznt Lazlo (ex-Rio de Janeiro): hybrid carrier conversion, 4x2 12in (fwd), ?x 6in (casemates), 4x2 88-105mm, 4x heli/autogyros, 1930s
Salamander, Drache: converted battlecruiser hull, 8x2 88-105mm, 24x 40mm, airgroup of Avia B.534, Letov S.178 (S.328) & Letov S.228
Heavy Cruisers
Fiume, Pola, Dubrovnik, Cattaro: 10,000 tons+, 2x3 2x2 203mm, 6x2 105mm, 1x a/c, 1930s
Hess, Edelsheim, Sterneck: 2x3 20mm (fwd), 6x2 105mm, ?x Fl-282 heli/ L.200 flying boats aft, 1930s
Light Cruisers
Kurnitz, Merveldt, Ott, Fahdinger: 4x2 150mm, 4x2 105mm, 2x3 21.7in TT, 1-2x a/c, 1930s
Traun, Frimont, Daun, Lacy, Petz, Alvinczy: 6x2 150mm, 4x3 21.7in TT, late 1930s
Magent: 4x1 140mm, 2x2 40mm, 2x3 21.7in TT, 2x DCT & 1x DCR, 1930s
Velebit, Dukla: 3x2 140mm, 2x2 40mm, 2x MG, 2x3 21.1in TT, 2x DCT & 1x DCR, 1930s
River Monitors
Dnister: 1x1 150mm, 1x1 105mm, 1920s
Hron: 2x1 150mm turrets, 4x1 25mm, 1930s
Kupa: 1x2 1x1 150mm turrets, 3x1 25mm, late 1930s
ML1 Class: river minelayer, 1x 25mm, 16x mines, 1930s

Bianco (South American Nation)
El Mirante: battleship, 4x2 15in, 1937; portrayed by HMS Royal Oak

Calderia (South American Nation)
Amphibian: flying submarine, 2x 75mm QF, 2x TT (8x torps), ?x bombs, uses fictional helia anti-gravity liquid material, aerial & water props, 2,400 miles (sea), 12,000 miles (air), 9 crew, 1911, later gifted to Great Britain

Confederate States of America (post 1864)
National ship prefix: CSS
Norfolk, Florida: 2x1 9.2in, 1891
Virginia (King Edward VII Class): British-built export variant with 8x1 6in casemates and increased bunkerage
Alabama, Florida (Lord Nelson Class): British-built export variant
South Carolina: 4x2 13.5in, British-built based on Orion Class design
Tennessee, Arkansas (Iron Duke Class): British-built export variant
Longstreet, Stonewall: 1913-14
Sumter (ex-Rio de Janeiro): acquired while building from Brazil 1914
Mississippi: 5x2 15in, 16x1 6in, 21kt, British-built based on Queen Elizabeth design
Hampton Roads: 3x2 12in (all centreline), 16x1 14in, British-built based on Invincible Class design
Shiloh, Yorktown (Tiger Class): British-built export variant
Aircraft Carriers
Manassas: converted liner, unarmed, ?x Sopwith Cuckoo and Sopwith Camel, 1x lift, 1918
Coast Defence Ships
Stuart: 8,640 tons, 310ft long, 1x2 13.5in, 12x1 5.5in, 15kt
J. Davis: 2x2 12in, ?x 6in (casemates)
Cauto: 2x1 12in (aft & midships), 2x1 6in (fwd)
Armoured Cruisers
Robert E. Lee, Chesapeake (Minotaur Class): British-built export variant
Semmes: 5x2 & 4x1 9.2in, 8x 12pdr, oil-fired turbines
Jubilee: 2x1 9.2in, 7x1 6in
J. Early: 3x2 8in
Montgomery (Active Class): British-built export variant
Fort Sumter: ?x 5.5in, 1915
Mobile: light cruiser, British-built based on C Classes
Louisville: torpedo cruiser, 2x1 6in, 4x3 x 21in TT
Norfolk (County Class): British-built export variant
Hot Springs: escort destroyer, 1942
Bonefish, Bonito, Scallop, Whelk: 1917
Commerce Raiders
Swamp Fox: 1910s

Costaveza (South American Nation)
General Barrill: ex-Argentine destroyer, ?x QF, 2x1 TT, 25kt, three funnels, US-built, transferred 1911

Costavezan Rebels (vessels captured from Government forces)
Manueal Calvo: gunboat, 3x1 6in, ?x QF, 18kt
Bolivar: rebuilt steam yacht, 2x1 6in, ?x QF, 2x TT, 18kt
Migueal de Barros: rebuilt steam yacht, 2x1 6in, ?x QF, 18kt

Imperial Germany (post 1918)
National ship prefix: SMS
Barbarossa (L20e Class): 1919
Helgoland (Helgoland Class): rebuilt as gunnery training ship 1930s, beam 305mm turrets replaced by 2x2 210mm & 2x2 150mm turrets
König (König Class): rebuilt 1930s, 4x2 305mm, 4x2 150mm, 5x2 105mm, 6x a/c (hangar & catapult amidships)
König (König Class): rebuilt 1930s, 4x2 305mm, 2x2 150mm, 2x2 105mm, 4x heli (flightdeck amidships)
Worth, Spichern (Bayern Class)
Baden (Bayern Class): rebuilt 1930s, 4x2 380mm, 4x2 105mm, 4x2 105mm, TT removed, 2x heli
Brandenburg, Worth (L1 Class): rebuilt 1930s, 38,500 tons, 4x2 380mm, 4x2 150mm, 4x2 105mm, 2x heli, 28kt
Kaiser Friedrich III Class (L2 Class): rebuilt 1930s, 5x2 380mm, 4x2 150mm, 4x2 105mm, 2x heli
Pommern (L20e Class): 42,000 tons, 235m long, 4x2 420mm, 12x1 150mm, 8x1 88mm, 3x 533mm TT (UW), 350mm belt, 23.5kt
Königin Luise: 4x2 380mm, 6x2 150mm, 3x a/c, 1920s
Derfflinger, Hindenburg (Derfflinger Class): rebuilt 1930s, 4x2 305mm, 6x2 150mm, 4x2 105mm, 2x a/c
Schwerin (Hindenburg Class)
Prinz Eitel Friedrich (Mackensen Class): rebuilt 1930s, 4x2 350mm, 6x2 150mm, 6x2 105mm, 4x a/c
Yorck (Ersatz Yorck Class): 4x2 380mm, 16x1 150mm, 8x1 88mm, 5x 533mm TT (UW), 27kt
Arminius (Ersatz Yorck Class): rebuilt 1930s, 4x2 380mm, 6x2 150mm, 6x2 105mm, 4x a/c
Luxembourg, Freya (GK4251 Design): 45,000 tons, 4x2 420mm, 8x1 150mm, 4x1 88mm, 1920s
Aircraft Carriers
Sleopnir (ex-SS Columbus): liner conversion, 35,000 tons, 50-60x a/c, 1919
Mackensen: converted battlecruiser, 26,750 tons, 28kt, ?x a/c (?x Junkers J.2), 1919
Siegfried (fictional Siegfried Class): helicopter carrier, 2x2 105mm (fwd), 4x2 37mm, 6-12x heli, 2x hangars (topside and hull), late 1930s
Heavy Cruisers
Dorothea (fictional Dorothea Class): 14,000 tons, 5x2 210mm, 12x1 120mm, 1919
Lorelei (modified Dorothea Class): 14,000 tons, 5x4 150mm, 12x1 120mm, 1919
Gefion (fictional Gefion Class): 15,500 tons, 5x2 210mm, 12x1 120mm, 30kt, rebuilt 1930s, 120mm replaced by 4x2 105mm, 1x heli
Ariadne (fictional Ariadne Class): 15,500 tons, 5x4 150mm, 12x1 120mm, 30kt, rebuilt 1930s, 120mm replaced by 4x2 105mm, 1x heli
Blücher (fictional Blücher Class): 8,500 tons, 3x2 210mm SK L/50, 4x2 105mm, 2x4 533mm TT, 2x heli, 31kt, 1930s
Ostfriesland (fictional Ostfriesland Class): 16,000 tons, 4x3 210mm, SK L/50, 4x2 105mm, 2x3 533mm TT, 3x heli, late 1930s
Light Cruisers
Würzburg, Flensburg, Potsdam, Göttingen, Freiburg, Konstanz (Cöln II Class)
Frauenlob (Cöln II Class): refitted 1930s, 6x1 150mm (all centreline), 2x2 533mm TT, 200x mines, new 60,000shp turbines, 29kt; real uncompleted ship
Dortmund (FK4 Class): 4x1 210mm, 2x1 88mm, 32kt, 1920s
Breslau (fictional Breslau Class): 10,000 tons, 3x4 150mm, 4x2 105mm, 2x3 533mm TT, 3x heli, 1930s
Amazone (fictional Amazone Class): 4x2 150mm, 2x3 533mm TT, late 1930s
Danzig (fictional Danzig Class): 6,000 tons, 3x2 150mm, 1x2 105mm, 4x3 533mm TT, 38kt, late 1930s
Pfeil, Wacht: 4x1 105mm, 1x3 533mm TT
Iltis, Jaguar: 4x1 105mm, 2x3 533mm TT
Crocodil, Wolf: 4x1 150mm, 2x4 533mm TT
Albatros, Nautilus: 2x1 150mm

Japan Democratic People's Republic (North Japan) (1945+)
Kaihō (Pr.23 Sovietsky Soyuz Class): ex-Soviet battleship
Dokuritsu II (Pr.1144 Kirov Class)
Eikō (Pr.1164 Slava Class)
Tōitsu (Pr.1143.5 Admiral Kuznetsov Class)
Moka + 5 unnamed (fictional X-Ray II Class): SSN, ?x TT, ?x SLCM, 1990s

Muslim Brotherhood
Khamsin: battleship, ?x 18in (2x turrets), ?x smaller guns, 20in belt armour, no superstructure, armoured turtledeck, 1942

Kingdom of South New Zealand (24th Century)
HMSNZS Dalton: corvette, ?x Seafire nuclear torpedoes
HMSNZS Trilby: research ship

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Theta: submarines, 800 tons (sub), 186 x 24ft, ?x TT (8x torps), 1,600hp diesels, 18kt (surf), 12kt (sub), 4,000nm, 1910s
Delta, Epsilon, Iota, Kappa: 1,000 tons (sub), 1x 12pdr (disappearing mount), ?x TT (18x torps), diesels & auxiliary engines, 1915

Oceania (George Orwell’s 1984)
Floating Fortress: immense vessel mounting heavy armament and possibly helicopters & aircraft, possibly mobile

Paraquil del Norte (South American Nation)
Estramarella: armed steamer, 1x 6in, 6kt

Imperial Russia (post 1917)
Retvisan (Kostenko Design): 44,000 tons, 240 x 30m, 3x3 406mm, 6x2 (turrets) & 8x1 (casemates) 152mm, 30kt
Nikolai II, Alexander I (Borodino Class): battlecruisers
Dvenadsat Apostolov, Prokhor (modified Littorio Class): battleships, 35,000 tons, 2x3 & 1x2 406mm, 4x3 152mm, 14x1 100mm, 6x heli, 29kt
Dvienadtsat Apostolov, Ioann Zlatoust (Ansaldo UP41 Class): battleships, 42,000 tons, 3x3 406mm, 4x3 180mm
Kulevtcha, Nadezhda, Berislav: heavy cruisers, 10,000 tons, 3x3 203mm, Ansaldo design
Almaz, Jemtchug, Aurora, Diana: light cruisers, 4x2 155mm, 6x1 or 6x2 37-45mm, 2x3 533mm TT, 2x a/c, Ansaldo design
Grozyaschi, Gremyashchi, Otvajni, Uraletz, Kubanetz, Teretz, Zaporozetz, Donetz: coastal defence ships, 2,000 tons, 2x2 152mm, 8x1 76mm, 4x 37-45mm, armoured, 1930s
Admiral Ushakov: coast defence ship, 20,000 tons, 2x2 280mm, 4x2 152mm, 2x2 100mm, 3x heli, Ansaldo design
Strogi, Smyetlivi, Sviryepi, Stremitelni, Zhivoi, Zhivuchi, Zhutki, Zharki, Shestakov, Baranov, Zatzarenni, Saken, Nerpa, Pishtchal: destroyers, Italian design similar to historical Type 7
Shershen: helicopter carrier, 18,000 tons, 200m long, 7x2 37-45mm, 4x2 23mm, 25x Mil-1, 1x lift, island superstructure, 25kt, 1930s

San Paulo (South American nation)
Unnamed: submarine, ?x TT, 1x gun, MGs, 12x mines, has schnorkel, early 1950s

Santa Cruz (South American nation in Patagonia)
La Buena Presidente: battlecruiser, 4x2 12in, British built, 1911
Presidente Canilla: cruiser, 1911
San Josef: cruiser, 1911
Salvador: torpedo gunboat; older design extant 1911
Estremadura: armed steam yacht, 1911
Primero de Maie: armed steamer, 1911

Serbia (post 1918)
Nesreha: river monitor, 1x 120mm turret, 2x2 40mm Bofors (all aft), Russian-built, 1935
Zmaj: river monitor, 900 tons, 2x1 180mm turrets, 1x 40mm Bofors, Russian-built, 1938
GB-1 Class: river gunboat, 1x2 40mm Bofors (aft), ?x MGs, 1930s

Talpico (South American Nation)
Libertad, Paulo, Peubla: battleships, 1911

Triple Alliance Fleet (includes Germany & Austria Hungary) (1910)
Kronprinz Gustave: 20,000 tons
Hertzog: ?x 279mm
Askoldin, Donetz, Gelion, Styx, Trodet, Von Der Flack

United Islamic Republic (Middle East 1990s)
Sharuq (Pr.949 Oscar Class): ex-Soviet, 1993

Valderia (South American Nation)
Unnamed: super-dreadnought, built by Elswick, sold to Peru 1914
4x Unnamed: destroyers, built by Vulkan
6x Unnamed: submarines, French built

West African Union (merger of Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2005)
Promise (ex-Nigerian Marabai) (Lerici Class): converted minesweeper, 1x2 30mm Emerson (fwd), 2x2 57mm AK-725 (aft), ?x SAMs
Unity (ex-Sierra Leone Moa) (Type 062 ‘Shanghai II’ Class): ?x MANPADS
Allegance (ex-Sierra Leone) (Swift Class): patrol cutter, 1x 40mm, 1x2 20mm, 2x1 MGs, ?x MANPADS
40x Boghammer: 1x2 12.7mm KPV & small arms

Supermarination Universe
3E: nuclear-powered minisub, 23.5 tonnes (sub), 11 x 3m, 2x TT, 45kt, 2064
FAB 2: yacht, 4x TT, 100kt, 1-5 crew, 2026
Wadi: yacht/gunboat, concealed guns, missiles and torps, built by El Hudatvia for WASP, 2067
Mechanical Fish: fish-shaped nuclear-powered attack submarine, 6x torps, 1x laser, 550kt, 1 crew, 2067
4x Skydiver: aircraft-carrying submarine, 1x Sky Fighter interceptor armed with 4x cannon & 2x missile pods, ?x TT, twin nuclear turbines with pump-jets, 5-6 crew, 1980s
World Security Patrol
WSP Guard Class: one-man minisub, 2060
WSP Seaprobe Class: nuclear-powered attack submarine, 2060
World Aquanaut Security Patrol
Stingray, Barracuda, Moray, Spearfish, Thornback (Stingray Class): nuclear-powered attack submarine, 60ft long, 2x TT (16x Sting missiles), 600kt, 36,000ft max diving depth, 2x Aqua Sprite minisubs, 2-3 crew, 2064-67
City of York +? unnamed (Merlin Class): nuclear-powered patrol submarine, 4x TT, 300kt, 10 crew, 2064
Seahorse Class: nuclear-powered patrol submarine, 2x TT, 2064
Cougar Class: nuclear-powered aircraft carrier submarine, 1 mile long, 200x a/c, 17,000 crew, 2065
Lord Nelson +? unnamed (Panther Class): nuclear-powered aircraft carrier submarine, 180,000 tonnes, 12x bow TT, 35x fictional Arrowhead interceptors, 120kt, 2,000 crew, 2064
Unnamed: nuclear-powered aircraft carrier submarine, 220,000 tons, 100x SSMs/SAMs, 200x a/c, 100kt, 17,000 crew, 2064
Sea Leopard 1 +? unnamed (Sea Leopard Class): nuclear-powered support ship, 10x4 missile launchers (SSM, SAM, ASW), 16x fictional Hummingbird VTOL strike & 4x VTOL transports, 300kt, semi-catamaran hull, 2065
WASP Ambulance Hydrofoil: 2x turbofans, 10 crew & 50 patients, 250kt, 2068; designed by Embleton Associates & built by U.E.I.
World Navy
WNS Atlantic: aircraft carrier, 80,000 tonnes, 3x 10in, 6x2 SAM launchers, 150x a/c, 4x lefts/ZELL, 2x catapults, 70kt, 2013
WNS Reaper (SSN-6): nuclear-powered attack submarine, ?x TT,14x nuclear gyrotorpedoes, 2026
WNS WN27: one-man minisub, 2x TT, 2064
5x unnamed (ex-WNS Clam Class): nuclear-powered attack submarine, 7,000 tons (sub), 420 x 60ft, 6x TT (24x torps), 6x SLBM/SLCM, 1x9 missile launcher, 1x VTOL aircraft, built 2020s, refitted 2050s, extant 2068

Hood's Worklist
English Electric Canberra FD
Interwar RN Capital Ships
Never-Were British Aircraft

Last edited by Hood on May 16th, 2019, 8:18 pm, edited 20 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: List of Ships in FictionPosted: March 6th, 2017, 1:21 am
Posts: 136
Joined: September 18th, 2011, 2:20 pm
I am continuing to update my list of novels with fictional warships, the link below will take you to the first page. ... 930.0.html

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Post subject: Re: List of Ships in FictionPosted: May 7th, 2017, 1:57 pm
Posts: 7232
Joined: July 31st, 2010, 10:07 am
Appendix I – Fictional Naval Weapons

FL-7: SSM, improved copy of French MM.38 Exocet, 1991; real FL-7 missile is not an Exocet copy
FL-9: SSM, ‘experimental’ unlicensed copy of Franco-German ANS missile, 20kt nuclear or 513kg shaped-charge warhead, Mach 2.5, range 180km, fitted to DDG Hong Lung (E5 Class), 1991
HQ-24: SAM, launched from 8-cell VLS, 2050s
HQ-91: SAM, copy of French Masurca, twin-arm launcher fitted to Luda Class conversions, single-arm launcher fitted to DDG Hong Lung (E5 Class), 1991
Julang-3 (JL-3): SLBM, fitted to submarine Red Dawn, 1999-2010
Unnamed: copy of Phalanx CIWS, 20mm/30mm cannon, 1991
Type 850: CIWS, combined 7-barrelled 30mm cannon & SAM mount, 2050s

20mm railgun CIWS: six-barrelled railgun, 2060s
400mm gun: fitted to battleship Gascogne, 1945+
Torpedo-Mine: torpedo with magnetic clamps, remote-detonation, fitted to submarine Le Vengeur, 1901
Sadral-AL: improved Sadral, automatic sextuple launcher, 2060s
Sylver LTR: 16-cell VLS, for developed PAAMS SAM, 2060s
Sylver MRX: 64-cell, 48-cell & 32-cell VLS, 2070s

530mm (21in) gun: fitted to battleship Führer & H45 Class
508mm gun: fitted to H42 Class battleships
420mm gun: fitted to B Class battleships
380mm electromagnetic railgun: mounted in armoured triple turret, 2100s
210mm SK L/50: fitted to fictional Blücher and Ostfriesland classes, 1930s
8mm RLG-8G: electromagnetic railgun, Heckler & Koch design, 2050s
'Dolch' (Dagger): submarine-mounted SAM system, fitted to Type 212b class, 2007
Fritz-Z (PC 1400-Z): modified Fritz-X glider with liquid fuel rocket, 600mph, 9.7km range, carried by Do-217
Pi-2: torpedo with magnetic detonator using target’s magnetic field as trigger, fitted to U648, 1941
Seabed torpedo mine: encapsulated torpedo with Tabun nerve gas warhead, magnetic fusing, armed/disarmed by an acoustic pulse, 1940s
Wotan: magnetic-homing silent torpedo, flashless explosive, fitted to U700, 1941
Unterwasserlaufkörper (Supercavitating Underwater Running Body): supercavitating torpedo, 192kt, built by fictional company Ozeankriegsfuhrungtechnologien (Ocean Warfare Technologies), fitted to North Korean supercavitating submarine Kang Chul Poong, 2015
Unnamed: acoustic torpedo, 10km range at 25kt or 28km at 15kt, Magnetohydrodynamic drive propulsion, designed for U1215 nuclear submarine, 1945
Unnamed: SLCM, liquid hydrogen-fuelled ramjet, Mach 8, nuclear warhead, fitted to SSN Admiral von Scheer, 2013

Great Britain
20in BL Mk I gun: fitted to HMS Superb (Incomparable Class), 1925
46 ton (12in) gun: with hydraulic automatic reloading system, fitted to HMS Centurion, 1890s
9.2in Mk XVI gun: fitted to fictional E3 Class, 1915
6.1in (155mm) Vickers: fitted to HMS Amazon (Type 45 Batch II)
9in gun: fitted to destroyers HMS Brigadier & Essex, 1910s
11pdr: automatic gun, HA mount, fitted to New River Class destroyers, 1913-20
‘Special Guns’: shells contain hypergolic explosive mixture, fitted to HMS Ithuriel, 1910
Sea Dart Mod.5: improved variant, 74.08km range, fitted to HMS Edinburgh (Type 42), 1994
Sea Wolf GWS-27: improved variant, real project but married to 4-round lightweight launcher, 1992
Stingfish: SAM, mast-mounted launcher, 150lb weight, 50lb Amatol G1 warhead, solid fuel, supersonic, active radar guidance, can also be used against surface targets, fitted to HMS Saturn (modified Swiftsure Class), 1989-91
Anti-Submarine howitzer: fixed single mount, probably 4.7in calibre, fitted to HMS Tishy’s Ghost, 1926
‘Creeper’: anti-submarine acoustic homing torpedo, fitted to HMS Terrier (Type 15), 1950s
50Mt yield warhead: fitted to BMSNC AMCs, 1970s
Outfit DEC Laser Dazzle System (Mark 3): used against aircraft (dazzle), EO-guided weapons & small craft, 5,000m effective range, 1993

Kali: sub-launched anti-ship missile, launched from 533mm TT, travel underwater 4-5 miles before sea-skimming to target, 8km range active radar homing, carried by Kilo Class Shiva, 1997

400mm gun: fitted to battleship Vittorio de Seca and Lepanto Class

20in gun: fitted to battleship Yokozuna, 1944
530mm (20.8in) gun: fitted to battleship Mito
560mm (22in) gun: fitted to battleships Harima, Noto, Mino
610mm (24in) gun: intended for unbuilt class
660mm (25.9in) gun: intended for unbuilt class
Black Lance: 21in torpedo, oxygen type?, fitted to Mikuni (Myoko Class)
Drill Ram: fitted to submarine Denkopan, 1908

Thor: 8-cell VLS for SAMs, 2060s

Freya IV: SAM, uses octuple launcher, 2060s
Freya VIII: SAM, uses octuple launcher, 2090s

Kingdom of South NewZealand (24th Century)
Seafire: torpedo, nuclear warhead, 47kt, fitted to corvette HMSNZS Dalton

Soviet Union/Russia
100mm AK-100: 2030
100mm electromagnetic railgun: 2080s
152mm gun: twin stealth mount, 850m/s MV, 20-35rpm, 22+km range, fitted to Kirov 2020
152mm gun: single and twin mounts, 2038
152mm electromagnetic railgun: 2090
22in gun: three types of shell; armour-piercing, HE & incendiary splinter ‘shotgun’ AA, fitted to Stalin, 1945
CADS-N-6: CIWS, combined laser & 32x SAM mount, 2050s
SS-N-9 (Mk II): MIRV warheads, fitted to Zhukov (fictional Delta II Class), 1974
SS-N-34: SLBM/SLCM, fitted to Mezen (Oscar Class), 1985
SS-N-50 ‘Scythe’: 12x MIRV warheads, 5,000nm range, fitted to Ossetyr Class, 2041
Cruise Missiles
SS-NX-12: nuclear warhead, TERCOM guidance, fitted to trials ship Boris Chilikin (using SS-N-2 launcher), 1986
SS-NX-27: long-range, possibly hypersonic, nuclear warhead, fitted to Kaliningrad (fictional Pr.985 Class), 2000
SS-N-40: 2037
SS-N-100 'Skimmer Pole': 450km range, fitted to Chenin Class, 1986+
Shark: fired underwater, seaskimmer, rocket-powered terminal dive, 1993
Scorpion: MIRV warheads, fitted to Natalia (K-524) (Delta IV Class), 2014
Unnamed: can be used against air or surface targets, solid fuel, Mach 4, 250 miles (402km) range, fitted to Zhukov (fictional Delta II Class), 1974
Unnamed SSM/SAM: solid-fuel, Mach 4, IR, sonic & radar guidance, 250 mile (400km) range, fitted to Zhukov (fictional Delta II Class), 1974
‘Zimorodok’: anti-carrier SSM, fitted to Kharkov (Delta IV), 1991
3M-54E3 (SS-N-27B): sea-skimmer, 6.2m long, Mach 0.8, 300km range, 400kg HE warhead, fitted to Kirov 2020
SS-N-29 (‘Sunburn’): ramjet-powered, sea-skimmer, 9.75m long, Mach 3, 450kg penetrating warhead, fitted to Kirov 2020
MOS-III (‘Starfire’): SSM/ASW, rocket & ramjet-powered, ballistic trajectory, 9m long, Mach 5, 300kg SAP warhead, fitted to Kirov 2020
Modified AA-12 (R-77): submarine-launched SAM R-77 variant, 30kg warhead, fitted to Vulkan (Delta III Class)
‘Anvil’: submarine-launched self-defence SAM, 1984
‘Flying Fish’: submarine-launched self-defence SAM, launched from special dispenser or torpedo tube, comprises a rising buoy from which the missile is fired on reaching the surface, 1986+
Naval SA-21: variant of S-400 Triumf for VLS launch from submarines, fitted to Pr.885M Yasen Class
Kazan (K-561), 2017
SA-N-10: ABM, SA-N-6 variant, fitted to replace SA-N-9 on two modified Udaloy Class, 1986
SA-N-60: area-defence SAM and anti-ship, fitted to Chenin Class, 1986+
‘Teardrop’: SAM, fitted to Sergei G. Gorshkov, 1995
Unnamed: rocket propelled, active sonar guidance, proximity fuse, 1970
Unnamed: experimental MIRV warhead designed to disable a submarine using cables to disable the propeller and a reduced charge warhead, fitted to Grishka (Victor II Class), 1981
Magnum: high-speed torpedo, nuclear warhead, 60kt, fitted to Kaliningrad (fictional Pr.985 Class), 2000
Shkval-K: supercavitating torpedo, 5.5m long, 533mm dia, shaped charge warhead with 2m long Depleted Uranium penetration rods (capable of piercing 1m of steel/5m of reinforced concrete), active magnetic homing system (500-1,000m estimated detection range), fitted to modified K-79 (Juliet Class), transferred to Iran, 2000
Mark III: 60kt, HE warhead, fitted to José Martí (fictional Borzoi (Akula II) Class), 2003
Anti-torpedo system: single launcher with 64x mini hypercavitating torpedoes, 2040s
Unnamed: nuclear mine, 3 x 1 x 1.5m, self-burying, fitted to Simeonov Class bulk carriers, 1979
Underwater Drones
Unnamed: 12.5m x 2.75m, nuclear warhead, 2x hydrojets, 35kt, control range 35 miles using sonar/150 miles via radio, can also be used as decoy or reconnaissance, fitted to Zhukov (fictional Delta II Class), 1974
30 Gt nuclear device: 9-12m dia sphere, deployed via 2x bathyscaphes, 1970
High-energy particle-beam gun: fires 2,000 pulses in 3 minutes, 15cm diameter stream, contained in 182m long structure with an elevator to aim the firing nozzle, fitted to Minsk (Modified Kiev Class), 1989

United States of America
20mm Skyfire: CIWS, carried by Nemesis Class, 1986+
Advanced Phalanx: 1x4 25mm cannon & 2x quad RIM-166 RAM, fitted to USS Cunningham (CG-?)
Praetorian 1C: CIWS, 1x 20mm cannon, fitted to USS Freedom (CVN-83), 2030s
Mk 44 Sea Sabre: CIWS, 1x 20mm railgun & 16x SAM, 2060s
30mm Sea Vulcan: CIWS, naval version of GAU-8/A, fitted to USS Ralph R. Bennett, 1993
40mm Metal Storm: CIWS, probably Bofors based, fitted to USS Amanda Garrett (DDG-?), 2021
65mm Mk 215 railgun: fitted to Eagle Class patrol boats, 2089
100mm Mk 205 railgun: exported to Japan & Spain, 2060s
105mm gun: fitted to hovercraft USS Rumsfeld, 2117
155mm Mk 56: carried by Nemesis Class, 1986+
155mm Mk 59 AGS: mounted in armoured triple turret, fitted to Concord Class, 2030s
155mm electromagnetic gun: 2050s
1,900lb Mark 144 Improved Conventional Munition: 16in projectile, 666x shaped-charge bomblets, 1991
17in gun: in triple turrets, fitted to USS Montana (BB-?)
18in gun: fitted to battleship USS Wyoming (BB-?)
20in L/50 gun: fitted to United States Class battleships
20in L/60 gun: fitted to USS Husband E. Kimmel (BBN-?)
22in L/60 gun: fitted to President Class battleships
Submarine gun: uses electric heater to boil seawater to create high-pressure steam as propellant, trainable barrel, 1912
Missile Launchers
Mk 55: 8-cell VLS, slightly angled for beam fitting, for SAMs, 2030s
Mk 59: 96-cell & 48-cell VLS, replacement for strategic-length Mk 41 VLS, 2030s
Mk 59B: 48-cell VLS, replacement for tactical-length Mk 41 VLS, 2030s
Harpoon 2: improved variant, fitted to USS Cunningham (CG-?)
Sea SLAM: naval variant of AGM-84E, fitted to USS Cunningham (CG-?)
Unnamed: six-round box launcher, fitted to USCGC Almayer, 2015
R-40: IR-guided, fitted to fictional USAF minisub Neptune, 2017
Cruise Missiles
402 Armed Drone System: two-section missile, first section contains digital colour TV camera, computer & position-sensing device and is powered by a compressed gas engine, the second sections contains the warhead, engagement sequence is; target acquired by radar, first section launched and operator guides the section to the selected target via camera, the rest of the system is automatic and the second section launches shortly before the first section impacts and follows relayed targeting information, 20 mile range, fitted to USS Jackson (CG-?), 1997
Boeing Fasthawk: ship & submarine-launched, nuclear & conventional warheads, rocket booster & ramjet sustainer, 3,500mph (1,850mph in TERCOM mode), range 1,381-462 miles, exported to Japan & UK, 2050s
BGM-119 Fire Lance: Tomahawk successor, stealth design, 7m long, 1m long rocket booster, 2,500kg weight, multiple warhead options (100-250kT, 500kg HE anti-ship, Mk 72 ASW torp), 4,000km range (500km anti-ship, 150km ASW), Mach 0.85, inertial navigation system, TERCOM & ECM, four-rail launcher, 200x missiles per launcher, fitted to Nemesis Class, 1986+
Hyperion: ship and sub-launched, nuclear warhead, fitted to USS Starbuck (SSN-989) & Monitor (FFG-?), 1983
Seacruise: ship-launched, HE or nuclear warhead, active radar & terminal TV guidance, supersonic, 621 miles range, fitted to USS Sherman (CGN-?), 1993
Skybolt: nuclear warhead, boost rockets & ramjet, Mach 2, passive stealth including LED smartskin, made by fictional Omnivore Corporation, fitted to Wichita Class SSBN, 2032
Modified Tomahawk: 8ft long version for minisub USS Kentucky, 1992
‘Flashlight’: non-nuclear EMP warhead for Tomahawk, fitted to USS America (SSN-?) (fictional Virginia Class), 2001
UGM-109 Tomahawk: fitted with prototype ‘Fritzy’ non-nuclear EMP warhead, 2005
Tactical Tomahawk Block IX: fitted to USS Amanda Garrett (DDG-?), 2021
V-2 based ballistic missile: launched from two horizontal stowage tubes, fitted to SS-387, 1949
Trident II: modernised version, fitted to Ohio Class USS William Taft (SSBN-?), 2016
Gorgon: nuclear or conventional MIRV warheads, fitted to Wichita Class, 2032
Thunder Bird A-4: 16x MIRV warheads, 12,000km range, fitted to Francis Scott Key Class, 2060
Arcturus: ship-launched, MIRV warhead, fitted to USS Sherman (CGN-?), 1993
Arrowflash: point-defence, 10km range, ceiling 6,000m, Mach 3.75, fitted to Nemesis Class, 1986+
LORAIN: fitted to USS Cunningham (CG-?)
Lynx: launched from single-arm launcher, fitted to USS Sentinel, 2026
Mk13b: IR-guided, RIM-66 variant?, fitted to USS Boise (FFG-218), 1989
Mk21 Centurion: 8-round launcher, fitted to USS Freedom (CVN-83), 2030s
Rayflex-2: ABM, HE-frag warhead, 30km range, ceiling 40,000m, Mach 5.5, VLS launch, fitted to Nemesis Class, 1986+
Seastrike: area-defence SAM and anti-ship, 140km range, Mach 2.8, launched from 4-cell VLS, fitted to Nemesis Class, 1986+
SM-2 Tactical Aegis Lightweight ExoAtmospheric Projectile: ABM missile, fitted to Ticonderoga Class USS Guildford Courthouse (CG-?) & USS Hué City (CG-65), 1999
Thor: launched from 8-cell VLS
Zenith: ASAT missile, fitted to USS Cunningham (CG-?)
Aquahawk: ASW Tomahawk variant, fitted to USS Cunningham (CG-?)
Mk 8 Nuclear Depth Charge: 5Kt yield, launched from quarterdeck launcher (20x rounds), range 5 miles, fitted to USS Jackson (CG-?), 1997
400mm: 3m long, 8km range, carries noisemakers, fitted to UUV Demon-4, 1984
Hypervelocity ‘Dart’: anti-torpedo interceptor, 1.5m long, 60kg weight, 54kt, 1km range, passive/active sonar homing, fitted to UUV Demon-4, 1984
J-65: armour-piercing warhead, fitted to USAF minisub Neptune, 2017
Mk IX: possibly rocket-propelled, fitted to Project Orca, 1970
Mk X: 1,000lb weight, propulsion system sounds like marine life, fitted to Shrike Class minisubs, 2017
Mark 10: fitted to Wichita Class SSBN, 2032
Mark 54 Lightweight Hybrid Torpedo: modified Mk 54, camera in nose, proximity fuse, 100kt
Mk 58 Anti-Torpedo System: 1x launcher with 128x torps, fitted to USS Gambier Bay (CVEN-146)
Mk 62: fitted to SFV-4B Barracuda minisub, 1993
Mk 72: ASW torpedo, carried by aircraft, ships & missiles, ship launcher has 4x tubes, 4m long, 300kg weight, 60kt, 11,000m range, fitted to Nemesis Class, 1986+
Mk 80: 21in prototypes fitted to USS Montana (SSN-794), 2015
SOW: rocket-propelled, 300 mile range, fitted to USS Triton (SSN-?), 1987
Underwater Drones
Bottles: unarmed drone torpedoes disguised as sharks & dolphins, 2x EO video cameras in eyes & 2x cameras in dorsal fin, self-destruct charge, mini nuclear reactor, 1x hydrojet, 100 mile range, 1970
Sea Bat (Submerged Extended Autonomy Biological Acoustic Tracker): NOAA Blue Whale tracking drone modified to hunt supercavitating submarines, 7.5lb PETN warhead, proximity fuse, 2015
Experimental laser cannon: powered by solar boiler using a parabolic mirror, capable of making a 2km diameter hole in ozone layer, fitted to USS Adair (DDG-?), 1978
Experimental Sonic Cannon: DARPA project, fitted to Cetus, 2013
‘November Lima’: experimental non-lethal weapon, fitted to USS Dauntless (PC-?), 2014
Scimitar: experimental anti-missile system, gamma-ray laser in a large dome and triple-rail Highwire (unguided rocket with wire spool) launcher to make an electrostatic discharge in a Krypton gas cloud, 1990, fitted to Ardleigh Burke Flight I Class USS Red Cloud (DDG-?)

Non-State Nations
Kuyog ('Swarm'): drone torpedo based on modified jetski, laser designation and optical tracking, 1m proximity fuse, 100lb Semtex, operated by the Philippine 'New Peoples Army'.
Mark XI (Modified): British Mk XI with high-performance mercury batteries for 18 mile range at 28kt, 180lb TNT & 500lbs heroin warhead with impact detonator, 1969; used by Fuad Syndicate

Appendix II – Fictional Naval Electronic Systems

Dynamic Anti-noise/Acoustic Decoupling System (DAADY): ‘smart material’ anechoic coating, 860x 1in long carbon filaments per square inch, filaments move in response to a magnetic field generated in the conductive plastic mesh when sound waves hit the tiles, fitted to experimental submarine Sun Tzu, 1999-2010
Sea Eagle: possible naval variant of Eagle coastal search radar, 1994
Type 382: 3-D radar, range 100km, simultaneously tracks 10 targets, 2050s
Type 355 SAPARS: phased array 3-D radar, range 324km, simultaneously tracks 288 targets & engages up to 96 targets, fitted to Type 58 Class frigates, 2050s
Type 455 SAPARS: phased array 3-D radar, range 417km, simultaneously tracks 312 targets & engages up to 182 targets, fitted to Type 58 Class DDGs & Zhenyuan Class CVNs, 2050s

DRBJ 19C: phased array 3-D radar, range 666km, simultaneously tracks 128 targets, fitted to Bretagne Class CVNs, 2060s
DRBW 15D: phased array 3-D radar, range 324km, simultaneously tracks 320 targets & engages up to 120 targets, 2060s
DRBW 16C: phased array 3-D radar, range 324km, simultaneously tracks 480 targets & engages up to 120 targets,1fitted to Jean Bart Class CGN, 2079
DUBV-56: hull active/passive sonar, range 59km, can track 32 targets, 2050s
DUBV-52: towed-array sonar, range 166km, can track 32 targets, fitted to Delpy Class DDGs, 2050s

Steinweiss Device: primitive radar, frame of spring-like antennas, 27nm range, fitted to cruiser Aachen, 1914-15
Lorelei PsMB-1: advanced 3-D sonar, 150 mile range, fitted to minisub aboard I-507 (ex-UF4, ex-Surcouf), 1945

Great Britain
‘Water-Rays’: powerful searchlight-type device to illuminate underwater targets, fitted to HMS Scorcher, 1901
Leopard: anti-sonar system, fitted to HMS Proteus, 1981
Merlin Eye: phased array AEW radar for NHIndustries NH110 Panthère helicopter, 2050s
Mini Sampson: smaller Sampson AESA for smaller vessels, range 175nm, simultaneously tracks 360 targets & engages up to 60 targets, 2060s
RAZOR: anti-radar system, embedded antennas transmitting counter-pattern signals, trial fitting to RMH Albatross, 1993
Sampson Ultra-Light: smaller Sampson AESA for small craft, range 175nm, simultaneously tracks 240 targets & engages up to 48 targets, 2060s
Type 79C: Type 79 variant, fitted to HMS Cheltenham (Carlisle Class), 1939
Type 2088: submarine active/pass sonar suit, 48nm range, fitted to Improved Astute Class, 2030s
Type 2090: submarine passive towed-array, fitted to Improved Astute Class, 2030s
Type 4045: submarine active/passive sonar suite, fitted to Dreadnought Class, 2050s
Type 4070B: submarine passive towed-array, fitted to Dreadnought Class, 2050s

AN/SPY-5J: Japanese SPY-5 variant, range 720 miles, simultaneously tracks 920 targets & engages up to 324 targets, fitted to Haguro Class, 2080s
OPS-14D:1rotating phased array 3-D radar, range 220nm, simultaneously tracks 64 targets, fitted to Miura Class LSDs, 2030s
OPS-34: rotating phased array 3-D air-surface search radar, range 644km, simultaneously tracks 576 targets & engages up to 144 targets, 2050s
OPY-4J: rotating phased array 3-D radar, range 175nm, simultaneously tracks 480 targets & engages up to 120 targets, refitted to Soyakaze Class, 2080s
ZQQ-18C: submarine active/passive sonar suite, range 50 miles, fitted to Wakashio Class, 2052
ZQR-12: submarine passive towed-array, range 139 miles, can track 36 targets, fitted to Wakashio Class, 2052

APAR 6: phased array 3-D radar, range 330 miles, simultaneously tracks 768 targets & engages up to 192 targets, fitted to Yukon Class, 2060s
APAR 10: phased array 3-D radar, range 600 miles, simultaneously tracks 768 targets & engages up to 192 targets, fitted to Modified Warrior Class, 2070s
APAR 12: phased array 3-D radar, range 1,280km, simultaneously tracks 1,152 targets & engages up to 288 targets, 2090s
APAR 15-SR: rotating phased array 3-D radar for smaller vessels, range 740km, simultaneously tracks 512 targets & engages up to 124 targets, fitted to Type 708 Falke Class, 2100s
APAR 16: phased array 3-D radar, range 1,280km, simultaneously tracks 1,152 targets & engages up to 288 targets, fitted to HMCS Iroquois & Huron, 2090s
MRR-3D-NX: 3-D radar, range 200km, simultaneously tracks 156 targets, 2060

Soviet Union/Russia
‘Aria’: experimental sonar system, fitted to Kondor (K-427), 1999
‘Bell Crown’: torpedo decoy system, fitted to Admiral Kalnikov (fictional Udaloy III Class), 2016
'Bugeye Pair': air surveillance radar, range 55km, fitted to Chenin Class, 1986+
‘Flail Eye’: phased array radar for small craft, range 281km, simultaneously tracks 200 targets & engages up to 64 targets, 2080s
'Hanging Basket': AEW radar for 'Fat Fly' and 'Red Balloon' RPVs, 1986+
‘Morningstar’: phased array 3-D radar, range 241km, simultaneously tracks 240 targets & engages up to 80 targets, 2040s
MR-1050 ‘Stiletto Blade’: phased array 3-D radar for small craft, range 370km, simultaneously tracks 64 targets, fitted to Project 3435.2 Tashkent Class, 2030
‘Pod Hunter’: AEGIS-type phased array radar system, range 498km, simultaneously tracks 400 targets & engages up to 100 targets, 2040s
'Ultra-Sonar': based on whale sonar research, 15.2 x 6.1m canoe shaped pod mounted on two extendable struts, powered by gas turbine, ship restricted to 5kt with pod extended, range 90km, fitted to Kharkov (Moskva Class), 1976
Acoustical Reproduction Device Number Seven: acoustic camouflage system to alter acoustic signature, fitted to Alfa Class Potemkin, 1968
Unnamed experimental sonar: can detect small quiet submarines, fitted to Riga (Victor II Class), 1992
Unnamed: electromagnetic device to disable motors of electrically driven torpedoes, fitted to Novosibirski Komosomol (November Class), 1961
Voshkod-2 ‘Dawn’: long-range search radar, fitted to Kirov 2020

United States of America
ACDADS (Automated Combat Decision and Direction System) (aka ‘Elmo’): capable of automated combat with control over ship’s propulsion, steering and weapons, uses AN/UYK-7 computers and early AEGIS hardware, fitted to USS Barrett (DDG-998), 1980
Ballistic Missile Defence software: developed from ACDADS, adds fully autonomous defensive combat mode to AEGIS, used with SM-2 Block 4A SAMs, fitted to Ticonderoga Class USS Savo Island & Monocacy (CG-?), 2003
AN/APY-14: triple-array AEW radar for Lockheed Martin E-32B Pelican, 2018
AN/APY-16: triple-array AEW radar for Bell-Boeing V-22/ V-22N, 2020s
AN/SPG-60A: improved variant, 150 mile range, simultaneously tracks 8 targets, fitted to USS Madison (CGN-?) (Virginia Class), 1993
AN/SPG-51EE: improved variant of cancelled AN/SPEG-51E, fitted to USS Madison (CGN-?) (Virginia Class), 1993
AN/SPG-X141: fire-control radar, fitted to Nemesis Class, 1986+
AN/SPS-88: rotating phased array, range 184 miles, simultaneously tracks 288 targets & engages up to 96 targets, 2030s
AN/SPS-575 (EADS 3D TRS-16): phased array radar, range 180km, simultaneously tracks 128 targets, fitted to USCG cutters, 2040s
AN/SPY-1K+: phased array 3-D radar, range 200 miles, simultaneously tracks 144 targets & engages up to 48 targets, fitted to LCS-40 Patriot Class, 2040s
AN/SPY-2A: Augmented AEGIS, fitted to USS Cunningham (CG-?)
AN/SPY-3C: phased array 3-D radar, range 250 miles, can simultaneously track 512 targets and engage up to 128 targets, 2030s
AN/SPY-3M: phased array 3-D radar, range 250 miles, simultaneously tracks 512 targets & engages up to 128 targets, exported to Norway & Spain, 2040s
AN/SPY-3D: phased array 3-D radar, range 250 miles, simultaneously tracks 512 targets & engages up to 128 targets, 2030s
AN/SPY-3H: phased array 3-D radar, range 250 miles, simultaneously tracks 512 targets & engages up to 128 targets, fitted to fictional Concord Class, 2030s
AN/SPY-4C: phased array 3-D radar, range 600 miles, simultaneously tracks 768 & engages up to 192 targets, fitted to Ranger Class CVNs, 2051
AN/SPY-4E: phased array 3-D radar, range 600 miles, simultaneously tracks 768 targets & engages up to 192 targets, fitted to Charleston Class CGNs, 2030s
AN/SPY-5D: phased array 3-D radar, range 800 miles, simultaneously tracks 1,152 targets & engages up to 288 targets, 2060s
AN/SPY-6S: phased array 3-D radar, lightweight system, range 250 miles, simultaneously tracks 512 targets & engages up to 128 targets, 2060s
AN/SPY-7B: phased array 3-D radar, developed from SPY-5J & 6S, range 720 miles, simultaneously tracks 920 targets & engages up to 324 targets, fitted to Gambier Bay CVENs, 2090s
AN/SPY-X10: fixed phased array radar, fitted to Nemesis Class, 1986+
AN/SPY-X12: fixed phased array radar, fitted to Nemesis Class, 1986+
AN/SPY-20: twin-array AEW radar for Lockheed Martin E-32B Pelican, 2040s
AN/SPX-1A: rotating phased array, range 400 miles, simultaneously tracks 576 targets & engages up to 144 targets, 2070s
AN/SPX-1L: rotating phased array for small craft, range 400 miles, simultaneously tracks 288 targets & engages up to 96 targets, 2079
AN/SQS-505: hull sonar, 2040s
AN/SQS-501: towed-array sonar, 2040s
Computerized Anti-missile Negation and Destruct Intercept (CANDI): fire-control system capable of handling 16 incoming targets, fitted to USS Sherman (CGN-?), 1993
‘Deep Eye’: experimental penetrating sonar described as "an X-ray for ice", fitted to USS Polar Sentinel (SSN-777), 2003-2010
Ewart Locator: electromagnetic ship detector, fitted to USS Nebraska (BB-14), 1904
Magnetic Field Generator: electromagnetic cloaking device, fitted to USS Stealth Cat One, 2002
Multi-purpose Autonomous Underwater System Mk. 1 (MAUS) (aka 'Mouse'): UUV, fitted to USS Towers (DDG-103) (fictional Flight III Burke variant), 2007-18
Naval Mobile-Response Strategic System: BGM-119 Fire Lance SLCM fire-control system, fitted to Nemesis Class, 1986+
OTH Radar: fitted to USS Jackson (CG-?), 1997
'Phase Shifter': electromagnetic cloaking device for all wavelengths, fitted to USS Whisper, 2010
Surface and Air Defence Integrated System (SADIS): combat command system, fitted to Nemesis Class, 1986+
SCAN: surveillance radar for Skyhook RPV, 1986+
Surveillance Phased Array Radar: 4x arrays, six-storey high ‘box’, fitted to USS Ralph R. Bennett, 1993
Westland Obliterator: EMP device to disable dynamos & electrical equipment, fitted to USS Nebraska (BB-14), 1904

Hood's Worklist
English Electric Canberra FD
Interwar RN Capital Ships
Never-Were British Aircraft

Last edited by Hood on February 3rd, 2019, 11:18 am, edited 18 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: List of Ships in FictionPosted: August 11th, 2017, 8:39 am
Posts: 136
Joined: September 18th, 2011, 2:20 pm
I have been updating my own (Novels/Comic Books only) version of the list since Hood's last update. The link below leads to the first page of my own listing, the entries made since the last update of this list start on page 23. ... 930.0.html

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Post subject: Re: List of Ships in FictionPosted: August 28th, 2017, 12:09 pm
Posts: 7232
Joined: July 31st, 2010, 10:07 am
The lists on pages 5 and 6 have been fully updated and re-organised to improve the readability.

The posts in order on these pages are:
Part I: 1850-1899
Part II: 1900-1945 (Nations A-G)
Part II: 1900-1945 (Nations I-Y)
Part III: 1945-2025 (Nations A-I)

Part III: 1945-2025 (Nations J-U)
Appendix I (aircatft), Appendix II (armaments) & Appendix III (radars & elec systems)
Part IV: 2025-2100 & Part V AU Nations and Non-State Ships

Hood's Worklist
English Electric Canberra FD
Interwar RN Capital Ships
Never-Were British Aircraft

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Post subject: Re: List of Ships in FictionPosted: August 29th, 2017, 3:00 pm
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Posts: 1641
Joined: February 21st, 2015, 12:03 am
Hi, Hood.
I have another fictional ship for your lists (but this one is before 1850). In the novel "Cabo Trafalgar" by Arturo Perez Reverte, the battle is narrated from the decks of a 74 gun ship of the line, named "Antilla" which was non-existent in the real life. Cheers.

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Post subject: Re: List of Ships in FictionPosted: August 30th, 2017, 8:34 am
Posts: 7232
Joined: July 31st, 2010, 10:07 am
I always welcome additions.
Partly the only reason why there are no pre-1850 ships is because sailing ships are out of my comfort zone, but there a great many fictional sailing vessels in fiction, though its surprising how big this list has grown and how many books and films keep turning up.

Hood's Worklist
English Electric Canberra FD
Interwar RN Capital Ships
Never-Were British Aircraft

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